Episode 1 Jasmine POV

527 Words
I awoke with a start sitting upright on the bed "so it was just a f*****g dream" I muttered to myself. " The truth is I never knew the meaning of that dream or why my parents chose to go out that fateful day and got into an accident, it's so sad i dream about them almost everyday, well enough of my self-loathing I looked at the alarm clock and it was 7am. " s**t am late for my morning shift" I hurriedly rushed to the bathroom and did my thing, I came out and I heard a knock at the door, " s**t he is early" i quietly tiptoed to the window and jumped out. -----------Authoress k writes--------- I ran as fast as my legs could carry me..I didn't want the man who was supposed to sell the house see me, I didn't have anywhere to go, so i arrived at my work destination and the first thing that greeted me was my sack letter. I cleaned the tears that threatened to fall and I left working further down the road with a lot of my mind, it was still morning and the streets were busy as hell. I found a coffee shop down the road and I sat down there and eventually fell asleep... when I woke up...it was late in the evening...I realized the bartender there helped me with some pillows, so I thanked him ...stood up and continued walking down the road....I never had any destination in mind....I kept walking....soon the moon came out.and it was now very dark. Minutes later "Hey, you come over here" I turned towards the direction of the voice and I saw some group of men probably drunk , it was then i realized that i was walking on a lonely Alley... and at that point I felt some sort of danger and i shouted at them. "Hey don't you dare come any closer" retracting my steps backwards "oh so this little girlie can talk hmm"one of them said bringing his hands to my face but I moved back...at the same time raising my leg to give him a kick at his groin and he cried out....I knew they outnumbered me so I turned in an unknown direction and started running with the little strength I had... shouting at the same time..."Save me.." As I ran.....I looked and saw Three men standing far ahead with their car headlights on, so I approached them and fell on their feet holding the leg of the one in the middle."save me"I pleaded " They are after me, they want to hurt me" i said shakily and where's i turn my head back I noticed my pursuers were already present and i held his leg tightly... and that is when I heard him speak "I wonder what set of humans will pursue an innocent girl in the middle of the night, are you guys humans at all?" I looked up at him and his eyes met mine and I immediately looked away "what is your name?" he asked "Jas... Jasmine" I stuttered "it's okay Jasmine you are safe now" he said.....
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