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The morning after the sorority sleepover, I immediately headed to Professor's office to update him on my progress. "Good morning Professor!" "What's good in this morning Margie?" his obnoxious response to me. Well, It doesn't affect me because he was just always like that. Just as how they both react when Becca and I meet because no matter how wonderfully kind you are to them if they don't like you then none of your efforts will change them. That is how awful they will be in return. I am starting to think that they are relatives in their behavior. Just wondering! I noticed the empty wastepaper basket in the corner of the room and wonder whether the professor's letter to his daughter went out with the trash. "Everything okay? You're a little down" "What? This is how I always look. Anyway, do you have an update on the task I set you or did you just come here to irritate me?" "Well, I'm on the final challenge. I just have to find an upper-class to take me to the sorority Ball this next evening." I can see this bald man's forehead twitched. Is there anything unclear about what I said to him? "And what do you want from me? Boy advice?" He asked me back again in a mocking way. Thada! See? He is always like this on despising me. My eyebrows raised in repugnance BUT honestly speaking I like to laugh at his reaction to what I said yet I still managed to hold my laughter. "No! I well, it's a bit awkward. Becca and Madison said that I have to Bring Brandon with me" Professor's eyebrows rose as if in shock. "They were... Very adamant about it," I added as I smiled even more like a cumbersome person as I said. "Really? I have to say, I didn't see this twist coming. Maybe I should hire Becca and Madison as story consultants for my novel." I don't know if he was saying the truth or was he just insulting what I revealed to him. "Professor!" I warned him to stop criticizing me. "Okay. Regarding Brandon, well how do you feel about him? Is there any spark?" I was surprised when he suddenly asked me about this stuff. I am starting to feel awkward. "Spark?" I mimicked in his question trying to clarify what he asked. I looked at him with wonder when he nodded to my question. Hesitantly, I tried to answer back when, "You know just a little something between you" he added. Is he kidding me because I don't really like it? I am very anxious to pull all the thin hair left on his head. "I'd say there's nothing between us. We're just mere co-workers" "Really? That's too bad" he answered and sat on his throne, in front of his mahogany table. Just then, the door opens and Brandon walks in. He stops short when he sees me and Vasquez staring at him. Brandon stopped walking and looked at us staring at him. "Uh! Everything okay?" his confused question. "Hello, Brandon. Do you have a nice suit in your closet?" Professor asked Brandon, I was nervous he might not be interested. "Ah yes? Why?" his confused question. "Good. You are taking Margie to the sorority ball at Kappa house next evening" Brandon's eyes widened revealing his deep light brown iris, now I'm starting to get nervous. I gulped! Honestly, I am expecting he could say no and that thought depressed me most. "Seriously?" he asked suddenly as if he was not interested, I felt deprived and now there's no hope of joining Kappa. Brandon looks at me in the eye but I just smiled back to ease my negativity. "S-sorry I didn't mean. I was just caught off guard, that's all" he said back trying to console me. " I'd be happy to accompany you to this... sorority ball" I smiled at what Brandon said and my eyes lit up, I guess I was excited not because I really wanted to join Kappa but, I really wanted to join for my scholarship. Lastly, I am very happy because that means that he will be going to say yes! "really? Uh, I mean.. Thank you, Brandon! I look forward to it! You can pick me up from my dorm tomorrow at six." "Great. I will see you then!" I thought I would fly home from the suite because I arrived right away in so much joy and excitement. Back in the suite, I found Lucas and Tyler as usual in their gaming spot and controllers clutched their hands. "Where are they?" I suddenly asked because I noticed the suite was very quiet. "I think Abbie and Cait leave and told me they are going for shopping for Kappa tomorrow" Tyler replied as he kept his eyes nailed on the monitor. Both of them Tyler and Lucas are addicted to the game. I remember Kris, they used to be three together in the living room playing, now he turned to be a shadow I can no longer feel. I went upstairs because I knew I was only O-OP from these two. Opening the door I immediately lay in bed and thought. I knew Kris was coming to the Ball tomorrow with Becca. Am I really ready to see the two of them together again? About Brandon, I don't know if Xylia and Abbie just