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We arrived at the reception and It's more elegant than I've ever pictured out to be. Never did I know that Kappa was able to set up like this just for a sorority ball. Maybe that is how the Kappa sisters will vaunt their wealth and whoever their sponsors of this event are. As we stepped in the Big door of the reception, Brandon for once held my hand to make an entrance, still, Abbie and Caitly are with us but the difference is, Cait will not take the gorgeous entrance with the spotlighted to us and in a red-carpeted way. "I'll just get in later and as usual like what Brandon said, if anyone spotted me with no pair, I'll just tell them that he left me to get the drink right?" asks Caitly to Brandon memorizing what he said earlier at the suite. "Got it!" He answered Caitlyn back. So here we are starting to make an entrance. Darren and Abbie came in first. Brandon followed us, All eyes were on us! That feeling that those people are telling you that they have the right to look at you from head to toe and you can do nothing but tolerate the criticisms that people cast a tedious stare at you. Brandon noticed that I was a little nervous. YES, I was nervous about tonight too. He gently squeezes my hand and I run through his eyes staring at me with a slight smile on his lips. "Your hands were freezing. Are you nervous?" he questioned me while smiling. "a little" I responded sheepishly. "relax, just go with the flow. Don't worry I'm just here" he beamed again and tightened up the grip on my hand, after a while, he let go of it and left me, I wondered. I looked at him confused about what he did but he just embraced me with a smile. "Hold my arm My Dominicka.," he smirks. I can't believe what I've observed. I don't know why my partner looks like this perfect date tonight. He careered it very well. What more amazed me is, He called me "Dominicka". His voice made an echoing vibration inside my eardrums. So euphonious. Xylia's words about Brandon's poem he always talks about his Dominicka reverberates in my head. I'm already baffled about how I must feel about him. "Shall we?" he suddenly asked me out of the way and my sense of surprise was broken. We slowly walked to the center and make the graceful entrance. Kappa sister's stared at us! and even Becca was so surprised to see me, well maybe with my dress or with Brandon and how he carries me in the middle. "Darren! so glad you could make it to our little soiree. And you've bought Abbie. I don't really assume that you are her type! " That came from Becca who tried to dodge me. Her dress was so nice too in that Maroon color. I wonder where's Kris and how good he looked in formal attire. "Our little Caitlyn is so innocent and nice with her dress too!" it was from Madison who also wore a color pink gown. I don't know why I always see her as a living minion. "Welcome to the Ball Margie! You're looking nice with Brandon!" greetings which are from Xylia. She smiled at us and hugged Brandon and me. She is wearing a black sexy gown too and pull-up hairdo. "Hi, Baby!" Brandon greeted his younger sister in a smile and cheek to cheek kiss. It is not really obvious that they are both siblings because they are so sweet to each other. "I love to see you with her! Your Dominicka." teases Xylia to Brandon, I saw Brandon make a face, it's like stopping Xylia to whatever she wants to say. "The Ball will start in a couple of seconds and I like you, Darren and Abbie, to open the dance floor" that voice from the back was from Hermione. She is wearing a yellow dress that sees good for her as well. "and for those who don't want to dance yet can check yourself with your preferred drinks" Kalisha was a little slang in addition, wearing a very simple yet dashing gray and black dress. I don't know but I think maybe one of the qualities they are looking for in aspired Kappa is that besides being nice maybe requires a good body shape as well. I just noticed that all of them look so beautiful and they all have beautiful bodies in an hour-glass shape. It was no surprise that Abbie and Cait and I had the standard so I thought we have a great possibility to get us in Kappa. "so before we officially start the Ball let's hear some words from Becca" it was Giada's voice from behind, when she saw me, she smiled immediately. "I believe you can make it!" Giada winks at me grinning. Giada is also pretty, she's wearing a blue dress and looks elegantly with her messy hairstyle too. She's stunning in her demure too. I was right to wear a good gown tonight because the Kappa sisters have the best taste in their attires. Becca gets a fork from her table and makes a sound from the glass of wine to get everyone's attention. "Good evening everyone! Before the official Kappa Sierra Sigma Sorority ball will start, I would like to thank everyone for coming. To begin the main event, I would like my friend Darren with his date Abbie to open the dance floor!" "Thanks! I'd loved to" that's from Darren and led Abbie to the middle of the dance floor. Everyone makes a noise from the glass as we saw Darren and Abbie stepped on the dance floor. "Madie! please go to the live band and tell them to play some romantic song" Madison walks to the live band in the other corner of the reception when Caitlyn leans over to me. "Is it just me or Abbie who is disinterested with Darren?" she asked us both. I just smiled and made no answer while Brandon keeps his eyes to Abbie and Darren's direction. "Well, maybe we need a little distraction to slightly change the topic and alleviate the awkwardness." Brandon looked at me as if he meant something. "Hey, what? Are you asking me to dance?" I suddenly asked him but this time I can't help but smile. "Well, Professor's order! I guess" a smile curved Brandon's lips and he leads me in the center of the dance floor just as the instrumental music from Ed Sheeran's playlist song called perfect starts to play via piano. The lights went dim and become playful as the Maestro of the piano plays the song. Brandon held my hand as he drove me on the floor, smiling his other hand clipped my waist, but I noticed he was