Chapter 41- More Exciting

2927 Words
Sophie I trusted Sammy’s words when he said he would care for Elisha. Even with a heavy heart and worried mind, I continued hosting the party for everyone. Sam and I headed back to the ballroom with Gideon to play more games with the kids and ease the tension we had earlier. We proceeded to the program like nothing had happened, though it was apparent that some of them were shocked and still couldn’t believe the revelations unfolding before them. I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw it in local social media news in a few hours. The kids had a blast playing games and running around while the adults caught up and chatted over drinks. Mika, Layla, and I prepared the goodie bags for the kids while everyone ate and drank. Sam and Gideon handed out the cupcakes and ice cream outside the play area while the servers started serving the food and snacks to the adults. “Any news from Sammy?” Layla asked as we ate our snacks. I shook my head as I checked my phone. “No.” I munched on the cupcake. I couldn’t help but feel famished, albeit still unsettled about Elisha. “Trust them. Two doctors are attending Elisha,” Mika said, patting my shoulder. “Yes,” I answered. Then, I saw Tom enter the hall. Feliz and Nana greeted him and asked him about Elisha. I sighed in relief when he nodded and mouthed, ‘She’s okay.’ “Tom is back!” Mika nudged me. “Yes. We should ask him,” Layla said. “Okay,” I agreed with the two. Yet, I was about to stand when I felt a sudden, sharp abdominal pain. “F*ck..ouch…” I winced. “Are you okay?” The two asked me in unison. I inhaled deeply, “Yes, probably period pain,” I muttered. “Oh, he’s coming here,” Layla said, “Hey, Tom! How’s Elisha?!” she asked. “Don’t worry, ladies, she’s okay. Maris and Sammy assured me she’d be alright,” Tom answered, “Are you okay, Sophie?” he asked. I slouched while rubbing my tummy. “Yes, I’m okay.” I smiled at him, “I’m relieved to know Elisha is fine. I’ll check on her later,” I answered. “Sweet. Anyway, have you seen Sam and Gideon?” Tom looked around. “They’re outside, Tom,” Mika answered, “Probably still eating and serving the cupcake and ice cream!” “Awesome! Thanks! See you in a while,” Tom smiled. Tom was about to leave when an idea popped into my head. “Wait a second, Tom!” “Yes, Sophie?” I slowly stood up and looked at the cake. “Maybe we should have another birthday song for Gideon. I mean, it would be great if he blows out his candles and cuts his cake with you and Sam,” I suggested. “Yes! That’s a great idea!” Layla clapped her hands. Mika chuckled. “They haven’t sliced the cake! Wait, let me tell the DJ to prepare the song!” she said, leaving us. Tom inhaled a deep breath and hugged me. “You’re a treasure, Sophie!” he said, making me smile. About half an hour later, we were all gathered again in front of the massive cake. Gideon was clapping and dancing while his dad held him in his arms as we serenaded him with songs. Sam’s smile was from ear to ear—no hint of sadness aside from her swollen eyes from so much crying. I took my phone and recorded the special moment to share with Elisha and Sammy. He might’ve missed it, but I was pretty sure he would love to see the rest of the party. “Daddy Tom-Tom! Blow candles!” Gideon said, pointing at his cake. “It's your birthday, buds. You blow your candles!” Tom chuckled, brushing his son’s thick red hair. “Mommy, blow!” Gideon looked at his mom, “This!” he added, pouting his lips. Everyone laughed at his sweet gestures, unaware of the lovely scene that occurred on his special day. “Fine! We blow it all together,” Sam agreed. The three blew out the candles and clapped their hands, savoring the cheers and greetings of the people they loved. The happiness and contentment were evident on their faces. “Daddy Tom-Tom kiss, Didion!” Gideon said, kissing his dad’s face, “Mommy, kiss Didion!” he then kissed his mom on her lips. “Oh, my sweet boy,” Sam said, wiping her tears. Tom hugged Sam closer and kissed her temple. “Gideon, my love. How about Daddy Tom-Tom kissing Mommy?” I cheered and asked the boy. To our surprise, Gideon’s lips puckered. “No!” he objected, brows knitting as he glared at me. “No, kiss. Phie-phie!” he added, making us laugh. “Okay, I understand,” Tom snorted, kissing the boy on his temple. “Happy birthday! Let’s make the most of it, son,” he added. Gideon's birthday party ended and was a success despite the earlier drama! Everyone had a great time, and the birthday boy was beaming joyfully. The cake was delicious, and we shared it, but not without playing with the cake icing and frosting creams. Gideon had fun icing his mom and dad’s faces. It was a perfect day for everyone, especially for Sam, Tom, and Gideon. The memories would last a lifetime. It was a wonderful celebration, and I was so glad to be a part of it. The helpers started wrapping up the party