Chapter 33- Back Scrub

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“Damn, this headache...” I muttered, rubbing my temples. I still went to work even though I wasn’t feeling well. “Are you okay, Samuel?” I heard Dr. Sandy's familiar voice. “You looked exhausted, son.” I smiled at her as I sat up straight on my swivel chair. “Yes, yes…just this badass headache. Thanks for asking,” I answered. “Here, take this,” Dr. Sandy gave me a bottle of cold water and a cold pack. I took it and pressed it right away on my head and temple. “It might help,” she added. I sighed in relief, feeling the coldness on my skin. “Thanks, doc,” tipping my head to alleviate the pain in my neck. “No worries. How’s your mom?” Dr. Sandy sat on the empty chair opposite mine, “I received her invitation for Gideon’s birthday. I can’t believe he’s turning three!” “Mom’s okay. I know! The ordeal he and Sam went through felt like just yesterday,” I agreed. Dr. Sandy was one of the doctors who helped Samantha at the birth theater when she had early labor with Gideon. Dr. Sandy beamed wide. “I can remember how tiny he was when he came out! How old was he then?” “Sam was seven months? Yes, barely twenty-nine weeks,” I answered. I remember the night I saw Sam on her bedroom floor. She was clutching her stomach and crying in pain. She asked me to call Kyle in the wee hours of midnight. When Kyle and I returned to check on her, she was already lying in a pool of blood. We had no idea she was expecting and was hiding her pregnancy after a study trip in France. Gideon wasn’t breathing when he came out, but luckily, the doctors saved him. He stayed in the NICU for months, and Sam wasn’t fully recovered physically or mentally during those times. She was so heartbroken, plus her postpartum depression got the better of her. “Yes, I remember. I am glad she’s okay now. And I hear Gideon is doing well because of his aunt Elisha! How is the lovely young lady?” Dr. Sandy asked. “She’s great! She is still getting her symptoms, but Mom and I are monitoring her. And yes, Dion is motivated to eat because of Elisha’s help,” I answered before telling her about Gideon’s progress. “Sweet! How about Kyle? I hope he’s taking care of our lovely lady,” Dr. Sandy replied, “Actually, I’ve heard the story from my son, Ryzen. He found out from Sophie. That’s a shame. I didn’t expect Kyle to stoop low to get even with Thomas,” she continued, shaking her head in disappointment. I couldn’t blame her for commenting about what had happened. Dr. Sandy was also our god-mom and mom’s closest friend in the field and life. “Yes, we are all disappointed in him. I just hoped he would care for Elisha this time,” I seconded. Kyle was with Sam during those hard days, making him vengeful against Tom after learning the truth from Sam. Kyle, unfortunately, met Elisha, and soon as he found out that she was Tom’s dearest sister, he designed something cruel and sinister toward the poor young lady. However, those unfortunate things that had happened brought Sophie to me. Something I benefited from after the chaotic occurrences Sam and Kyle experienced. “Earth to Samuel! Samuel to Earth!” I heard snapping fingers in front of me. My eyes gaped as I looked at Dr. Sandy and the other two doctors chuckled at me. “Oh! Sorry!” I snorted, smiling. “I spaced out,” I added, feeling embarrassed. Dr. Sandy laughed. “It's okay, son. Are you sure you’re okay? You can go and rest in your apartment. We will call you if we need help. Otherwise, just rest it off, Sammy,” she suggested. “Yes, Doc Sammy. You already helped us earlier,” Dr. Renz, one of the resident doctors, seconded. I heaved profoundly and smiled, “I should just take my leave now. Two doctors have already asked me to rest,” I kidded, standing to prepare myself. “Bette! Just say hello to your mom for me,” Dr. Sandy replied, “I will attend the party and bring my grandkids on Tuesday!” she added. I drew my arms wide and hugged her. “Thanks, Aunt Sandy! See you tomorrow.” It was already around ten in the evening when I left the hospital. I sent Sophie a short message telling her I would go home and rest. I thought about driving to my apartment but decided to return to our mansion. Sophie and Elisha might be home and sleeping. Once I arrived, Yelena greeted me at the door. I asked her to prepare me some good chamomile tea and snacks for later. I felt much better than earlier, so I thought about relaxing. “Are they home?” I asked Yelena as I walked upstairs. “Yes! But they must be sleeping now. The two ladies looked tired,” Yelena answered. Instead of returning to my room, I went inside our mini-gym in the mansion. It had been a while since I worked out. I usually do cardio exercises. Swimming was always my first choice, but the pool would be cold enough to swim. “Maybe running is not a bad choice,” I mumbled, removing my clothes and leaving my boxers before putting on my running shoes. I spent