Chapter 35- Sweet Revenge

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Everyone headed to the dining area for breakfast. Lark and Maris had to leave early for work. I sat next to Elisha and Nana so I could chat and catch up with Nana. I thought about calling Sammy to join us, but he must be busy and already speaking with Tom. “How are you, my darling?” Nana asked, serving my plate with sausages. I smiled at the old lady who had taken care of Elisha since she arrived at the Houston household. I couldn’t help but miss my grandma. “Thank you, Nana! I am great, though! I am happy to know Elisha is alive. It was a hard month for everyone, but I’m glad my daughter is safe!” I answered, glancing at Elisha, who was busily eating the food Kyle was putting on her plate. “Yes, thank you for always being there for Elisha. See, that young lady is older than you, but you acted more maturely than her,” Nana bluntly commented. “Oh, Nana…” “It's true, sweety. Elisha needs your guidance.” I was only a few months younger than Elisha, but Nana could be right. Between Elisha and me, I always felt like I could weigh in on something I thought wasn't right. I always wear my heart on my sleeve. Once, I had a hunch that Kyle was up to something shady, and it turned out to be true. Elisha didn’t trust me enough, and the rest became history. “I know, Nana. I think she has already learned her lesson,” I paused, “And I will always be with her.” Nana rubbed my arm. “Good! Anyway, I am happy to know that you will start to work soon!” she said, “Are you planning to pursue your studies this year like Elisha?” “Thanks, Nana! I still have half a year to prepare. And yes! We are going to the same school, and I might change my course, though….” I answered. I realized that I could benefit if I pursued a degree in Law. I knew it would take time and years, but I shall see. “Ohh…You’re not taking any business marketing degrees?" I shook my head. “I might take paralegal programs, Nana. I’d be working alongside those smart and beautiful ladies,” I said, glancing at Sam and Feliz. Nana faced me with her glimmering eyes as she smiled at me. “Good choice, darling! Elisha still wanted to become a teacher, and you, becoming a lawyer someday, would be awesome!” she said. “Yes, Nana! Hopefully, I can save enough money from this job!” I replied. That was part of my plan. To earn and save for my future. I wasn’t as lucky as Elisha, who got the education funds from her late father. “Of course you can! You won’t pay for your rent since you and Elisha are two peas in a pod!” “You’re right, Nana! I will save more money too!” I giggled. Living with Owens could help me cut back on my expenses. Nana and I continued chatting, asking about my brother and my other plans. I silently checked on Elisha from time to time, and I wondered how cool she was with Kyle serving her plate with the tasty meal the kitchen prepared. “Are you guys ready for Gideon’s birthday?” Sam asked, getting our attention. My eyes widened. “Yes! El and I will be wrapping up the gifts and prizes for the kids!” I excitedly replied, “I will add more decorations later. The guys are coming tonight to prepare the ballroom!” Mika would help later in the evening. The mansion had a modern ballroom area for parties and gatherings. We considered using the outside space, but the weather had been unpredictable lately. “Thank you, Sophie!” Sam beamed, “You are such a great help! I can't wait to see you in the office and work with you,” she added. “Oh, yes! I’m so excited!” I giggled. I was looking at Gideon, who was busy devouring the food Elisha served him. “Well, me too!” Feliz butted, “How about you, Elisha? Sam mentioned to me your hobbies. You like crocheting and knitting, right?” Elisha beamed widely. “Yes! Oh, I love making winter scarves!” she said, glancing at me. I gave her a sweet smile and an up nod, encouraging her to tell more about her hobby. We discussed it before and planned to sell her crafts online since I was more active on social media than her. I had already placed an order online and bought the colorful and good-quality yarns that she would knit in the following days. “Oh, Felicity. Elisha’s designs are great! She’s been making me scarves since she arrived at the mansion. I kept all those and still use them!” Nana seconded. “Sweet! That’s perfect! Perhaps I can order from you. It's my mom and dad’s anniversary in the next two weeks, and I wanted to give them something they can use this winter season in Canada!” Feliz was seemingly exhilarated as she talked to Elisha. “Oh, sure! Sure! Yes! I will send you my designs later!” I could feel Elisha's happiness and excitement as she told everyone about her craft. The lady even mentioned that it would help her to raise and save funds for her babies' futures. “Can I order as well?” Kyle suddenly butted. It was a harmless question, but for the second time in the day, I wanted to punch Kyle for butting in whenever Elisha talked about something. “Yeah,” Elisha coldly answered him before bringing back the smile on her face. “That’s awesome, El!” I yanked Elisha’s shoulder and side-hugged her. I didn’t want to spoil her moment because of Kyle. And that also encouraged her to do it. “Oh, you can finally earn and save money!” I was thrilled she would create something she was always keen on making. “I know!” “Well, Elisha. Count me in as long as it's not stressing you and the babies. Maybe a beanie for Gideon and me.” Sam said. “Oh, yes! I don’t only make scarves! I can also knit beanies, vests, or even blankets! And yes! As Sophie said, I needed funds for my babies! They are two and will be a handful! Twice the diapers and baby wipes! So expensive!” Elisha happily shared “You don’t need to worry about it, Baby….” Kyle spoke once more. I get short when I hear him butting in, especially about Elisha. I held my horses and clutched Elisha’s trembling hand under the table. I could feel she was also getting annoyed, like me. “Their daddy can afford to buy all their needs. From their diapers to milk and all their clothes, let me handle those for you,” he continued like it was a natural thing to say. “Excuse me. Who are you?” Elisha insultingly rebutted. ‘Yes, Kyle! take that, sperm donor!’ I inwardly rejoiced for my friend. Call me evil, but I loved how she treated Kyle. Elisha humiliated Kyle. His face was red, and his bullet sweats were evident on his face. That was a tremendous clap back Elisha could give after all he had done. “Elisha...Take a breath, sweetheart....” It was Nana. “I’m sorry, Nana... Excuse me, guys,” Elisha let go of my hand and left the table. I wasn’t surprised by her reaction, but I knew I had to speak with her. Sammy and I talked about it. Though Kyle begged Sammy to help him with Elisha, I wasn’t uncomfortable. Kyle hasn’t been punished enough yet. Elisha was still weak, and he could use her vulnerable state to play her again. I wanted to go after Elisha, but she also needed time to decompress. I knew where to find her, and I would follow her. Silence once more lingered. “Isha?” We heard Gideon ask, slicing the awkwardness. I sat beside him and kissed his hair. “Isha went to the bathroom, love....” “Otay!” Gideon beamed at me and continued eating his food. I glanced at Kyle and saw his now worn and despondent face. A silly and nasty thought suddenly popped into my head. I knew it wasn’t right, but this could help Elisha ease her resentment toward Kyle. A little while later, I followed Elisha to the library. I couldn’t help but feel bad seeing and hearing her cry again. I did my best to comfort her, then took a mental note to ask Sam and Sammy why Kyle was allowed in the mansion. It shouldn’t be my business. However, Elisha might need company once I started working, and Nana had to return to Houston’s household. I told Elisha about my idea of what to do with Kyle. Treating him coldly was acceptable, but I thought about something graver than that. To make Kyle fall in love with her and leave him high and dry. Yet, I had to ask her to go upstairs to discuss it in our room. We weren’t safe with all the CCTV in the house. Sammy once mentioned that Kyle had all access to them. Elisha and I walked out of the library. We checked on Gideon, and Almira said he was in his playroom. Nana was resting, and the rest left the mansion. We were about to enter the room when I stopped and looked at Sammy’s door. I was so eager to ask him for an update. “You really wanted to go in and give him a massage, huh?” Elisha asked, arching her brow at me. I chuckled. “No! He didn’t join us this morning.” “Let him rest! He had just finished his eighteen-hour duty, Sophie! Give him a break!” Elisha scoffed. “Liar!” “Huh? What do you mean?” I went silent for a while. “Oh, I mean….” Elisha narrowed her eyes at me before pinching my ear. “Hey… let’s go inside and talk to me about your scores with Sammy!” she said, tugging me in. “El!” I laughed, running away from her, “Stop! Yes, I’ll tell you!” I wouldn’t tell her everything, though. She was now aware of the sweet chats but not of the tales in between the sheets. Elisha sat on the bed while I laid my aching body on the soft couch. I stretched my sore muscles, especially my back, my pússy, and my cráck. “Now, tell me about Sammy,” she more likely demanded than asked. I groaned. “We are friends, and I was just teasing him. Sammy is a cool and nice guy. You know me, El!” “I don’t buy it!” “I am serious! We are just friends!” with benefits, I almost added. Elisha rolled her eyes. “Fine! I trust and believe you! I’d be the first to know once you hit the home base, yes?! Your playfulness is insane!” She laughed. I somehow felt shameful after hearing Elisha’s statement. I wasn’t being honest with her, but I would open up as soon as I found out who Demi was. “Sweet!” “So you were telling me to make Kyle fall for me?” Elisha then asked me, opening up the conversation about my idea. “Yup! I know you hate him and have no mercy for what he has done to you. Make him fall, then leave him high and dry, as he did to you. Make him feel the hell you've been through,” I stated without batting an eyelash. “You are such an evil thing!” Elisha threw her pillow on my face. “I am! It all started with a vengeance. Let’s end it there too.” I laughed, hugging the pillow. “Oh, Sophia…” “Well, I am not pushing you to do it, though. It's just that I still hate him. Honestly, I don’t think I will ever forgive him,” I continued. “Likewise..” Elisha seemed to agree and started spacing out on me. “What’s your decision?” “Nope. I cannot….” I got up and sat down. “That’s fine! I just thought about it, you know!” I said, standing up on the couch and pumping my fist. “Revenge! Sweet revenge! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! hak-hak-hak! ” I chortled like an evil witch, making Elisha burst out laughing. “Stop! Sophia!” Elisha gasped, rubbing her swollen tummy, “I love you, Sophie! I do! Oh, Sammy would be delightful to hang around with you and love you too!” she added, catching her breath in so much laughter. I held my chest and lifted my breasts. “Oh, yes…as much as he loves hanging with these tittÍes!” I jiggled them, putting Elisha in stitches again. She might find it ridiculous, but it was actually true. Sammy loved my boobies. 2/3
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