fluttering me, because they mentioned that Brandon is into me. I didn't even see it in Brandon's Eyes for me. But I'm glad that Professor and I had convinced Brandon to be with me tomorrow. I know Brandon knew it already that his sister Xylia was in a sorority, but he had never mentioned it to a professor earlier and to me. I wonder if Prof also knows about Xylia and more of Brandon's life. Just when I am in the midst of my deepest thoughts phone suddenly rang. I was surprised to see Darren's digits flashing on my screen. "Darren?" "Hello Margie, I heard that you rushed Becca's sorority, there will be a ball and Abbie asked me to be her date, I was just wondering if you have yours already before I say yes!" Why is he asking for my permission? Don't tell me he wants me to be my pair and neglect Abbie's invitation? "For sure Kris is going with Becca" he added. I sigh before answering. "I am totally fine Darren. You can say yes to Abbie, I already have my partner with me." "Who?" he suddenly asked as if confused and disturbed that I refused his offer. "Its Brandon. My co-worker" silence hoisted on the other line. " Hello, Darren still there?" "You're Margie Choppy! I, I can't ----" just I heard 3 continuous beats after his last words. I don't know if it's just no service or he just doesn't want to hear the name or maybe, just pretending. It doesn't matter. I have no plans to do it now, I just want to rest and think. I know that tomorrow and that coming event will be a big day and I am not sure the possible outcome so I just want to relax for a little while longer. ------------------------------------------------ And now the final and most awaited day has come! at 6 pm I know Brandon will come ringing the doorbell and so I have to prepare but I just get up late around 2 pm the next day since instead of going for early beauty rest, what happened was that I had a movie marathon by myself in the room. It was the best Me-time that I had since I get into this school. The whole day no one of my suitemates disturbed me and maybe they just respect the note I posted outside my bedroom which says: 'meditation ongoing don't disturb' Like that. All-day long, no one dares to knock me. I came down to the living room and kitchen in pajamas and no bath. I arrived at the kitchen where Tyler was eating a sandwich with Lucas. "Hungry? What kind of meditation class did you do and you lock yourself at the room the whole day? We don't hear any yoga music but rather, it was guns and scream. What's that?" Tyler asked as her mouth filled with sandwich talking. "That's.....Super meditation" smiling answer I. I stole the spread and cutlery from Tyler and made my sandwich. I even rubbed my finger with a nice spread and licked the tasty sandwich spread on my fingers like a kid. "Are you excited about the ball later?" Lucas asked as he ate with Tyler. "Not so. I don't even buy my dress yet" "Abbie was a little uneasy about her choice about what to wear. She laid before us like almost 30 dresses but still couldn't decide!" continued Lucas. I smiled as I smudged and chew the sandwich. "and how about Cait?" I asked indirectly and not looking at them. "There, since they arrived at the shopping, she hasn't gone downstairs to eat. Maybe getting ready for Ball later, she mentioned as possible she would get rid of her curly hair," answered Tyler, I didn't say any words then since I am getting busy with my delicious sandwich. "Hey, He. It sounds like you're not interested in joining the Ball. Are you serious about what you do??" added Tyler in his most criticizing look. "I'm going to take a shower, I'm not going to buy clothes, I have a mint green dress in the closet so I'll wear it to Ball," I answered back and turned away to avoid his pep-talks when Abbie suddenly came down with curling tools in the hair, As I've seen she looks like she would like to curl her hair. Her forehead twisted as she picked up the pillow on the sofa as if looking for something. "Did you lose anything?" I asked bothered on her look. "yeah! my eye-shadow pallets were lost and I can't find it! Have you seen it, guys?" "Why would your eye-shadow go to the sofa?" asked Lucas. "I do my make up here yesterday! now I couldn't find it!" "that's okay Abbie, you still look amazing even without make-up, but you can borrow mine later, I have some few shades that probably one of your taste."