when Mika and Layla bade goodbye. I thanked the two for helping me and promised to update them about Elisha. I left the hall after talking with Sam and Tom. The two had to speak with Maris and Lark while Gideon was napping. Kyle, for some reason, was out of the picture. ‘Hey, sweety. I am here in my room, studying,’ I read Sammy’s message as I walked upstairs. I typed and replied. ‘Okay. I’ll just freshen up,’ I was about to put my phone inside my pocket when it buzzed again. It wasn’t Sammy, but an unknown number. “Oh…” It was a photo of Sammy and me standing closer to the stage during Gideon’s blowing of candle ceremony. Sammy kissed my temple while I clung to his arm. It would have been a great shot, but not until I read the following caption. ‘Having a great time with your new man, my minx? Enjoy the happy moments because that won’t last soon.’ “Godamnit, Chase! F*ck you!” I grittily muttered, turning my phone off. I didn’t need any drama now. My day just went perfectly, and I wouldn’t let him ruin it. I was about to open Elisha’s door when a hand stopped me at the knob. “Shhh…” I jolted in surprise, but I felt relieved as soon as I saw Sammy. “Oh, Lord! You’ll be the death of me!” I hissed, patting my chest. Sammy chuckled, “Elisha is still asleep,” he said before slowly opening the door. The room was dimmed with only Elisha’s bedside table lamp on. I gasped as soon as I saw who was lying beside Elisha. It was Kyle, hugging Elisha’s bump, facing it. “What is he doing there?” I scowled. Sammy snorted before closing the door. “Let them talk,” he said before smiling at me, “Sam and Tom had finally patched up. Maybe we can let the two settle their troubles,” he added, holding my hand and tugging me to his bedroom. “Hey! Where are you bringing me?!” I whisper-yelled. Sammy turned and winked. “You look like a lost little girl! What’s with the frosting and icing on your hair and clothes!?” he asked. I stopped for a while and checked how I looked. “Oh, it was Gideon and the kids!” I laughed, “I need to take a shower. I feel sticky and gross!” “Do it in my room, little girl,” Sammy murmured, opening his door. We both got in and locked it. “Hey! What are you planning, nerdy boy?” I arched my brow as I faced him. Sammy towered over me, “I just want to thank you…” he said, smiling before holding my hips. “I watched the video you sent me. Mom and I missed it, but we are happy to watch it, Sweety,” he said, his face inches closer to mine. I smirked, glaring at him. “Well, you’re most welcome,” I mumbled, pulling him. “What’s my reward?” “Did you just ask me to eat you earlier?” He said, licking his lower lip. “Shut up!” I giggled, “I was just kidding!” “I don’t think so.” “I was! Plus, nope, I haven’t showered yet. I am all sweaty and gnarly!” I said, wondering if I’d get my period at any time of the day. “That’s what I love…I missed seeing and touching your bald p*ssy!” Sammy replied, slowly pulling my romper’s sleeves, exposing my chest. “And these boobies…” he caressed and squeezed. For some reason, they were sore. “Sammy! Stop,” I grumbled, smacking his hand. Sammy just laughed and took a step back. “Fine! Maybe not today!” he said, raising both hands. He then turned around and sat on his swivel chair. “I have extra shirts in my walk-in closet and towels as well. You can use my bathroom to freshen up. I’ll just use my time to study,” he stated in one go. “Oh…really,” I mumbled as I looked at him while he started browsing his notes. He was determined to study after turning him down. Instead of getting his shirt and towel, I walked toward him. “Are you sure?” I asked him. Sammy swiveled his chair and faced me. My breasts were still exposed under my lace bra. “Yeah, little girl…” he answered, lips pursing as he stared at them before my face. “Stop calling me a little girl, nerdy boy!” I scoffed. Sammy chuckled before sitting up straight and holding me by the waist. His hand moved up and down on my bare skin. “You’re tired. Go freshen up, and we will talk in a while…” he said, looking up. I rolled my eyes and clutched his shoulders. “Yeah, but let me return the favor for what you did yesterday…” I wiggled my brows before looking at the tent between his legs. I slumped slightly and pulled him to me, kissing his lips. I craved for him but didn’t think my body was ready for another steamy action. “Oh, sweety…” I saw how Sammy’s face turned crimson pink as soon as I said those words. Just like that, I dropped to my knees and let him undo his sweatpants and boxers. His rigid manhood sprang up right in front of me. “Did you shave?” I naughtily asked, looking at his veiny, clean, shaved, bulging shaft. Sammy nodded with pursed lips, smirking like a kid. He looked cute in his shirt and eyeglasses with no undies. “I'm just returning the favor too,” he said. I chuckled before grabbing his thickness and starting to rub him up and down