the whole hour running and sprinting. My whole body was tired, but it somehow helped me release the tensions I had in me. It also helped me decide what to do if Demi entered my life again. I would be honest with her and ask her to think about us. Seven long years were long, many things had happened, and we weren’t any younger. I wouldn’t say I didn’t love her anymore. I would like to feel it myself once I meet her. My sweat glistened on my skin while I still caught my breath from my intense running. I was about to enter my bedroom when I saw Elisha’s door on my peripheral. A thought crossed my head. They were already asleep, but I silently wished to see Sophie. I was about to open it when I received a message from Sophie, asking me when I would speak with Thomas. I couldn’t help but smile. It only meant she was still awake. I lightly knocked on the door and opened it slightly. “My sweet Sophie….” I whispered. The lights were off, but I noticed Sophie’s scowling face and gleaming eyes looking at me. “Sammy?!” “Shhh…” “Okay…” Soon after, I heard Sophie get up and stealthily walk towards me. I opened the door widely and let her go out. “Hey…” I smiled, closing the door. Sophie’s brows knitted as she stared at me, looking from head to foot. “You okay? You are sweaty! I thought you were not feeling well?” She bombarded me with questions. “Let’s go! I’ll explain!” I beamed, tugging her soft hand with me. We entered my bedroom, and soon as I closed the door, I cornered her behind it and gave her my sweetest smile. “Hey…” My arching brows trailed her gaping eyes towards her pale yet luscious lips down to her neck and protruding bosom under her oversized black shirt. “I miss you…kiss me….” I said, rubbing her chin with my thumb. “But you smelled sweat... and the hospital....” I couldn’t help but laugh after hearing her words. “Let’s take a shower then!” “I just showered...” “But I need some back scrub….” I winked at her before holding her waist. Sophie’s lips smirked, then she pursed them in a very sexy way. “Okay, just a back scrub…” “Yes…” Well, that back scrub went farther than I expected. “Damn…” I gulped in delight, clutching and holding Sophie’s hair up as she kneeled in front of me, waking and rubbing my hard manhood under the warm shower. “I wanted to try it last time,” Sophie paused, looking up. “Then it's yours,” I groaned, holding her face and thrusting inside her mouth. I pushed a little firmer and felt a quick resistance, making Sophie gag. “Stop!” Sophie slapped my legs. I laughed. “Sorry…” Sophie just glared at me and retook me. This time, I let her do me. I groaned excitedly as I felt Sophie’s tongue and lips circle and suck my lower head in and out of her warm mouth. She wasn’t an expert, and I could feel she was just learning how to do it the way her hand stroked my dangling jewels, pleasuring me. I braced myself, watching her do her best to make me happy, just like how I enjoyed it whenever I ate her. It was getting better and better as she eagerly sucked my shaft, stretching her luscious lips. I drew the hair back from her beautiful face. Sophie was addictive and beautiful—no arguing with that. More pumping and sucking later, I asked Sophie to stand and raise her leg to serve her. “Turn around, Sweety….” I ordered, kneeling behind her, grabbing her bum cheeks, and pleasing her from behind. “You love this…” I murmured, thrusting my fingers slowly and gently into her core. I sucked her feverishly and licked her before pulling myself up and entering her. I played around, pulling in and out, slapping my shaft against her buttocks. Sophie kept giggling and pinching my skin. “I hate you!” “Shh...” I reminded her about the noise. “Fine…Stop doing that.” “I’m just teasing you,” I said, closing my toilet bowl cover and sitting on it. “Here…sit here…” I winked, letting her see my hardwood. Sophie sat and rode me until she reached her orgasm for the nth time in the hour. We were both aware that my room wasn’t soundproofed, so she kept her mouth shut, though soft and sweet moans still slipped from her lips. “I’m coming…” I mumbled, pulling my wood out of her core before shooting it into her skin and belly. I didn’t wear a condom, but I trusted my pull-out game was safe. Half an hour after our steamy shower had passed, Sophie and I were dry and clothed. I rested on my bed while she sat at my study table, swiveling in my chair. The tea Yelena sent to my room was still warm, so Sophie and I shared it silently. “You got a gift...” Sophie mumbled, staring at the box I received earlier. I didn’t mind her checking it since I had already taken the card and kept it. “Hmm, it smells vanilla,” she said, holding and smelling the little plush bear. “Yes, a patient’s daughter gave it to me,” I lied for the second time about the gift. Sophie opened it and casually nodded before closing it. “She’s sweet…” “Yeah…” “Anyway…What’s your plan for tomorrow? What will you say