Chapter 5

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"Wow, this is so unbelievable. Who is he? Who is this man that caught my dearest Kel's eyes? Tell me!" Leslie was so excited, she wanted to jump high and praise the God that her best friend finally found the right guy.... "Actually, you probably knew him. No I am sure you knew him. He's that popular." Kelvin's response made Leslie frowned but she was quick to bounce back to being excited and started pestering Kelvin of the identity of his secret crush... "Well, that man is… he is super handsome. He's a popular celebrity.. His name is Cris Yoon." Leslie's jaw almost fall on the floor. She gaped at Kelvin who was cheekily smiling at her surprised expression.. "Okay... I.. I totally didn't see that coming. You never liked him before. So why? What change?" Kelvin blinked his starlike eyes at Leslie and simply said, "Because he's so good looking in person.." Then a thick silence... "That's all?" "Hmm. Why, is there something I should look more?" "Hello… you really haven't cared about men before, Kel! You met a ton of handsome guys in college who were all pursuing you but you don't even look at them! And now you suddenly like this popular guy? But let's change the topic okay? Now that you confessed you like this Cris Yoon, what are your plans now?" Leslie's brow lifted again. She was so damn intrigued and she looked like she was very much more animated than Kelvin about this. She didn't even consider that her gay best friend just confessed to her that he has a crush to one of the most popular man in the world. Kelvin looked down at his hand wrapped around the lemonade bottle. He looked like he was considering something vital in his head while his friend was impatiently waiting for his answer. "I…" Kelvin started as he looked up, looking very serious and determined. "I want him to be my boyfriend." For a while, Leslie just gaped at him. It seemed like she was shocked. But the moment she recovered, a huge, bright smile curved up on her face. "Okay! That's my boy! You're finally hearing my advice. My innocent bun finally learned to become daring!" Leslie was happy and for some reason, proud, like a happy mother who had just witnessed her child finally learning to walk on his own for the first time. "Leslie , I want to impress him so I want to ask you to –" "Darling… leave it to me. I promise to dress you up and turn you into the most stunning sexiest man he would ever see!" After their talk, Kelvin told Leslie that he would contact her once he decided when to meet Cris. Leslie offered to help him get his contact info but Kelvin simply told her that he had to learn how to do it himself which of course, made his friend beam happily again. "Okay, just call me if you need my help, okay? And about your outfit, don't even worry about it. I will make sure that handsome man will fall in love with you at first sight," was all Leslie promised before the two of them parted. Kelvin couldn't tell his friend that he was not really trying to make Cris fall for him at all. He also didn't say anything negative about the man. Kelvin didn't tell Leslie that in real life Cris was actually heartless and cold. He didn't tell her that Cris told Kelvin he didn't like him. And most of all, Kelvin didn't tell her that the man was dangerous because Kelvin knew that if Leslie found out what kind of man he really was, she would surely go against it. Leslie had always been protective of him so Kelvin could already foresee her reaction if she found out about the truth. It was already dark when Kelvin arrived home. His family waited for him again before they all ate dinner together. Once in his room, Kelvin took the piece of paper out from hos drawer. He stared at the number and finally typed it on his phone. Kelvin saved the number as Mr. Black Leather Jacket on his contact list. Kelvin wanted to send him a message but he didn't know what to even ask. Should he shamelessly ask for Cris Yoon's address? No, no, that would be too creepy! Then how would Kelvin meet him then? He's too wroked up. Thinking about his plans and scenarios that may happen, so before he knew it, Kelvin had drifted to sleep without even accomplishing his goal for the night. In the end, he didn't even send Mr. Black Leather Jacket a single message. The next morning, Kelvin woke up early as always. After eating breakfast with his family, he then drove to work. Kelvin spent a pleasant morning with the kids at the orphanage that day. As always, he felt, at the very least, recharged and filled with energy. Perhaps being with the happy and innocent little kids throughout the day filled his heart with pure happiness. When he finally left, Kelvin boarded in his car and headed towards home. He wanted to go home early today. Even though he had forgotten about his plan of sending Mr. Black Leather a message, Cris Yoon's face still popped occasionally in his head. Strangely, he couldn't completely take him off his mind despite being busy the entire day. When he drove back home, ice had already covered the roads so Kelvin drove very slowly. Their main villa was located just outside the city proper so he had to travel an hour from the orphanage to their house. Even though they have a lot of drivers he still insist on driving himself. It's his own way of being independent. Even though he couldn't live on his own, because of his illness, at least driving to and from his work give him enough privacy for his thoughts.. The road back home was pretty empty at this time. Since their house was located near a protected national park, the road back home would travel across a forested area. In fact, the entire place was surrounded by thick, green trees. The icy road was definitely dangerous but Kelvin was already used to it and he was always a careful driver. His car was pretty slow despite the road being almost empty. As he turned into the straight road in the middle of a forested area, Kelvin accelerated a little when, out of the blue, he saw a deer run across the road in front of him. Kelvin immediately stepped on the brake pedal but it looked like he might have reacted too late. He was sure he was going to hit it. However, before he knew it, her tires squealed as he swerved and thankfully avoided hitting the deer, barely. But then, in the next second, he heard a loud deafening thud. His car crashed into something – into another car. The car he hit screeched towards the right and it hit the tree by the roadside. Kelvin's car finally stopped and thanks to his seatbelt, he was safe. He didn't even get a scratch. Kelvin breathed deeply. His heart was racing and his hands trembling. He forced his self to calm down. What came first in his mind was the person in the other car so he immediately looked for the other car and when he saw that it had hit a tree, his heart almost stopped. Oh my god! Are they okay? Kelvin didn't waste a moment and stepped out of his car. He frantically rushed towards the black car, praying that everyone on board was safe. As he approached the car, the driver's door opened. A man around his 50's came out and he didn't seem to be hurt. Thank god! He looked very formal in his black suit, almost looking like those butlers in television dramas. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry… I was trying to avoid hitting the deer and this happened." Kelvin was panicking as he apologized. He knew this was trouble but what else could he do? The old man just sighed, creasing his brows upon seeing the damaged car. Kelvin somehow calmed down upon seeing that the old man seemed carefree and not worried at all. He then followed his line of sight and as soon as he saw what kind of car it was, Kelvin's jaw dropped. The car before her was a handsome black Bugatti La Voiture Noire. Oh my god! Kelvin almost felt like his blood drained out of him. Where would h get the money to pay for the damage to this kind of luxury car? They are rich. But not that rich. Why did it have to be a car like this? Why? Without answering him, the old man walked around the car and opened the door to the back passenger seat. "Sir, what are we gonna do about this? The car is pretty damaged." He said and Kelvin quickly followed the old man. When he saw that man's figure in the back seat, who was being addressed by the old man as 'sir', Kelvin knew that he was the owner. "I'm so sorry. I was trying to avoid hitting a deer so…" Suddenly, Kelvin stopped talking as soon as he saw the man's face. "C-Cris Yoon?" he was utterly shocked. Of all people, why was it him? What was this gorgeous creature doing here of all places?? ****************************
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