a bit far towards me. "You can step closer if you want.." I smile at him, good thing my awkwardness no longer resides within me. Brandon for once more smiled but this time his white and straightened teeth join in to make his smile even perfect. She was too tall and I was having a hard time moving as we had a big gap in front of us, maybe he is very cautious not to step on my long dress so I thought it would be better to be close to him. As the song becomes even louder I didn't expect that Brandon draws closer than I've ever thought. Closer in a sense that I can now feel his solid Chest and his warm hands hold even more tighter in my waist. "How about this, Is this okay?" He asked me smiling which I can almost smell his cool minty mouth wash while he continuously sways to the beat of the music. I made a smile as a positive response to him as he moves and leads me while the music filled the dance floor. I've never thought that he would be this good at dancing this way. His head leans closer and we're dancing like a real couple on a date. I know it's a little uncomfortable inside but he is just so good in making his moves that even if I am not good at dancing, he moved like a pro and made me better on my feet. Brandon's actions are just awkward, Were not used to being like this close in the office. We don't have time to have a proper conversation and now he's dancing like this pretending to be my pr=erfect date for the night. Just so unbelievable! I just can't imagine how nice and sweet Brandon is despite his bold, serious and sophisticated psyche. "You're so good at this huh!" I praised him. "Uhm, just experienced! my parents always bring me to a charity ball and Social meetings and this kind of activities was always present, They used to make me dance or if not scold me after so I learned from time." he just whispered that on my ear and his warm breath I could feel. Why am I so sensitive to even so small details of Brandon's act? I am too malicious. "Wow, so fancy huh!" We both smiled while still swaying from the music's beat. He directed my hands and put it both in his nape. I can't believe I'm doing this. While my hands are in his neck his hands move throughout my hips and started to own the whole floor, swaying me. He moves and lifts my hand to the ceiling like he wanted me to do an artful turn, and yes I did it. He smiled. "Good girl," he said smiling, I smiled too. I am dancing! All my life dancing has never been in my vocabulary because I rather chose to sing. After the turn, my hand still rested in his neck but his hand chooses to hold my right hand while the other one is in my back. He bent forward that cause me to bend from a back, I stared at him like I was not so sure if he can catch me while tilting backward. "Please don't let me fall.." I shouted but he smiled instead and he makes me do the move right before he answered me. I gazed to his eyes and now I am too weak, I give in my strength and let myself make an artful bend. Just then I heard the people around us clapping. "I'm always here to catch you!" I don't know if he meant something literally but I am starting to like him even more. Brandon's movement was really gentlemanly, he sways like a pro and I am feeling so great in dancing. Apparently, the gesture he was showing me could temporarily forget the pain I was feeling from Kris. I think he's slowly separating those wounds and gradually fixing me again. I look back while still dancing when I heard several hands applauding and I saw all of them including my friends cheering with their hands which I think likes how Brandon and I dance in the middle. Maybe they liked our performance, I feel like we both own the dancefloor as the two of us dance together. When I looked up I saw them all on the sidelines and Brandon and I were dancing alone now, I was a bit flustered. Just as when I am about to turn and stopped from dancing Brandon's hand clutched, even more, tighter in my hips and his hands again asking me to hold his neck. I was bothered because I didn't know if Kris was here and what she would think if she saw what we were doing. "you're doing great! don't be shy just go with the flow and let your heart move your feet." As the music gets louder and the song gets more romantic, I just realized Brandon's other hand is now at the back of my ear-line touching my nape. My body shrugged when I feel his warm hand under my skin, while his other hand still on my hips. He let me sway the entire dance floor, we turn several times and repeats in that posture for a couple of seconds, his hands move seems like the song directed him well in what he will do. His hand touches my arm, caressing my skin, slowly and gently while his eyes are staring at me passionately. His actions are not obscene to me. His move has a deep respect for me and I can feel it. His hands were so warm and I can feel that from my cold shamed skin. He let me turn, let me bend and sway and sway and sway. He even directed me to dance while my both hands stuck in my front while he is on my back. Then lift his hands again and let me turn. "Jump in my count of three" He muttered in my ear. "One.." I swayed. "two... " I turned. "three" then I don't know I just jumped as the piano plays at the bridged part of the song. I realized that he had just carried me, lifted me in the breeze of silence and swung me around in the air like a kid. His both hands in my waist, my feet are lifting from the floor, I can't believe he carries me effortlessly with his two hands. I think he twirled me in the air twice before lowering me. When he put me down, he grabbed my back for support and instructed me to do the last turn right just in time the music ended. I really thought it was over, but in my astonishment, he held my hand and he gently kissed it, making me feel that I am his princess. I think my cheeks turn red, blushing. Red as tomatoes. I was so surprised to see in his actions, he just smiled and I can't help to smile too in my all desperate attempt to be okay. Then we made a bow. All people cheers to us! Even the Kappa sisters were so amazed at our unexpected performance while clapping their hands, except