Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Officially Met ["Three women lost consecutively around this month at Cajix Town. Curfew is now strictly implemented. They believe that the WOLVES are behind this case and their target is only woman for some unknown yet reason."] ["Inspector Colorado--"] The reporter is just about to ask the question when he immediately stole the mic. ["There's nothing to worry, the police department is now doing everything we can. My message that anyone who's behind this, 'I'm not scared of you, no matter how powerful organization you are. We had held the justice, no one...erm... no one can hinder justice!'"] He said, forgot the middle statement but still managed to continue. "Cops are really boastful," Jax said while sitting lazily on the couch and turned off the TV. As the lights fade out, he saw his reflection on the screen. Every scene flashing in his head felt like a needle penetrating his skull. He groans in pain, can't help but to pull his hair out of stress. He then remembered something so decided to stood up and drove his car. He went inside the hospital lobby and reached the receptionist. "My head is hurt, where can I find a doctor?" He asked. The nurse was unable to answer as she was being struck by his charm. "Uhm, excuse me?" He followed up. "A-are you a celebrity? Why I didn't know you?" The nurse said excitedly. Jax's eyebrows furrowed, "No, I'm not." "You better try to audition! Wait, can you dance? Or sing?" "I... ahh... think need to get rid of my headache first." "Oh, I'm sorry, the Neurology is over there," she pointed the stairway, "You goes up, turn to the left and walk straight until the end." "Thank you," He said and proceeded to his agenda. Once he has gone completely, her co-nurse tapped his shoulder, "I think you mislead him." "What?" She was surprised and looked above her to think for a second. Until she realized it and made her to dropped her jaw. "Yes, that's Psychiatry. The Neurology is on the right." –- "Psychiatry," Jax read the sign on the top of the door. He was confused, "Since when the town had a Psychiatry?" He recognized that he got the wrong door, but he then realized this is his perfect need. If he just knew it from the first place, he had visited for therapy a long time ago. He badly hoped one day that he would find someone to talk about his problem. Because he has no friends. And if he does, they were all just for his fame, money and s*x--fake--just like what he had once. And in his current situation, everyone who neard him life gone danger. Without hesitation, he twisted the knob and entered the room. But when he saw who's at the table, he froze. "Good morning--" Patricia greeted warmly but was also surprised. Patricia too. They both smiled and chuckled awkwardly. "I never thought you're the..." Patricia combed back the top of her ear, "Yeah," and she looked down below. Changing the atmosphere, she pointed to the chair, "Come and sit." Since Jax had sat down, they never took off their eyes from each other. " can I help you?" He forgotten the reason why he was here, until he remembered, "I... uhm..." Unable to tell the truth, he hesitated. Isn't it a huge turn off to show his vulnerability? And about the killing stuff, he's sure she will be terrored and would never get in touch with him anymore. And of course, he'll be reported to Police. About his past life, telling her even a small part of his story, he's sure anyone would felt disgrace unto him. "I... am sad?" Patricia didn't know how to hide his wide smile as if she heard a joke. But why is his answer sounds like asking a question? "Ok... then why are you sad?" She asked with uncertainty and trying to analyze him. "Because I'm lonely. I-I have no friend." She lent her hands, "Then let's be friends." He stared at her white hands first. It was his first time to touch her hands, but why it seems to be a big deal? When he accepted it, he felt it as smooth as silk, and the heat from her skin radiated through his body. He then remembered someone. "What else? Feel free to tell me anything, I won't judge." "You would really understand?" No hesitancy, she said, "Of course. That's how I being raised and so as my job." On that moment, Jax almost forgot all the consequences he may face if he will reveal all of his secrets. But still speechless as he doesn't know where to start. "I... uhh... d-do you know--I mean.... I don't know how to start it," he said calmly. But deep inside he started to get frustrated. Thoughts began to battle in his head. Hearing car noises, screaming woman, moans, laughs, and mixed music. His head began to explode again. "Don't force yourself. Just tell the words that comes to your mind. And we solved it like a puszzle." Hearing Patricia's voice made his thoughts blank, like a bubbles that had just gone all of a sudden. Suddely, her phone rang--it was Cassandra's number. "I'm sorry, give me a minute," she said to Jax, raising her hands telling him to wait. Jax just nooded. "Good morning--" ["She is still not in home!"] Cassandra's mother sobbed. Patricia's face turned into downcast, that made Jax tried to analyze the situation caused by worrying, "I'm so sorry, if only I could do something for Cassandra," she said to the line. ["Wait, the police is here. I'll talk to you later."] The call end. "What happened?" "It was Cassandra, one of the three missing woman. She's once my client and I felt terrible for her situation. I hope she's okay." "What if she wasn't okay?" "I... can't forgive who did this to her," she answered. Jax can only do is to shut his mouth and to gulped. "By the way, let's continue our session." "I... uh... I think that's all. I'm just feeling lonely since I moved in this town." He closed the topic, blocking the reality with a smile. –- Five pm, it's time for Patricia to take off her uniform and go home. As she passed outsde through the door, an unexpected familiar voice shocked her. "Patricia." She turned into him, made her eyebrows crossed to each other, "Jax? W-what are you still doing here?" "I just waited for you." "I'm sorry for making you wait. Do you need something?" "No, I would just offer my car to ride you home. You know, the town isn't safe anymore to walk alone, specially to women." Patricia needed to choose between her dilemmas. She looked to left and right while thinking. Until she was left with no choice but to accept the offer. "Jax, you don't need to do this everytime we met." "We're friends now, right? What are friends for?" Patricia can't help but to felt touched and smiled. "Okay, but upto terminal again only, deal?" "But, are you really sure you are safe then?" "Yes, my appartment is on the route." "As long as can I make sure you're safe reaching the terminal everyday--deal." "Everyday? You don't need to oblige yourself. You must also need time for yourself." "I told you not to worry me." Convinced, plus she also badly needed this kind of help, "Okay, deal.". Since then, Yahir is the one who ride her home everyday, but one day, Yahir became too busy and was unable to do this for her anymore. Now, unexpectedly, someone had take in charge. What a warm hearted hearing the offer of making her safe from the danger directly with the murderer. *** ]mvcabusas[
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