Chapter 7

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Julian’s POV When I got a mind link from Bo, the old man who owned the diner, I didn’t know that what I was about to walk into would change my life. My Beta Luca and I took off to the diner to see what was up with this girl. It wasn’t normal for another wolf to come into another territory, and he said that she didn’t smell like a rouge, so something was up. When I walked in and saw this girl sitting there looking sad and defeated it broke my heart a little. I hadn’t cared about another female like that since my fated mate died. I now found myself lying in her bed holding her. She told us the story of how her mate died and what her father did to her, and she ran off to her room crying. I couldn’t help myself, I had to comfort her. She had finally calmed down enough, and I am pretty sure she was asleep. Her breathing had evened out. “Zion, why do we feel this way? She isn’t a second chance mate, is she?” I mind linked my wolf. “No man, she isn’t but I agree we do feel something for her. I think it’s because we have both lost the same thing.” I cut the link with him and closed my eyes. I was tired, I never got enough sleep and I wanted to be there for her in case she woke up and needed me for anything. I don’t know how long I slept for, but I felt great. That was the best sleep that I have had in a long time. Alexa was still laying on me like she was last night. I needed to get out of bed but didn’t want to wake her. I gently rolled her off me. I started to slip out of bed when her hand darted out and grabbed my arm. “Where are you going?” “I was going to let you sleep and I need to go start work.” She rolled back over to face me. Goddess she was beautiful, her blonde hair and big blue eyes and red lips and her body. I could feel it pressed up against me while she slept. She defiantly worked out and had muscles on her. She sat up and pulled me down to her and started to kiss my neck. “Alexa, what are you doing?” “I was trying to get you to come back to bed and see about taking off our clothes.” “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” “Look, it’s just s*x, a release. Something I could use right now and from what I felt you could too. I am after nothing besides that.” She went back to sucking on my neck again and running her hands down my chest to my six pack. She stopped there tracing the outline of my abs with her fingers before she went further and rubbed my hard c**k on the outside of my pants. I knew this was a bad idea but damn it if she didn’t have me harder than I have ever been. She pushed me down on the bed and pulled my pants down and didn’t waste any time grabbing my c**k and stroking it a few times before wrapping her lips around it. I had to stop her before I this went further, I didn’t have any protection with me. I pulled her up and looked in her eyes. “Alexa, I want this I really do but we have to wait. I have no protection and I am sorry, but this doesn’t happen without it.” She jumped up off the bed and walked over to where her bag was and rummaged through it for a minute. She pulled something out and turned around with a big smile on her face and held up a condom. “Look, I am prepared and trust me this is happening.” She said. She threw the condom at me and took off her clothes. I sat there and watched as she gave me a little strip tease. She pulled her shirt off slowly and reached around and freed her t**s. They looked amazing. I couldn’t wait to get my mouth on her n*****s and suck on them. She slid her pants down next and stepped out of them. She had on a white lacey thong that she slowly pulled down. Holy f**k she was bare. She kept herself shaved and clean and I liked it. She walked slowly over to me and took the condom out of my hand and opened it and rolled it down me. Nobody has ever done that. The girls I’ve been with it has always been different they wanted to be my chosen Luna and this girl just wanted s*x and it was hot as hell. She crawled up on the bed and straddled me and rubbed her p***y over my c**k making me moan out. She reached between us and lined my c**k up with her hole and slowly slid down me. She let out a low moan as she hit the bottom. She started to rock her hips back and forth. I could smell her arousal getting stronger and knew that her p***y was getting wetter each time she went down on my c**k. I reached up and grabbed both of her n*****s rolling them between my thumb and forefinger. “Oh, Julian that feels so good.” I knew my wolf was pushing forward and enjoying this way too much. He hadn’t done this since our mate, so it was weird. I pushed him back down and had to take control of this. I needed to slam into her hard. I grabbed her hips and pushed her up and off me. She was laying on her back looking at me waiting for me to come to her, but I wanted her from behind. I motioned with my hand, and she rolled over and brought her hips up giving me a perfect view of her perfect ass. I gave it a little slap and lined myself up and rammed myself into her. I started to pump in and out of her as hard as I could. I could hear her panting beneath me. I suddenly felt her hand come up and start to rub her p***y. This turned me on even more. “You better hurry because it isn’t going to take me much longer.” I told her. She just moaned louder and continued to rub herself. I could feel her walls start to contract around my c**k and she let out a loud moan as she came. It didn’t take me long to follow her. We both laid on the bed catching our breaths, when she finally spoke “Thanks, that was great. I need a shower, and do you have a gym? I need a workout and if you have a training class, I could join that would be great too?” Who is this girl? Most wanted more after s*x, wanted more of my time or thinking that they could get in with me and be my Luna and this girl wanted to go workout. “Yes, we have a gym and also training classes. Luca teaches an advanced class of warriors if you think you can handle that.” “I am pretty sure I can handle it. What time is it at?” “In two hours.” “Perfect, let me shower really fast and then can you show me the gym and where they meet. I can do some cardio before the class.” “I don’t