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Alisa "What are you talking about?" I gave him a look sharper than a knife's edge as his words hit me like lightning. It was one thing to have me come here, another thing to drug me and make me have dinner with him even though that was not completely against my will, but if Drey thought I was going to stand here and let him rub salt over my wound he had another thing coming. "I've been researching," he said in a quiet tone, the pain reflected in his eyes told me I was not going to like the outcome of whatever research he had been doing. "What research?" I asked, yanking my hand away from him and putting some much-needed space between us. It was my only option to think clearly, the more space between us, the better my chances were of thinking my words—and actions—through. His silence blared in my ears, and I felt my patience run out with each silent tick of the clock. "Are you going to tell me or will you just leave me hanging Drey?" "Maybe you need to take a seat for this," he said smoothly as he steered me back to the chair. I was too nervous to do anything but tap my foot impatiently as I waited for him to drop what would be an obvious bomb. "I'll stand, tell me," I said, glaring at him. He looked like he was going to protest against my choice, but decided against it and took long strides away from me leading him back into the house. Just like in the bedroom earlier, he had me riled up, just where he wanted me and I knew it was no surprise to him that I followed behind him, nervously anticipating what he was about to tell me. Despite it happening so long ago, the topic of the accident had always been a sore spot for me, for obvious reasons. And on most days, I did not want to do so much as think about that night but today I was the one inquiring desperately about it. Drey knew I was curious to know what he was talking about and being the man I knew him to be, he took full advantage of it. "Here, drink," he handed me a half-full glass of an amber liquid, and I considered turning it down, but it made no sense to. At least that would help with my nerves. "Go on?" I pressed after taking a sip, ignoring the way it burned through my throat, leaving a dry and tart feeling. With Drey I did not need to worry about my lightheadedness, he would never let me go beyond myself. Still, that one sip would be enough for a long while. He took a seat across from me on the couch, sipping his drink with precise slowness as he eyed me carefully, "After the articles with Stella two months ago, I thought it would be a good idea to find out what really happened with your family and I hired an investigator to dig deeper." If looks could kill, he sure would be dead at this point with the glower I was sending him, "you what?!" "Before you get upset..." "Oh, I am beyond upset," I cut him short, crossing my arms across my chest. Ignoring me, he continued, "The press was trolling you constantly and I hated how hurt you were after Stella took advantage of that one weakness you had, I needed something to help them get off your back." "What happened to letting them believe you and I had nothing to do with each other anymore?" I bit back, tilting my head in disbelief. "This was before I came up with that solution. The investigation was taking longer than I expected and the tabloids were still trolling you so I had to come up with a temporary solution until I had all the details." "You're very wrong if you think that's a good enough reason to dig into my family's past," how could he, "especially when you know better than most how the topic makes me feel." "I only did it because I know how it makes you feel Alisa." he was on his feet and taking my hand, pulling me into him again before my lips could utter a protest. "I hate that you blame yourself for it, Alisa. I hate that Stella used that advantage of that to break us apart. And I hate that those leaches had a chance to hurt you with that incident. But Alisa you should know that you are the most beautiful, kindest, strongest woman I have met and I never want you to see yourself as anything otherwise." "That's easier said than done," I whispered, willing myself not to break down in tears, as memories accompanied by the familiar feeling of guilt flooded my thoughts. Drey's fingers flew to my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "Stop it right now," he commanded like he knew exactly what was going through my mind. How did he always do that? He read me like a book, saw right through me even without me having to say a word. "I didn't tell you any of this just to take you back to that grief." Before I had met Drey it had weighed on me much harder, but after my first night in his house, in his arms, I had much better control of my emotions. Maybe it was how he held me and reassured me that night, maybe it was knowing he had me, that he was there holding me whenever my demons summoned me and kept me locked in a nightmare. Maybe it was knowing that after so many years there was someone