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Drey Alisa Emerson was not a woman that could just be drunk out of one's system. That knowledge though did not stop me from trying. She could not be f****d out easily either, even though that was an option I had no interest in exploring The loud rumble of lighting followed by the darkening clouds informed me that it was going to be yet another rainy morning in July. Another good reason to drown myself in drinking without having to explain myself to anyone. Taking a long sip of my bourbon, I took a closer look at the street below me through my office window. Tons of people crammed the streets hurrying to make it in time for whatever appointments they had to keep before the downpour. I groaned in annoyance as a soft knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. "Enter!" The clicking sounds of Amanda's heels filled the air and I did not need to see her face to know the disappointment plastered across it. She never said a word, but I knew she was not the biggest fan of my new bad habit. "Mr. Carlson?" she spoke in her usual soft tone, but I could hear the unspoken words. "drinking again?" "I know, it's a little too early," I answered before she'd ask. "I was not going to judge you, sir. I have no right to," I could tell she meant those words, but I shrugged them off anyways. "What do you want Amanda?" "Drew is here." Great. I was about to get another lecture from yet another person who was looking out for me but still managed to piss me off. Getting to my feet, I undid the buttons on my suit jacket, frowning as I realized it was close but not a matching color with the waistcoat. Yes, my life was that messy at this point. "Let him in," I said even though I would much preferably not see or talk to anyone right now. Or ever. With the obvious exception of the one woman who had made me fall head over heels in love with her. "Would you like me to reschedule your meetings to a few hours longer?" "What meetings?" she opened her mouth to answer but I waved it off. "It does not matter, cancel them." "Sir, these are very important investors..." "Cancel it," I growled again, trying to keep my cool. I knew Amanda only meant well.  "It would be the third deal lost this month, Mr. Carlson, we cannot afford so much loss." she pressed further, refusing to back down. "For f***s sake Amanda, I think I have more than enough resources to decide to close Carlson Corp this f*****g minute." I roared, giving her a sharp look and resting the urge to slam the glass on the table. From the look on her face, she felt shocked and hurt by it. "I'm the f*****g boss here, so if I say cancel, I mean f*****g cancel it." She looked away as her face paled, she was probably holding back tears. "Of...of course. right away." she stuttered. "And I meant all my meetings for today," I was halfway through pouring myself another pint when Drew strolled in. The part of me that did not envy his lack of my problems and ability to keep his head above water admired his good looks this morning. His dirty blonde hair was pushed back, with a few locs falling over his face. He wore a white button-down and a perfectly tailored black pair of jeans. Then there were those green eyes that I had witnessed countless women sway over. He looked much more put together right now, I only had a suit on because I was at the office and my beard had not seen a razor in maybe a month or more. "Being an ass to Amanda again?" despite the playfulness in his tone I knew he took Amanda very seriously and I felt terrible for being a d**k to her. "What do you want?" I asked, bringing the drink to my lips. "I'll take that," he said snatching the glass from me before I could get a sip. "thanks" "You could have just asked," I took the bottle ready to take a swig directly. "This too," he snatched it again. "Did you really come here on a Monday morning to piss me off?" I growled, glaring at him. "I'm guessing that's your second bottle this morning," he raised a brow, "take a break brother." He grinned and took his seat across from me, still clutching the bottle and glass. Moving to the window again, I watched as the rain slowly started to beat on the air-tight glass. I wondered what Alisa was doing at the moment. Maybe she was taking a walk, or somewhere out with Ron. But more than that I wished I could speak to her at the moment. Maybe call her, visit her, just something to ease this aching inside me. Considering how all the texts I had sent her had been left unanswered I knew that was just wishful thinking. The stretched silence in the room was nearly deafening and I turned to see if Drew had left, but just found him looking out the window too. Usually, he would be grilling me about leaving Alisa only to become an alcoholic early every morning. Well if I stayed away from her much longer I would be well on my way.  "How is she?" I hated putting my brother in a situation where his loyalty as Alisa's friend was tested but I could not help myself. In the last few months, I had coerced every piece of information I could about her out of him. For the sake of my dignity, I had not involved Amanda too, not yet. "Call her if you need to know," he said flatly. At least this time he did not make me go through the painful experience of groveling by pretending not to know who I was talking about. "Also do not pretend not to know how she's doing. I know you're keeping tabs on her." "Why would I be?" I looked away, back at the window. It was true that I had kept tabs on Alisa for the last two months. Maybe I went a little overboard with having her watched from the moment she left her apartment until she was home safe but I could not bear the thought of not knowing she was safe. She had asked for space and I