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CHAPTER NINE“Well?” she asked, anxiously watching her son’s face. “Oh, my Lilliana!” he exclaimed, “why could she not have told me of all this?” “Darling, she has made it clear in the letter what the circumstances were. Her mother was not telling you a lie – she did not have time to write to you and it was imperative that she acted in order to release her father from prison.” “And Lord Farringdon took advantage of her when she was at her most vulnerable and alone – the blackguard! How dare he!” The Countess shook her head in disbelief. “Not all men are as upright and morally strong as you are. Lilliana is surely a beautiful young lady and he obviously wanted her at any cost.” “Lilliana does not say what her father has done, or whether he was, indeed, guilty – ” he said, looking off i

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