know if that is a good idea. Luca will work you hard.” “Trust me I will be ok, and this is what I need.” She ran off to the shower and I got dressed and waited for her. “Zion, man can she be real? I think I could easily fall for this girl.” “I agree she would make a perfect chosen mate.” “She is strong and everything we have she doesn’t want, or she is good at hiding it.” “I don’t think she really wants it. I think we might have our heart broken.” Zion said. I cut our link off because I didn’t like where this was going. I sat there waiting for her for another ten minutes and when she stepped out, she was dressed in leggings and a sports bra with her hair in a braid. She looked sexy as hell. I could throw her back down on the bed but now wasn’t the time. “Come on, I will show you the training field and then the gym so you can get started.” “Thank you, I really need to work off some frustration.” We walked out of her room and to the back door. I led her to the training field and explained when to be here. We headed back into the packhouse when we ran into Christina. She gave Alexa a dirty look and came up to me like she always does. “Alpha Julian, where are you off too.” “I was just showing Alexa the training field and then the gym.” “OH, can we meet later? I want to show you something?” She said and gave me a knowing look. She wanted to show me herself. She was looking to get into bed with me. I mean it wouldn’t be the first time, but Alexa took care of that for me. “I am not sure Christina, I have a lot of paperwork to do today.” She just glared at Alexa again and walked off, stomping her feet the whole way. “Let me know if she gives you problems.” “I don’t think she will be a problem for me. I can handle myself.” We finally made it to the gym and her eyes literally glowed with happiness over it. We did have a nice set up. I wanted to make sure everyone in my pack was strong, so we had the best of everything. “Thank you, this is an amazing gym.” “I know and you are welcome to it whenever you want.” She left me standing there and went to a treadmill and got on it. I turned and left her to do her workout. I needed to make my pack aware of her, so she didn’t have any issues. I don’t know if she wants to join our pack, but she can if she wants to. Either way they need to know that she is welcome here. I got to my office and sent Luca a mind link to come here and turned my computer on. I had another email from her father looking for her. He offered a ten-thousand-dollar reward for her. There were going to be people coming out of the woodworks looking for her. She was going to need protection. I could provide that for her. Luca walked into my office and plopped himself down in the chair in front of my desk. “What’s up? I have training soon.” “I know that was the original reason I called you here. Alexa is going to join you in training.” “I don’t think that is a good idea that is our most advanced class.” “I tried telling her that, but she was adamant that she would be fine. Just keep an eye on her and pair her with the weakest person there and warn them to be easy on her.” “OK, anything else? I have to get things ready.” “Ya, I got this email this morning.” I told him as I turned my computer around showed him the email her father sent out this morning. “What the hell. This changes things. She is going to be in danger. Everyone is going to be after her now. We need to know who she was sold to.” “I know, we can talk to her after training. We will protect her, but we need to know what we were up against. I also want to introduce her to the pack. I will offer a place in the pack if she wants or if she just wants to remain a guest. It doesn’t matter to me.” I explained to Luca. “OK, let me know what you need from me, but I really need to go set up things for training today.” I just nodded at him, and he left my office. I printed off the email from her father and put it to the side and went through the rest of my emails and started the paperwork I had for the day. I wasn’t sure how long I had been working when I got a mind link from Luca “Hey man, I need you to come down to training.” “I am working, why do you need me down there.” “Trust me you want to see this.” I groaned and got up from my desk and went down to the training field. I could see that a big circle had formed around two people fighting. As I got closer, I found Luca standing there with a giant smile on his face. I turned to see what was going on and I found Alexa in the circle fighting Leo, our best warrior, and had only ever been taken down by me and Luca and well now Alexa. She was beating his ass hands down. She wasn’t free of injuries, but she was fast and strong, and she knew how to use that to her advantage. She fought him for another ten minutes before she got him pinned down. I was impressed I had never seen a female be able to do that. She had my c**k hard in my pants again. I had to keep adjusting myself. “OK, everyone shows over. Go hit the showers.” Luca yelled out. Alexa tried to help Leo up, but he pushed her hand away and got up himself and walked past her bumping his shoulder into her. She just laughed silently. “Alexa, you said you would be fine, but you didn’t tell you could fight like that.” “OH, didn’t I mention that I was accepted to the Elite Academy.” She said as her smile got wider. “Julian, I told she is special. Not only is she incredibly strong and an amazing fighter but she is smart too.” Zion linked me. “I see that buddy.” “Make her our mate, I think I love her, and I want to meet her wolf.” “I can’t just make her our mate, we aren’t fated it’s a different process, but I wouldn’t be opposed to see if she would like a date or two with us.” He huffed and went to the back of my mind because I wouldn’t give him his way. “Alexa, we need to talk. Your dad sent out another email. He is desperate to find you.” “That doesn’t surprise me, he sold me, and I am sure they won’t sign the alliance unless he has me and my father needs the money.” “That is something else we need to talk about who he sold you too and also your future here at my pack.” She just shook her head and followed Luca and I to my office.
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