Chapter 6

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Colter’s POV Beta Liam had led me out to the forest for a walk. He wanted to talk but he didn’t want anyone to hear him. “Alright Beta Liam, what is this about?” “I am sorry I don’t want anyone to know about this conversation. I am sure you can tell that things aren’t right around here.” “That’s the understatement of the year. Why don’t you tell what this is about?” “Alpha Robert still controls everything, and Alpha Ryan takes credit for everything, but he has no say in anything.” “I have gathered as much.” “He is running this pack into the ground. I know that you were going to give him money in exchange for his daughter and some Omegas, but I can tell you right now you will never see that money again.” “That was why I wanted his daughter. If I have her at least I have something.” “I don’t know exactly where she is, but I can guarantee she ran away.” “Why do you say that?” “Because my mate and I gave her money, and her father has done some horrible things to her, and she won’t let him control her life.” I was instantly pissed. I wanted to kill him for giving her a way to run away but I had to keep my composure if I wanted any information. “What has he done?” “Look, what I am about to tell you stays between you and me. It can have direr consequences.” “Consider my lips sealed.” “He forced her to reject her mate and when she wouldn’t he threaten to kill. Her mate begged her to do it, so she did and before he could break her bond fully her dad killed him.” “He killed him? She had to suffer the loss of a mate before the bond was broken and she lived?” “Yes, she is a strong girl. Did you know that she got accepted to the elite academy and was supposed to go there in two weeks?” “No, I don’t know much about her.” I can’t believe this girl had lived through all of this and got into the elite academy. That was the hardest school to get into. Most of the people that go through that are the strongest of the wolves and most either take over a pack or run the council. Some become lethal and do undercover work for the council. “When my mate begged me to help her, I had to. I had helped train her and have grown fond of her; she is like a sister.” “What do you want me to do with this information?” “I am not sure, but I thought you should know the truth. There is more. Alpha Robert is into some shady business. I don’t get told much as the Beta, but he has people coming and going from the pack all the time. Alpha Ryan is weak or seems to be, but I think his father has his hooks deep in him. I want to leave this pack, but I have to make sure that Alexa is safe before I do. I have a feeling that if her father gets his hands on her, he will kill her.” “Let’s make a deal.” “What do you have in mind?” “You stay and continue to gather information for me about where their money is going and what is going on with the people coming and going and keep me updated about Alexa’s wear abouts and when we find her, you and your mate have a place in my pack. I don’t need a Beta, but I could use a delta. I know those aren’t common anymore, but my pack is growing, and I need the extra help.” “Only if you promise to let Alexa be free when we find her and protect her from her dad.” “I can’t promise that it will depend on how this deal turns out with your Alpha, but I am sure we can work something out.” “I can work with that.” “I want one more thing from you.” “What’s that?” “I believe that he killed my parents and haven’t been able to prove it. I want you to try and uncover that for me.” He hung his head and that was all I needed to know. He knew something. “Listen, I know for a fact that he was involved but how and why I don’t know but I can try and figure it out.” “Thank you.” We both turned and walked to the house not saying a word. There was nothing else to say. Once we got to the house, we headed back to the dining hall and finished our lunches. Robert was none the wiser about our conversation. I put a lot of trust in this Beta, and I just hoped that he didn’t betray me. I didn’t want to have to kill him. We sat down and finished our lunch just in time for everyone from the meeting to come to the dining hall. “Alpha Colter, Beta Mac, please let's finish this in the office.” We all got up and went back to his office. I found it odd that their daughter and sister were missing and none of them seemed upset about it. If I had a sister who was missing, I would be turning everything upside down, trying to find her. We made it to his office and sat back down at the table. I waited for him to start the conversation. “Why don’t we get the alliance signed.” Robert said. I pulled it over to me like I was going to sign but he was a fool if he thought it would be that easy. I won’t be signing anything unless he produced his daughter for me. “Robert, do you take me for a fool?” “No, why would you