Chapter 35

1115 Words

"No. You shut up! I am here but you are far away," I frown into the video call with Brent and he just groans. Through the corner of my eye, I see Devon walking to the living room and sitting in front of me on the sofa. The day had not been so eventful because I didn't get to meet my mother. But Devon and I just drove around and I showed him my school and college and he absolutely enjoyed knowing more of my childhood. I don't know why he is this excited to know everything about me when he doesn't let me know about him. "Oh! And I heard that your boyfriend is a snack. When are you going to show him to me?" Brent asks and just like that, Devon looks at me with a smirk. I know that if Devon and Brent start talking to each other, then the entire population of my life will hate Nyle fore

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