Chapter 3

1462 Words
“It’s been a month Olive, come back home!” my mother yells and I move the phone away from my ear, putting it on speaker I place the phone on the bathroom sink and stare at myself in the mirror. I see a pathetic excuse for a person, the resentment in my eyes does not match how broken my heart is. But this resentment is mostly towards myself because I saw the signs but I stayed, I let myself get played like a fool because I hoped that someone who never gave me a second glance will somehow turn around and love me. You fool! My fist connects with the mirror as I yell in frustration. “Olive! Is everything alright? Olive, talk to me!” I gingerly touch my bloody hand and wince at the pain, “No need to panic mother. It’s just another day of me letting out my frustrations,” my tone is harsh but at this point I am past caring, it’s like despite the varying emotions running through me, I can’t seem to find guilt. “You are being very childish right now. Come back home and we will find a way to fix this, I’m sure there must be a reason behind…” “He banished me, mother,” I snapped. “We can find a way around that. Your father still has friends in the patrol team, just come home and talk to him.” “You really believe in him even after a year of waiting and this?” I asked more out of curiosity than anger. She sighs, “Olive you cannot take care of yourself out there. You should be here fighting for your mate.” “I’m fine right where I am,” I snap again and reach for the first aid box. Ron banished me on charges of attacking him and his Luna and threw me out the next day; I had to find a place in a neighboring town inhabited by humans and werewolves alike. I have lived here for three weeks, trying to forget Ron and pick up the pieces of my distorted life but it’s hard to get over someone whose very name has my heart racing and my blood roaring in my ears. Most times I want to scream and cry, I want so badly to see Ron yet, I want him to choke on his own blood. The contrast has me in a constant whirlwind of emotions. I reach for the pregnancy stick on the sink and feel my heart lurch. And now, I have a piece of that bastard growing inside me. “Olive? Are you there?” my mom’s panicked questions jolted me back to reality. “I…mom, I’m pregnant. I’m staring at the proof and I want to vomit,” my voice feels small. “Oh…that is wonderful news, honey. Now you have an edge.” I feel disgust roll over me at her words, “More reason for you to come home. You cannot live like a fugitive while carrying the Alpha’s child.” “Mom, I'm pregnant,” I say again. “I heard you dear, so stop acting like a child, you are going to be a mother soon.” “Mom, you really trust him over me,” I asked, my voice getting smaller with each word, “He rejected me yet you support him.” Silence then, “Don’t you understand what we stand to lose? Your father’s and my reputation is in pieces here, we have gone from being the heroes to the laughing stock of the pack.” “Come home Olive!” she suddenly yells, “Rather than mope in whatever hole you took as refuge, you should be here fighting for your mate and your parents.” “I fought for a year.” I hear a growl before the line goes dead. Falling to the bathroom floor, I let myself scream in frustration as tears pour out of my torrents. With my blurred vision, I barely see my claws come out as I start scratching at my arm, anything to get away from the pain in my heart. I keep clawing at my arm and watch my blood stain the bathroom tiles. “I want this thing out of me. Get out!” I s***h at my stomach and wince at the pain, “Get out, get out,” I continue to murmur; slowly rocking myself to a sleep I hope would be eternal. I am weak from all the blood loss and can feel my conscious fading. My last thought before I lose consciousness is Ron. *** There is persistent thumping and yelling around me. I want to ignore it, but it doesn’t seem to be going away. Opening my eyes, I find myself staring at the bathroom ceiling. I didn’t die. The wounds on my arms and stomach are healed but the scars haven’t faded. I lift myself from the floor and stare at my horrific reflection through the broken mirror, my hair is matted and caked with blood and my clothes are ripped and also covered in blood. The persistent thumping continues and I turn in the direction of my apartment door. Slowly trudging towards the door, I reach for the handle when it suddenly flies off its hinges with a bang. I am unable to move out of the way fast enough and slam into the wall with enough force to break my spine if I was only human. Pain racks my entire body and I wheeze, the smoke flooding my room tells me I have to get out of here. Dragging myself up, I stumble to my door, coughing from the smoke but that only makes my side hurt more. There are people running around on the street and guns being fired, the gun sounds banging into my head as I stumble around the street in confusion. “What’s going on,” I grabbed a hysterical man. His eyes go wide as he takes me in, “Ar…armed men are blowing up the entire place!” he yells before running off without answering my next question of, “Why?” People stumble and trip over themselves in their bid to get away and I get jostled around in the crowd. Someone hits me from the back and I fall, another’s leg hits my head and the pain in my head gets worse but I slowly get up because I know if I don't, I and the sidewalk would become one. Forcing myself up, I stumble around with the running masses. I’m not sure how long I keep running but at some point I stop in an alley to catch my breath and end up throwing up all over the place. My eyesight starts spinning before everything goes black. When I wake up, there is complete silence but the pain in my head is still there, just reduced to a dull sting. I am in a vehicle but it is not moving. I lift my head to the sound of voices, “What now? What do we do with the girl?” someone says. “Take her to the boss,” another voice replies and grunts, “We did our job. Why do we have to deal with the girl?” “You know what happens to females the boss captures.” “We don’t have much of a choice here.” There is silence then, “Okay fine,” I hear footsteps and the door suddenly opens. I barely see the face of my abductors before a fist comes flying at my face and everything goes black. When I wake up next, I’m in a concrete room and chained to a bed. A man is in a chair in front of me but the room is too dark for me to make out his face. I notice that my clothes have been changed and growl at the thought of anyone touching. “Easy girl,” the man suddenly says, “You are in safe hands I promise…as long you do as you are told.” I growl at him again and pull at the chain. Sharp pain stings my wrist, the chain is made of silver. The man chuckles, “I’ve always been fascinated by your kind. And I’ve taken enough jobs as a bloody werewolf hit man to know how to subdue you,” he smells human. “Never bedded one though,” he says and I growl again. Then he suddenly stands up and comes closer so I can see that he is not wearing any clothes. His raging erection points at my face, “Today’s my lucky day, don’t you think?”
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