that could stay for me despite knowing the monster in me. But that was not enough. I wanted so badly to believe that it was not my fault, but as I said before, easier said than done. I did not—could not—resist as he led me to the sofa. He made me sit and crouched down next to me on one knee. His piercing deep blue eyes and the warmth of his hands on me offered more comfort than I had allowed myself in months and I found myself inching closer for just a little more of him. "I was just so young and stupid." "Young yes," he said and then with a stern undertone added, "stupid, no." "Are you going to tell me what the outcome of your investigation was?" Drey stiffened as I steered the ball back to his court. With a quick tick of his jaw, he got to his feet, grabbing his drink along, "The results are inconclusive yet." "Inconclusive?" "There is a theory, and with all, I have seen so far, I know it's not just a theory, but I was going to wait until I received concrete proof before telling you." "What is the theory?" I asked, my impatience taking front seat again. A few precious seconds slipped by before he turned to me again, "The accident would have happened with or without the distraction." I scoffed out a pained, "right. And let me guess this is not just a trick of yours to make me feel better and get me in your bed again?" He invaded my space for the third time this evening, only this time, he had a deathly look on his face. It was enough to send shudders wracking through me, "I don't need a trick, Alisa. Not to make you feel better and most certainly not to get you back in my bed." He leaned closer, close enough for his scent to fill my senses and a light brush of his hard, stubbled jaw against my collar bone sent depraved thought flashing through my mind. The way my body heated, causing me to clamp my knees together was yet another good reminder of how weak I was when it came to him. But apart from that, it was proof of how much my body missed Drey. Even if it would take a lot more to get me admitting that fact, I needed Drey, wanted to be back in his arms again, craved his touch, that feeling only his hands on my body could give me. And from the smirk on his face, from every damn thing that had happened in the last 24 hours, he knew. "I'm sure history has proven that I can achieve both without having to go through such thorny means." His words should have been enough to make me even more upset—if they were anything but the truth. Certain he had made his point clear, he pushed back away from me, and suddenly my body felt empty and I missed the heat from his closeness. Pushing my depraved thoughts down, I cleared my throat, "Are you going to give me details?" "I'm working with the investigator towards getting more concrete details, but what you should know is that with all the circumstances surrounding the accident, it would have happened whether or not you were in that car." I shook my head, "I don't believe it." Something flashed in his eyes so quickly I could not tell what it was. Or maybe I could. The way his eyes narrowed told me he was fighting off annoyance now. And when he spoke, his words, rough and low confirmed my suspicion, "it's the third time you have insinuated that I was lying to you tonight beautiful. I am not a liar and if it happens a fourth time, I do not mind having you over my knee and taking my hand to your bare ass until you are reminded of the fact." Instead of the dread I expected, shameless arousal rippled through me. A vivid reminder of the first time he had left the weight of his palm on my ass raced through my mind. The sting, the burn, the arousal, the anticipation. All of it mixed in a frenzy that left me crazed and intoxicated for more. Scratch my resolve to stay away from this man, I was a few seconds away from breaking down from all the s****l tension hanging in the air. Drey shoved his hands in his pocket, retrieving his phone, "but since you need proof, maybe you'll feel better if you talk to the investigator yourself." "No," I said quickly, earning a raised brow from him, "I didn't mean to imply you were lying, but all of this information is both strange and new to me, and I'm sorry if I'm not reacting exactly how you imagined." I chewed on my bottom lip, contemplating how to put the words right, "for most of my life, I have only felt one way about that accident, and hearing all of these just makes me question myself and everything I've known all my life." He gave me a much-needed look full of love and understanding, "Trust me, baby, I know" so we were back to endearments, this train was really moving fast, "and I did not mean to just pop all of this on you Alisa, but you need to know that it was not your fault. Your mother and sister did not die because of something you did. It was bound to happen." "You sound so sure," He prowled closer, pushing a stray loc of my hair away. I felt the warmth of his palm on my cheek, caressing smoothly and my eyes drifted close for a brief second as I relished his touch. "I am sure. I