had to be man enough to give it to her even though being away from her killed me every f*****g day. "You're not fooling me Drey." he got to his feet, "I just needed to check on you, and make sure you weren't drowning yourself in drinking." he gave me stern look before adding, "again." "How thoughtful," I grinned forcefully. "I'm headed over to Alisa's," he said giving me an expectant look. "Good," I said trying to act unaffected by his words. Maybe I could ditch the grown man giving her space act and jump in the car with Drew and finally get to calm these raging feelings. Just a glimpse of her face would do more than enough. But I had pushed Alisa far enough. The least I could do was to respect her enough to leave her alone at least for now. "I'll see you around bro," he said strutting towards the door. With his hand on the doorknob, he turned to me and raised the bottle, and then said in a dead serious voice said, "if you keep up with this, I'll have Amanda wipe out your bar." Despite myself, I chuckled. "That'll do," I stared back out the window, watching the rain come down in faster beats, yet all I could see was her. I was never a man to grovel and sulk over a woman. It had always been the other way round. Maybe because it was always just f*****g and f*****g alone. Alisa was more than that to me. I had let her reach down into my heart and now without even knowing it she had crushed my defenses and made me helplessly in love with her. Helplessly because no matter how much I wanted to hate her for leaving, resent her for her choice, I could not stop loving Alisa. Not in a thousand years, not in a f*****g lifetime. She had my entire being f****d up. If I was going to go through today without going crazy I needed to clear my head. Usually, a glass of bourbon and scotch would do the trick but I wouldn't put it past my brother to go through with his words. Besides he was right, I had to take a break. After throwing my suit back on, I grabbed my keys and headed out through the door. In my state, a long drive in the rain with thoughts of Alisa—and all the things I wanted to do to her—swirling through my brain would be just as intoxicating. **** All roads lead to her. I thought as my long drive led me to none other than Alisa's apartment. I arrived just in time to see her walk into her building with Drew following behind her. A reporter huffed away from the building, clearly disappointed for some reason. Drew must have protected her from him. Good. Only a few people occupied the building and I was sure if I waited long enough, I would see her come out again. Maybe to work or something. I could easily just walk up the stairs and knock on her door, but I didn't dare. Instead, I settled into the seat, thankful for the tinted windows and rain that would help to keep me hidden enough. I did not need her or anyone to know I was here. My wait was finally rewarded after what felt like only an eternity later. Alisa's eyes swept through the street below from where she stood at the window. She still had that charm that made me forget how to breathe whenever I saw her face. Even from the distance, I could recognize the sadness on her face, reflecting mine. Just like me, she wanted to end this, wanted to be back in my arms again but she was holding back. And that thought was even more gut-wrenching. When she finally recognized the car, her eyes went wide, her cheeks burned with a beautiful shade of awareness and shock. Her grip on the cup tightened and I could sense the uncertainty in her eyes as she took a double-take probably questioning herself. Every muscle in my body ached to roll the window down or climb out and let her see that her sight was not failing her. That I was really here for her because I could not think of anything or anyone else. There was no room in my heart. That even with this distance that stretched between us, she was still mine, always had, always would be. But that would mean breaking my promise to stay away. I needed Alisa to trust me again before I made a move, and doing that might just ruin whatever little ounce of trust she had built in these last two months. For now, I could see for myself that she was safe and that would just have to be enough for me. As she tilted her head away from me, probably to speak to Drew, I brought the car to life, taking one last look at her, before zooming off into the streets. A choice that took every ounce of strength I gathered. *** The beat of the music thumped quietly against the wall. It was one of the major perks of having this room in the club. It was not only private but also kept all of the noise from the music away. Two weeks after my visit to Alisa, which was not exactly a visit but me stalking her, I decided it was time to take some fresh air. Okay, that was not entirely true. I had heard Drew make plans over the phone this afternoon and it sounded like he would be here tonight. Considering how close he and Alisa had grown in these last few months, I was sure she would be here too. So like the helpless lover I had become, I got myself cleaned up, threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt—casualness was vital to keep my identity safe, the last thing I needed was for her or those leaches to know I was here tonight—and dragged my ass all the way to this club in the hopes of seeing her. I had talked Alexis into coming under the farce of wanting to talk about business, but really just needing a cover-up just in case it came to that. "Earth to Drey!" Alexis snapped his fingers, drawing my attention and I realized I was lost again watching her. Thanks to the one-way window, I could have an overview of everyone at the club—including Alisa—without being seen. She looked like she was having the time of her life and Ron her best friend, was busy glaring at all the hungry eyes lusting after her. It was a death glare capable of scaring them off. I could not blame them, more than once, I had had to hide a painfully hard erection from Alexis after seeing her in that dress. But I was thankful to have her friends there to look after her tonight, or so I thought. I growled in annoyance as she downed the second glass of her drink. Alisa could not handle so much and if she was going to leave here on her two feet, that had to be her last drink for the night.  