with my hands. I kissed the gleaming pinkish tip before sucking him all the way to my mouth. “Aahhh… Sophie…” Sammy moaned and squirmed. I released him with a pop and smirked before taking his warm shaft again. I was about to lick and blow on him when I suddenly heard loud knocks on Sammy’s door. Our gaping eyes met before we looked at the noise's direction. “Sammy?! Are you in there? Please open the door…” It was Elisha. Just like that, the heat of the moment washed out. I got up and took the white shirt off Sammy’s bed and wore it on a whim before opening the door. “Elisha!” “What the f*ck?” She gasped in surprise, glaring at me. “Hey… hey… It's not what you think!” I quickly denied what she was thinking. “Get out of my way!” Elisha stormed in and walked towards the bathroom. “I need to pee!” “Okay…” Elisha then stopped halfway and looked at Sammy. The man was now casually sitting at his office table. I silently wished Elisha wouldn’t see his sweatpants on the floor. “May I use your toilet?” she then asked. “Sure… sure…” Sammy beamed. “Thanks!” She said, but not before glaring at me with doubt written on her face. I was guilty, but I tried to hide my mortification. I followed Elisha inside and saw her pulling on her undies before sitting on the toilet to relieve herself. “*t…” she seemed in relief. “No blood?” I asked, gawking at her undies. I spent the whole morning earlier asking her about her underwear. “What the hell!?” I startled her. “No…” She answered, looking at her pantyliners. “Thank God. We panicked when you passed out this afternoon.” I simply said, changing the topic. “I know…It must be a scene….” Elisha mumbled, sitting still. “Kind of….but Sammy quickly picked you up and took you back to your room….” “Where is Tom?” “With Sam and her parents. They’ve been inside Mr. Lark’s office for two hours now….” “Where is Gideon?” Elisha asked while rinsing and wiping. “With Almira. He cried as soon as the party wrapped up and saw his playmates start leaving,” I snorted, smiling. “Such a lovely boy! I will show you the videos later. Oh! He’s so active and restless in so much excitement!” I added. “Sweet… How about Nana? Where is she?” “Well, she left with Feliz... I answered, looking at Elisha as she washed her hands. “What? Why?” I shrugged my shoulders. The two ladies seemed to be up to something. “I don’t know. I just saw them leaving the mansion together. They stayed in the room with you after Sammy checked you,” “How long I was out?” I looked at my wristwatch. “Did you just wake up?” “Yes,” “Well, you are out for about three hours.” “Okay. That’s long….” “Is Kyle still inside your room? I’m feeling itchy, sticky, and sweaty now….” I asked. I truly needed a bath now. I felt more sweaty after the interrupted moment with Sammy. I believe he felt terrible, too, after the interrupted business. We were both so horny and kinky that we almost got busted. “Did you know he’s inside my room?” Elisha glared. “Yes, I thought about changing my outfit, but Sammy stopped me. The kids played the cake’s icing with me, and I needed to change,” I honestly answered her. “Ugh?!” Elisha’s brow arched, sneering at me. “I am not lying!” I rolled my eyes, silently praying Elisha would believe me. “Yeah, yeah... I believe you.” Elisha puffed. “Let’s go. I need to see Tom as well,” She yanked my arm before looking at Sammy, who seemed busy on his laptop. I almost cracked up, imagining him pretending to work without wearing his underwear. “Sammy. Thank you for letting me use your bathroom!” “El! Sure, no worries!” Sammy smiled, “I hope you are feeling much better now.” “I am. Thank you so much.” “You’re always welcome.” “Let’s go,” Elisha said, looking at me. “Yes, please! Take that little girl now,” Sammy teased, smirking. I knew it well. “What?! What did you call me?” I rebutted, arching my brow at his sweatpants and boxers on the floor. “Litte girl!” “Little girl?!” I hissed, stopping myself from laughing again as I looked at him, noticing his clothes on the floor. His eyes widened in shame, but he ignored it and simply nodded. Elisha laughed. “Hey, stop…” “I was just kidding. You called me a nerdy boy earlier.” Sammy snorted, side-glaring at his things. I puffed. “Because you are slightly nerdy, but I was just kidding!” “So was I!” "Oh, come on, guys!" Elisha grunted. “Whatever, let’s go, Elisha, and leave this nerdy boy,” I huffed and tugged her like a child out of Sammy’s room. “Oh, God, Sophia! Elisha laughed. Once we got out, I headed toward our bedroom. “I needed to freshen up,” I said, opening the door to check if Kyle was still inside. “See you in a while,” I said, getting in. As soon as I closed it, I burst out laughing. We almost got caught, and all I could say was that sneaking couldn’t be more exciting this time. “Yay!” I giggled, taking off my clothes to freshen up. 1/2
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