Becca. I noticed that I was being snubbed by Becca and I assume she was the only person who didn't like our performance. Did we just steal her big night? "What a wonderful performance Dominicka!" Xylia greeted us with a warm round of applause and hugged me tightly. "Thanks, Xylia!" "I know my brother is really good! That's why I loved him." She added beaming on us and wink at me when Brandon throws her an awful gaze. The teasing didn't take long, she just turned her back giving us time alone. Facing him with nothing to say has been the dumbest thing I did. I am so lost for words to say that I forgot to say Thank you. Now he chooses to break the silence. "Just stay there and I'll get us some drinks!" Brandon smiled at me trying not to make me feel at ease. "Yes sure. Thanks, Brandon!" Brandon left and took a drink. Brandon leaves and headed at the beverage counter and found me with Abbie and Cait. "Wow, Margie! How come you didn't tell us you're a badass dancer?" Abbie suddenly commented. "Darren and I had given our way because you are so good! You rock the floor." "Brandon was just too good Abbie, I was just carried away." "I like that guy for you, Margie! He is so so cool and hot and damns so sexy! I feel like I am the one in love for your tandem." I think about what Cait has said, The real thing is, I feel different now when I get to know Brandon how much more if I get to know him even more? I admire Brandon before but I just didn't want to admit it. "He's a nice guy" I answered back shyly. "Just admit it that there's a possibility that you'll like him. You are too obvious enough to hide and deny it." Abbie insisted. These girls are by-passing my will but I admit they made me laugh. I looked around, searching and struggling to find Kris but instead, Becca was the one who saw me. Just when the light turns dim again and becomes playful, I heard the Maestro playing the piano again, and this time the song played was so familiar to me. It is the sexy song of Bruno Mars Versace on the floor. I smiled and shook my head as I thought about what kind of dance class Brandon would play if this song had played it before. My dirty mind is playfully teasing me about this guy. When the crowd settles on the floor to dance, I was so shocked to see a very familiar guy stepping in the center. My heart starts to feel heavy as I saw Kris in this very Charming and handsome in his black and Maroon tuxedo with Becca in his Arms. I felt like my chest swells feeling lack of oxygen. His expression is so serious staring at me from the distance. He brought Becca on the floor to... To dance? I can't believe I can manage to see this event coming. This scene is so suicidal for me for Pete's sake! Kris is so dashing tonight, my heart feels like it's falling again for him. Why is he affecting me so much this way? Why if it's him, my heart pounded and hit me so bad? Abbie and Caitlyn are still talking but I couldn't understand them because I probably don't listen well to them until they noticed what I was observing in the distance. Kris held Becca's waist and swaying closely with Becca, Becca's hand glued in Kris nape, her grasp was like the six tentacles squid coiled tightly around Kris's neck. Her head is on Kris's chest. I can see it from here. Becca knows I am gazing at them and that b***h throws me a sly gaze from the corner of her eye and started to show me a mischievous grin. Is she trying to make me angry and jealous? Because the answer is yes! I am now provoked to drag her hair out from the middle. It tastes glorious to come to her and smash her face on Kris's ribs. It felt so good to stab her inside Kris's lungs but of course, I don't want to scene like that. I don't want to bring out the worst in me just because a guy who doesn't give me the rights for him and the jurisdiction to do that. There was no "Us." There was never an "Üs." That's the meaning of ' I have no right'. I should have no sense of jealousy, but conversely, it hurts me even if he doesn't punch me or had slapped me physically. Caitlyn leans over me and whispered. "Is that Kris? Damn, he's even more so handsome than I thought!" "Kris is not my type but I can't imagine how he looks so good in that suit" added Caitlyn which sums up the torture inside my heart. "Yeah, he is so handsome. I wish he didn't look that good". I just sadly answer them just as Brandon came back with two drinks in his hand. He reaches it out to me and looked like he noticed the sadness on my face. "Are you alright?" he clarifies. I just nodded and drank a cocktail. I almost dropped my glass. I gripped the glass as tightly as I can. Swiftly, I felt with no strength at all to lift even my glass. He chased for the purpose of my stare that has been nailed for a couple of while to Kris and Becca on the dance floor who danced romantically in the middle. Surely, Becca would like to make a mark too tonight, competitive enough about the performance we just did earlier and reasonably aim for advantage in crashing my emotions by using Kris. Damn, so beneficial! "Do you want to dance?" Brandon proposed. A whimsical grin carves in his lips which I can read adversely so I smiled. "Well I just think how you could drove me again in the middle, please promise me not to make anymore scene," I replied. Brandon holds my hand and smiled back. "Of course not. As you wish, milady." And as expected, Brandon swayed me slowly again on the dance floor. His head now touching my face, he moves and swayed slowly and gently. I enjoyed Brandon's dance steps and I'm learning from him from second to seconds. After the few smiles and laughs and whispering, I was just so astonished to recognize Kris standing behind Brandon as we danced with a serious face. It seems as if his face can't be painted and I don't understand why he resents or dislikes what I do or what made him bitter. Well, I know there is but is he the only one here who has the right to be angry? He is also f****d-up to Becca flirting like frustrated lovebirds! I didn't mind him and just focused on dancing when I shrugged immediately to realized someone touches my elbow.
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