to Tom?” Sophie started sipping her tea. I spread my tired body on the bed and remained silent for quite a while. “I will convince him to come and join the party. Perhaps he has more information now, wondering who Gideon was in Sam’s life. He wouldn’t deny it, for sure. Gideon got his ginger hair, though he looked more like Samantha,” I stated. “I hear you...” Sophie scoffed, smiling. “Will you tell Sam about the call?” “Should I?” I asked, “I need your help about that, actually.” Sophie narrowed her eyes and then shook her head. “Better not…I find it better for them to discover it themselves….I won’t tell Elisha either.” “I got it. I won’t give more information to Tom as well.” I sighed in relief, believing what she said was right. “Gideon is now familiar with his Daddy Tom-Tom. Elisha shows her old photos with her brothers to Gideon,” Sophie added. “Well… That’s great. I just hoped Thomas wouldn’t feel bad after all that happened. And I wished Sam would finally feel better once the two met,” I remarked before telling Sophie the untold story of how Sam found out the truth from Nana recently. All the misunderstandings and people involved in the said matter were revealed. Even the incident last Friday. “Damn! I didn’t know how big the problem was! Ugh! That Lisbeth! She’s really as devilish as Devyn! Remember Elisha’s stepmother!"” Sophie grittily commented. “Yes,” I puffed, “Anyway, we shall see what will happen on Tuesday!” I sighed in relief. Sophie yawned, “I couldn’t agree more! Maybe I should go back now…Elisha might find me once she wakes up to pee…” she said, looking at the wall clock. It was already midnight. I quickly got up and shook my head. “Nope! You haven’t told me who Chase was,” I reminded Sophie. Her eyes widened while she winced and nodded. I partially knew what Chase did to her, but I wanted to hear it from her. “Fine!” Sophie agreed before telling the whole ball of wax about her experience with Chase. There was no hesitation as she openly shared all her troubles and predicaments in the past few years of her life. I wondered where Sophie got the courage as she narrated everything to me as if it had only occurred yesterday. She was naive and young when it happened but she was lucky to have intelligent people around her. “That’s one of the reasons why I am afraid to trust myself to someone again….” Sophie expressed, pausing to breathe, “It's different with you. Our connection was purely physical. No emotions and feelings aside from the happiness and excitement it brings to me….” “Likewise…” I had the same feeling too. Sophie inhaled deeply and smiled at me. “Let’s catch up tomorrow. I’ll tell you more,” she stood up. I stood up and walked toward her. “Sophie…” I held her hand. She looked at me with sleepy eyes. “I’ll take care of you. I will always be your friend,” I stated, squeezing her soft hands. Sophie snorted. “Great to know! Thank you, my friend,” she smirked before tugging me to the door, “Good night!” she said, opening the door. As soon as the door swung open, our eyes widened. Sam was standing at my door, frowning and glancing between Sophie and me. “Sam…” “Oh.. late-night talks?” Sam's brows arched as she stared at me before smiling at Sophie with her soft, beautiful face. “Ye…yes…” Sophie mumbled, “About…about…Gideon’s birthday and preparations for tomorrow…” she added, twiddling her fingers as she looked at the floor. “Great! I just wanted to speak with you, Samuel Alistair,” Sam’s stern voice shook my knees. “I shall go then... Good night, Sam. We’ll catch up tomorrow.” Sophie bade goodnight to Sam without looking back at me. Sophie entered her bedroom. As soon as the door closed, Sam looked at me. “Does she know about Demi?” she asked. I shook my head, “Not yet. I don’t have plans to settle yet, Sam. I’m still busy with my career, let alone entertaining love and relationships.” I feel a little bit frustrated now. The idea slowly sounds ridiculous to my ears. Sam rolled her eyes. “You must open it up to her. I know it's been years, and maybe your promise didn’t matter to you anymore, but I guess it still is with Demi.” “How did you know?” I wondered, thinking about Sam’s words. “Watch her latest interview…” Sam answered, “And you will know what I mean.” “Fine….” I nodded, wanting to drop the topic. “Anyway, welcome back! Where’s Gideon?” I asked. “In Kyle’s room. He wants his daddy Ky,” Sam answered. “I see… I got to go back and rest now. I need to speak early with…” I stopped, almost slipping up Tom’s name. “With whom?” “With Kyle. Anyway, Goodnight!” I snorted, hugging Sam closer and kissing her forehead. “Let’s talk tomorrow. Goodnight, and I love you…” I smiled at her. Sam puffed, “Goodnight, and love you, my fave brother.” Sam walked away and went downstairs to get some drinks. I entered my room and closed the door to check on Demi’s video interview Sam mentioned. 3/3
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