think that?” “Because you can’t bring me your daughter who is part of the contract. You think I am going to sign it and hand you a million dollars?” “I will find her and as soon as I do, she will be brought to you.” “Until she has been brought to me there is no alliance, and I am not a man of patience, so you have a week to bring her to my pack otherwise the alliance is off.” I said as I stood up and started to walk out. Mac followed me. They didn’t even try to stop us. I had no doubt that none of them knew her whereabouts, but I wasn’t concerned because I would find her before they did. As much as my brain wanted to make her an Omega and have her work for me and lose her rank but because of what her parents did my heart is telling me there is something more to her. I think we are both victims of her parents and she took a stand to them by leaving. I had to admire her for that. We had finally made it off their pack lands and were headed home. We had a one-hour drive, and I was waiting for Mac to start asking questions. “Colt, we need to find the girl. I need to meet her.” Grey mind linked me. “I know, she was beautiful.” “She is more than that. She is strong, and special and beautiful and everything else.” I cut the link with him. He was acting like a lovesick puppy, and we had never even met her. There was something about her, but I wasn’t sure what. I just knew that we had to find her. “Alright man, spill it. What did the Beta want?” “He had a lot to say. I actually offered him position at our pack when we get this figured out.” “Why would you do that?” “Because he knows that they killed my parents, but he doesn’t know why or how, and he also said that he killed Alexa’s mate in front of her because he was an Omega. He made her reject him and before he could do it back, he killed him.” “She lived through that?” “Yes, and she went on to be accepted to the Elite Academy. She was supposed to be leaving in two weeks and then the alliance happened. Well, it was supposed to happen.” “f**k man, we need to find this girl. She could be in danger for leaving. Her dad could kill her. She made him look like a fool.” “I know and nobody knows where she went. The Beta gave her money just in case she needed, and she took it and ran.” “I don’t blame him; I would do the same if the roles were reversed.” We made the rest of the drive-in silence. I was going over what packs I could contact and see if they had seen her. I was going to start making calls as soon as I got home. It was a long one hour, but we had finally made it and I went straight to my office and locked the door. I opened my laptop and checked my email real fast. I had an email from Robert. That was weird. We had just left an hour ago, and he also never used email. I opened it and was met with a missing flyer. He had put together a flyer for his daughter and sent it out to everyone he could. If this was his version of looking, he sucked at it. Wherever she was, if she was smart, she would explain her situation and they would help her. If not, she could be in trouble, someone would hand her over the second they thought they could get something from him. “I need both of you to my office now.” I mind linked Mac and Noah. It didn't’ take them long to get to my office. “What's up Colt?” asked Noah. I turned my computer around and showed both of them. They both scanned the flyer. “s**t man, she really could be in trouble if she got in with the wrong pack.” Mac said. “I am confused. I thought she was coming here?” Noah asked. “She ran and they don’t know where she is and so I gave them a week to find her, or the deal is off. They sent this out in hopes that someone turns her in.” “OK, so the deal is off, and the girl is free. I don’t understand the big deal?” Noah asked. I forgot he wasn’t there and didn’t hear anything and saw how that pack was running. “Look, just know that she is in danger if she goes back there, and she could be in danger with whoever she is with. We need to start making phone calls to all surrounding packs.” I said. "Why don't we make a list and split it, so we don't accidentally call the same pack twice," Mac suggested. "Good idea, let me print my phone book out and we can separate them. Also, let's get a map out and start with the packs closest to them and work our way out." They both got up and went to get what I wanted, while I printed off my phone book from my computer. "Grey, are we doing the right thing?" "Yes, we are." "Are you one hundred percent sure?" "Yes, I can feel it. She is special. We have to meet her." I cut the link with him and waited for the printer to finish. Once I had everything, I went back to the table and pulled up my email again and Robert had sent another email. He had added to the flyer and said that if she was returned within a week, he would pay ten thousand dollars.
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