Chapter 40- Perfect Moment

1461 Words
Everyone was cheering and clapping their hands when I noticed Elisha froze while looking at the man standing at the entrance door. It was a tall, ginger-haired guy. “Sammy…” Sophie then whispered. We noticed Elisha walking down and going in the man’s direction. “Tom is here…” she said, confirming my thoughts. “Thomas,” I mumbled. Elisha then started talking with Max—Sam’s best friend, and Tom. Nobody seemed to notice them but us. “Is that Tom?” I asked to get my family’s attention. “Daddy Tom-Tom? Where Daddy Tom-Tom?” Gideon overheard me and started asking. “What is he doing here?” Mom asked, looking at us and then at the door. Dad looked at Kyle. “Did you?” “I invited Tom.” He answered. Sam frowned and looked at Gideon and Kyle, overhearing the whispers. “What? Who?” “Daddy Tom-Tom!” Gideon answered, wiggling his body from Sam’s words, “Mommy, down!” Sam slowly put Gideon down while spacing out in Tom’s direction. I took the little one and ensured he safely climbed the mini stairs. Sam looked dumbfounded as she looked at her son, running towards Tom. I was amazed at how Gideon picked up and recognized his dad immediately. “Thomas, why is he here?” I overheard Sam murmuring. “Daddy Tom-Tom!” Gideon yelled. “Please stop the music,” Sophie mumbled to the DJ as everyone followed Gideon. “Sammy, go with Sam,” she then said. I looked at Sam and noticed how pale she was. I stepped forward and stood behind her. “Let’s go…” I said and held her arms as we followed Gideon. She was trembling and silently crying. “It’s okay…Everything will be okay,” I told her. It must be shocking for her, but this was the perfect moment for her and Tom to reconcile. Thomas crouched and held Gideon’s arms, casting his eyes over Gideon’s small figure. “Hey…buds…Happy birthday!” his voice croaked. Everyone was silent. Yet, we didn’t expect Gideon’s next move. He stretched his hand and said, “Daddy Tom-Tom…” brushing Tom’s red hair like his own. “Like Didon hair,” he giggled. Tom’s lips quivered and puzzled tears coursed down his cheeks. “My son…” He hugged the boy tightly before staring at me, and then his gleaming eyes moved to Sam. My sister sobbed nonstop in my chest, but I knew it was happy tears this time. It was such a heartwarming moment for Sam. I didn’t think she would hate me once she learned that I spoke with Tom prior to this event. “Look at them...” I murmured, rubbing comforting circles on her back. Sam slowly moved her head and stared at her son and Tom, turning on the waterworks again. Tom stood up and carried Gideon in his arms. He looked at everyone. “Hi…I’m Thomas,” he casually greeted everybody, breaking the sad atmosphere. “Mommy! Come! Here, Daddy Tom-Tom!” Gideon looked at us. “Oh, Gideon…” Sam murmured as she sniffled. “My legs felt weak, Sammy…hold me…” she added. I gripped her soft and freezing cold body tight. “Don’t worry…I’m always here for you…” I mumbled back. Gideon’s frowned at his dad. “My mommy crying?” he innocently asked, puckering. Tom sniffled and wiped his tears. “It’s okay… Daddy Tom-Tom will hug and kiss mommy,” he smilingly said, extending his arm while staring at Sam, “Dearie….” “Bunny…” Sam murmured. At that moment, I felt Sam regain her strength. And just like that, she let go of my hold, dashed towards Tom, and welcomed him with a big hug. There, she sobbed in his arms while Gideon peppered his mom’s head with sweet kisses. “Mommy, hug Daddy Tom-Tom,” Gideon innocently stated. It was such a lovely and awe-inspiring moment. I noticed how everyone wept and cried as we witnessed the heartwarming reunion. Most knew the couple’s story, and some were clueless yet happy to see such a perfect occasion. Mom embraced Dad, too, while weeping in happiness. I looked at Sophie. She was crying alone, so I asked her to join me. She ran and hugged me while crying. “Thank you, Sammy…” she mumbled. I embraced her tightly, comforting her while silently weeping with her. “Awesome, right,” I murmured, then I felt Sophie balk away. “Oh, Elisha…” Sophie quickly broke up the hug. She hastily walked toward her friend. “El…are you okay?” I heard Sophie ask as she held Elisha’s shoulder. I understood what would happen next as I looked at Elisha’s ashen face and shaking legs. “Sophie…” “El, your hand is cold….” "Elisha, are you okay?" I asked. Elisha turned and looked at me, and then her eyes rolled as her knees wobbled and she blacked out. Fortunately, I was able to catch her in time. “Everyone, move!” I yelled as I picked her up and left the room. “Elisha! Oh, my God!” I heard everyone say as they panicked and worriedly looked at us. “Sammy, let’s take her to the hospital,” Sophie trailed behind me. I quickly turned and faced her, “No, sweety. Please don’t leave the party. I can handle this, trust me,” I told her before looking at Sam. “Sam, go on with the party. Make it special for Gideon. Mom and I can handle this.” I assured them. “O..okay…” Sam nodded, taking Gideon from Tom’s hold, “Let’s go and play, my love,” she said. Then Gideon started crying. “I’ll go with you,” Tom said before kissing his son. “Daddy will be back, okay?” Gideon quickly stopped. “Otay…” “Sweet, let’s go!” I agreed as we walked up the stairs and entered Elisha’s bedroom. Mom quickly came with her medic bag, and we began to attend to Elisha. Her blood pressure was high, which was likely due to the intense emotions she had just experienced. I checked Elisha’s vitals, and we knew she needed rest to recover from her shock. It was a scary moment, but we remained calm and focused on helping Elisha get the care she needed. “Will she be okay?” Tom asked as he paced back and forth inside the room. “Should I call an ambulance?” “Yes, she will. Please relax, Tom,” Mom answered as she took off her stethoscope, assuring him. I covered Elisha with her blanket and adjusted her pillows. “She will be fine.” I seconded. Tom sighed in relief. “Thank you…” he said, sitting on Elisha’s bed, rubbing her hair. “Oh…Elisha…” he placed a kiss on her forehead. “I shouldn't have left you with Kyle, sissy…” he added. “Oh, where’s Kyle, by the way?” Mom asked. I somehow realized he didn’t seem to know what had happened. “Oh,” I scowled, thinking about Kyle’s whereabouts. “I saw him leave with Max earlier,” Tom answered. “Oh…Okay…” I nodded, “Tom, you should go back and enjoy the rest of the party. Mom and I will look after Elisha,” I said. Tom stared at us with hesitation in his eyes. “Sammy…” “Thomas, son. We don’t hate you,” Mom added, “Go ahead, and we will talk later. Go and meet your son. The little boy will be happy to spend his birthday with you,” she continued. “And Sam will be delighted to tell you about him, brother,” I winked at him. Tom stood up, walked towards me, then hugged me. “Thank you, Sammy..” “You should also thank Kyle,” I patted his back, “He’s the one who invited you.” “The bastard still lied, though,” Tom rebutted. “Well, let him explain,” I said, breaking the hug. “Okay. Thank you, Maris, Sammy,” Tom said before leaving the room. As soon as he left the door, Mom looked at me with narrowed eyes. “Care to share what you did, son?” I chuckled, putting my index finger over my lips. “Sure, let’s sit over there,” pointing at the couch. 2/2
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