Episode 2: " I wonder what set of humans will pursue an innocent girl"...Draven quotes

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My pursuers came closer and ordered him "Hey get out of our way, let's deal with this girl" he raised his hands to touch me but before his hands could reach me I heard a bone cracking "aaahh.... let me go" the man cried out "I don't think so" he answered and before I knew it he turned the man's wrist tossing him into the nearby pole and he fell down with a thud, when the others saw what he did to their leader they charged at him and he did a spinning kick sending them crashing to the ground...he walked with steady steps towards them,bent down and asked "Do you still want the girl now?" "No..No please spare us" they cried out "Draven let's go...that's enough" the other guy who stood by the right said and I observed while the fight was going on they never left where they stood... and I stood up tiredly and walked to where my savior stood. "Thank you for saving me" he stood up to look at me and nod his head.. I turned and saw a rod lying on the floor I carried it with the little strength I had, bringing it down I smashed my pursuers head one after the other... "Hey what are you doing stop it", he rushed and collected the rod from my hands. DRAVEN POV I quickly collected the rod from her hands "Hey that's enough" "let me go" she shouted and started sobbing and then she collapsed on the floor, I called my brothers "Don't just stand there, help me carry her to the car" "Wow i have never seen a girl so daring"Derek commended "I think I'm in love with her already" he added "Stop blabbering nonsense, and open the car" Damon added while glaring at him, I carried the girl into our car and we Zoom off. My Garden Estate-Authoress POV Damon packed the car in the garage and Draven carried Jasmine inside the mansion,he took her to his room and placed her on the king sized bed "quick get me the maid" Draven told Derek "why me? why not send Damon" Derek retorted. "Derek what is wrong with you?" Draven asked Getting annoyed. "ok fine, I will go no need to look at me like that" with the statement he left. some minutes later the door opened revealing a maid with a towel and some warm water , she handover the equipments and left. "I will be in the gym, you do know she is not welcome to stay here "Damon who was quietly watching everything spoke glancing at the girl on the bed, "what if she doesn't have a home, we have no choice but to accommodate her " Draven answered. "This isn't an orphanage Draven" he spoke again... "oh yes it is Damon... don't forget we were once like this girl." Draven again replied... just then Derek returned and heard them talking. "Well Well well, why am I getting the feeling that this girl is about to cause my lovely brothers here to kill each other huh,"Derek added tapping his leg on the ground.."why don't we wait for the girl to wake up before we decide her fate huh, what do you guys think?"he finished his statement and smiled at them... "Anyway if you need me Draven you know what to do and please, don't kill each other while am away " Derek pat their shoulder and leave the room... while Draven continue to pat Jasmine forehead with the towel soak with warm. water.
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