But I had a doubt it would. Drew and Amanda were lost in their own little world and while I was happy they were finally hitting it off, the possessive animalistic urge to protect Alisa needed them to focus on her instead.  "I was listening to you," I said, tearing my eyes away from her. "You were? Great, I'm sure you'll be ready to sign the deal now?" he called my bluff, holding out a pen to me. "Let's just go over it one more time," I took my seat again and took a swig from my glass, willing myself to focus on my friend. "Jesus man," he huffed, clearly annoyed at having to repeat it a fourth time. With a sigh, he took a seat next to me and gave me a stern look. "Why are we here tonight?" I shrugged and tilted my head towards the paper waiting to be signed on the table. But he was not buying it. "Don't bullshit me, Carlson. I have been asking to get over this deal for weeks and when you finally have the time to meet you choose this club?" "I like the aura here." "f**k that, who have you been watching?" he got to his feet and stalked to the window. "No one," I growled, downing my drink and joining him. He tilted his head to me give me a look full of realization, "Is this about that girl? Your assistant?" "What about her?" I shrugged. "Don't give me that 'I don't care' attitude, you know what I'm talking about." "Alisa and I broke up." I swallowed hard at the painful reminder. "Figured," I raised a brow and he added quickly, "the tabloids have had your picture with almost every important bachelorette in New York. It was pretty obvious you were no longer together." Right, the damn tabloids. It was the first time they were doing something good for me. The media had been cruel with Alisa, or would I say she simply had no secrets anymore. Every single detail of her life had been sold and plastered across gossip sites for weeks. And the inevitable followed. She was tracked and bombarded with questions and her privacy was only further breached after our breakup. Thankfully, Drew had been there to protect her in my place, but that could only suffice for so long. I had come up with a solution to keep them away from her. The more unimportant they thought Alisa was to me, the less attention they gave her. And what better way to do that than letting them think I was with a different woman every week. Sure it did not go without the brunt of hurting Alisa, but at least, they left her alone. "It's a shame though," Alexis shrugged, moving back to the papers, "I know you liked her." Wrong, I f*****g loved her. I f*****g love her. Ignoring him, I picked up the pen. "Let's just get this done with this last time." *** The night had gone far on, past midnight, and Alexis and I had concluded the details of our meeting. Nothing was holding me back now from watching her all I wanted. Except for Alexis. "Why are you still here?" "I'm a man in a club filled with pretty asses, you tell me." he grinned as his gaze roamed the ground below us. "let's go over, make a few new friends you know." There was only one person I was interested in speaking to and I did not want to make friends with her. I wanted to f**k her, hold her against the wall, jerk her dress up, and fulfill all the thoughts I had pent up inside me for weeks. I wanted to spank her ass red for teasing the f**k out of me in that dress that this time barely covered her ass or her t**s. Those belonged to me, in my mouth, in my hands, on my c**k—alone. If wishes were horses... "I thought you're supposed to be gay?" I raised a brow, averting his offer. He chuckled, "Who says I only have to be gay?" "Good for you man." I raised my glass to him. "So, what do you say?" My eyes focused on Alisa again, alert filled my senses as she slumped on the sofa next to Drew, but I relaxed again as she started giggling. She looked happy and content. That was what she deserved and maybe that was what her life would be without me in it. I did not deserve her. Yet she was the only woman I craved. "I'll pass." "Really?" he gave me a disbelieving look. "Is this about her, because if it is you should either call her up or f**k her out of your system before it's too late." As if I don't know that. Although at this point it was already too late. "I'm fine Alexis, go." my eyes shifted back to her, this time there was a tray of shots on the table. What the hell was Ron and Drew thinking letting her drink again? "They're letting her drink too much," I growled in frustration, running my hand through my overgrown hair. "Who?" Alexis asked, following my sight. "Ah, so that's what's getting your attention all night." "She's not supposed to be drinking this much, she cannot handle it." "And what are you doing about it?" he questioned. "Alisa does not want me around her right now," I said, ignoring the stab at my heart. He peered down at her again, she looked pretty washed out at this point, "from the looks of it, she needs you." just as I needed her. "I don't want to hurt her man," I said honestly, it was better if I stayed away. I would have Liam take them all home. "If you care enough to stay away from her for her good, then I refuse to believe that you are capable of hurting her." That would have been true if I had never hurt her before. I may not have done so directly but Alisa was put in danger more than once because of me. Even though I had exiled Stella, she was still exposed to her fears and those threats would only stay away if I stayed away. Yet the will to resist her was faltering, and at an even faster pace as Alisa got to her feet and stalked away from the table. Without her f*****g shoes on.  "Just for tonight, take care of her tonight and make sure she does not get into trouble," Alexis said. Just for tonight. No more. But I knew that was a lie because Alisa was one of those things I could not just have a taste of and walk away from. If I went down there, there would be no stopping me.  *** "Where's Alisa?" I asked her friends who seemed pretty wasted too but were doing a better job handling it. "s**t, Drey, what are you doing here?" my brother spoke, staring at me with wide eyes. He still looked pretty sober, but not sober enough. "Where is she?!" I barked. "Ladies' room," Amanda answered, she looked like she had just been caught in the middle of a crime. I had no problem with my employees drinking after work, but they would be receiving a lot of sht from me later for letting Alisa drink so much. I turned to Alexis who was at my side, "I'll get her, take care of them." "Jesus no need to be a jerk every time," Ron spoke, clearly annoyed at my presence. "she can take care of herself." Finding the area for the restrooms was not hard, and it took no time to find Alisa either. She was slumped on the wall, bouncing from one foot to the other as she got in the long wait for the loo. She looked upset though. A contrast to her giggling face just minutes ago. As I stood in the dark, waiting for her I realized the reason for that was a man standing across from her. He was also waiting in line, clearly boozed up for one night and unwilling to keep his c**k in his pants. He said something to her, inaudible from where I stood, and Alisa gave him a disgusted look as she raised a middle finger to him. My girl. The man was on her in a flash, hands reaching out to touch her. Which would be none of my business if she was anyone else's. Except she was mine. I jumped in front of her just in time to catch the man flying fist from reaching her. "Lay a finger on her and you'll be leaving here in a body bag." The man had a mixture of shock and annoyance on his face as I pushed him aside. He probably realized he was no match for me and stepped back grudgingly. I turned to meet Alisa's eyes. They were disbelieving like she could hardly believe I was here. I could hardly believe I was standing this close to her after months of craving her. "Are you okay?" I asked, looking over her body for any signs of the bastard's hands on her. She did not answer, instead, she swayed on her feet, falling right into my arms. "Let's get you out of here," I said taking her arm, but she was still and unmoving. "What are you doing here?" she asked, but I barely got the chance to give an answer—not like I had one—before she clutched her stomach and desperately skidded to the trash can. She grabbed at it desperately just in time to empty the contents of her stomach into it. It was like we were on a trip down memory lane, the club, the music, the drunk vomiting except this time there was the clause that we had not done so much as spoken in months. Leaning over her, I held her hair up, making soothing circles on her back. "Why do you always have to be here at my most embarrassing moments," she whined as I helped her back to her feet. Ignoring her question, I took my handkerchief and wiped her lips and chin. "Come on, let's get you out of here." I expected her to resist, but instead, she simply said, "I have to pee first,"   *** We barely made it out of the club, before she passed out. That though was not before protesting all the way as I made her come with me. Drew and the others were already out in the parking lot when I put her carefully into the car. He shot me an apologetic look as I approached them but that did nothing to ease my fury. "What the f**k were you all thinking?" I barked. "You guys were supposed to f*****g take care of her." "Alisa just needed some out time," Ron yelled back, "In case you haven't noticed my best friend has been a mess since you hurt her and I think Alisa is old enough to decide to get drunk at a club if she wants." "Well the least you could have done was watch over her and make sure she was okay," I balled my hand in a fist, resisting the urge to let it kiss Ron's face. "I'm sorry Mr. Jerk, not everyone can be a control freak like you." I neither had the time nor the mood to do this right now. And the last thing I needed was to ruin my chances with Alisa right now by beating her best friend to a pulp while she was unconscious in my front seat. I turned to Drew, "I'll deal with this later." "I'm sorry man," "Give me your keys, I'll have Liam take you guys home." It took a good level of restraint to keep my cool as Ron muttered, "Control freak," under his breath. I signaled over to Liam who was still standing where I left him by the car. After giving him the keys, I gave Liam instructions to drop the trio off—even if Alisa was my first priority, I knew it would be suicide to let any of them drive right now. Ron was not happy that Alisa would be coming with me, but relaxed when I told him I would bring her home tonight. I lied. He promised to have my balls though if I did not bring her home in one piece which was both amusing and relieving.  "What about you sir?" Liam asked as I stalked back to my car. "I'm not coming home tonight, take care of my brother and those two. I'm taking Alisa somewhere." But I was not taking her just anywhere. I was taking her home.
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