always have been, because there is no way I want to believe that this woman right in front of me, so delicate and beautiful and kind would ever hurt much less kill anyone. Even if it was an accident, even if you were just a child." "Do you really have that much faith in me?" "I do because I love you, Alisa." My mouth went dry at his confession. It was the second time, and although I was not blinded by my tears and the pain of choosing dad over him, it still felt like a dream to hear him say that to me. That he loved me. I wish he knew just how much those words meant to me. I opened my mouth to tell him, but was stopped by his fingers against my lip, "You don't have to say it back. Hell, you don't have to say anything. I know this is all so much to take in and your emotions are still a little messy right now. And I know you still need some time to process, which is absolutely fine, take as much as you need, just as long as you are not blaming and hurting yourself over their deaths." If he was doing so much just to see me come out of this, he really did care about me. There was no longer any room in my heart for doubt because as I looked into his eyes, I got proof of his unrestrained love for me. Drey loved me. The truth of that realization burst through my consciousness, piercing just as deep as a knife through my heart. It was just as deep as the pain I had put myself through all these months, only this time, it was the good kind of feeling. The feeling from knowing that the man you loved, loved you just as much. My heart thumped with an irregular rhythm and a soft gasp escaped my mouth as I held on to him, needed to confirm if this was all real. If it was really happening. And yes it was. "I'm meeting with the investigator in a few days," Drey spoke, bringing my attention back to his face that could make angels weep, "do you want to come?" We both knew the answer to that. If there was an answer buried in my past that would finally free me of the burden of carrying this guilt, heavens knew I would take it without a second thought. Speaking of second thoughts, there was none as I launched into his arms, burying my face in his chest. My emotions were at a peak and I willed them to stay in check. The last thing I needed was for Drey to be worried about me crying. Besides all I had done was cry myself to stupor in the last two months, maybe I could reflect on some new light in my life. Not now tears. "Thank you so much, Drey," I whispered against his chest. With a low grunt, he had his strong arms looped around me. That possessive hold that my body was already familiar with, that told whoever cared to listen that I was his. Because no matter how much I denied it to him, we both knew I belonged to Drey, in every sense possible. Heart, body, soul. We just had to work through our issues first. Right. Issues. Issues like Stella and the threat that hung over me like a shadow everywhere I went. Dad. Love was never just enough, I had learned that hard lesson the first time. Drey might be right, it might not have been my fault mom and Heather had died, but that did not mean that it had to be my fault dad got hurt. The reminder of how f****d up things still was between us was enough for me to pull away from him. Drey sensed my worries the moment I shifted away from him. I knew he could from that knowing look he gave me, and I looked away, not wanting to answer the question I knew was forthcoming. Only, it was not a question. "Look at me," his command was followed by his hand on my chin, forcing me to obey. "You're thinking about her again." "It's so hard to be around you and not think about her," regret washed through me the moment the words were out. But then again there was that understanding in his eyes, as he tangled his fingers in my hair, pulling me closer, "I know, and I'm sorry." He was sorry? There were only a few times where Drey used terms like that and this was not one of the times he should have. If anyone should have been sorry, I was the one. I had walked away from him and hurt him. "You don't have to be Drey, you have nothing to be sorry for." my eyes drifted to the darkness outside, "but maybe it's time for me to leave." "It's a long way back to New York," "I'll manage," the words were out, but my disobedient body remained unmoving, daring me to go through with my words. "Let me take you back home tomorrow morning," he offered, inching closer until our noses were brushing while he trailed his thumb over my bottom lip. I knew at that point though that I had lost whatever argument was brewing. But not without a fight "Ron would worry," "Drew will take care of that, they know you're with me." I did not miss the unspoken term 'safe.' Because even my friends knew I was safe with Drey. "You won't give this up would you?" I asked, latching on to whatever form of resolve I had even though at this point that too had been brought to non-existence by him and his tempting proposal. "Spend the night with me, Alisa." 
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