-- I replied to Abbie, I saw her smile in relief. During the conversation, I saw Cait coming down the stairs and I started to amaze when I saw her curly hair before now turned straight. She is so pretty and she looks really good in that straight hair. I looked at Lucas as if mesmerized by Cait's beauty, and just Cait reached the last steps, she stopped when she saw us staring at her. "Hey, does your stare means I am ugly?" she suddenly asked when all of us remain silent from her looks, I made a signal to Lucas by jerking my elbow to hit his abdomen, Lucas, on the other hand, seems like a fool that suddenly gorging. "Ah- Yes! I - mean no!" Cait's forehead twitched and Lucas's eyes widened as Caitlyn throw him an angry look. "Fix it!!" slow but enough to be heard, Tyler whispered to Lucas. "I-I mean you look good Cait! You look really beautiful but, it is so sad to think that I'm not your date later." Cait suddenly blushed at Luke. But she keeps her composure to bring back a natural look. "by the way Abbie, I saw your eye-shadow pallets yesterday. I think you dropped it" Caitlyn handed it to Abbie, Abbie was excited to get the make-up from Caitlyn's hands. "Thanks, Cait!" "Why aren't you preparing Margie?" Cait asked me when she saw me still wearing my pajamas and white shirt while eating a sandwich. "I noticed that since Kris was no longer hanging with us, Margie had never mind taking a bath!" I smacked Tyler with the damp rug near me, because that's the closest thing I could ever throw him to. They all laughed. "Alright! I'll get ready, I'll get down and you'll see the girl that moved on already!" "Moved on your butt!" Tyler's last tease so I left to stop them. ----------------------------------------- I made no effort in fixing my hair since it is already shoulder level in a bit messy style will do and put on a light make up. Time ticks so fast, I just had a crazy conversation a while ago with my suitemates and now its already time to go. I think I exert so much time doing this crazy makeup thing on my face and looking for some casual and nice to wear at the party. I know everyone now is waiting for me to go downstairs. wearing this fit-like-a-mermaid gown top is a laced crop top long sleeve but has an open neck designed as an off-shoulder and high waist-ed mermaid fit skirt in mint green. It's been a while I haven't worn this gown. This gown is the one I chose to wear. Ball event because I'm sure they'll be able to wear Kappa sisters too because I know it won't last.. If I will going to wear an ordinary dress, they might laugh at me. Mock us about being disqualified as kappa material. The last time I wore it was my masquerade theme debut, I now wear it again. I slowly came down the stairs and saw them all in the living room. Tyler, Abbie, Cait and Lucas's eyes widened at my demure. "Abbie! you look like Athena! Greek Goddess of Beauty. You don't look like a Bi!" I laughed aloud. But really! aside from the beautiful shape of her body too, she looks so beautiful. "You too Cait! I can't believe you look even this gorgeous!" Cait is wearing a pink colored dress and I couldn't think enough how Lucas appreciates her at the back of his mind. She has been here standing for a long time quietly. So innocent and pure looking girl in her attire which made her looked like a doll. "Oh my God! Margie, you are so stunning, s**t!!!! You're a total damn so sexy! Your name Margie doesn't fit for tonight's occasion, Dominicka will be better and I wonder how Becca and Kris will react to see you. f**k!" Tyler praised me in a cussing way. I saw Abbie and Cait smiling at Tyler's reaction. "And Kris wouldn't want to see you like that with Brandon, That will eventually tear his heart into pieces!" Abbie's added,  "What a surprise!" She continued. Abbie is wearing a purple gown and damn! She's so hot and looking sexy too. "Tore his heart?" I mimicked what she said exasperatedly while thinking about what they said and what will Kris soon will feel. "Yes, like a peanut," answered Lucas while tearing the peanut apart from his fingers. "and will crush his soul," Caitlyn added again. "Crushed his soul? " I imitated their words again absentmindedly. "Like a grape!" continued Abbie while crashing the raisins on her both fingers. I shook my head. This can't be. "I need to change!" "No!"They all shouted. Just then the doorbell rang. Our attention headed to the closed door. For a couple of while nobody gets inside so we assume that it was just a false alert of our escort's coming. "Cait, can we have a photo together just once?" Lucas smiling as he held his phone, Abbie, Tyler and I were smiling to see the two of them. The three of us shudder in love. I know Cait couldn't help but take a selfie with Lucas's request. "--Oh! Let me take you the photo instead, Lucas, Stay little closer to Caitlyn!" that was from Tyler and stole Lucas's phone. Abbie and I laughed. "Closer!-- compress----" Here is Lucas starting to blush. "faster Lucas come on you shy-scumbag! Closer!" Tyler shouted as Lucas and Cait move closer, this time Lucas's hand wraps at Cait's waist the two looked at each other and caught them exactly as Tyler's angle. The phone camera sounded were so sure has a prominent photo. "Perfect!" shouted Tyler. "One more!" and we heard the camera's clicking. "Let's have a group picture together guys!" and we all have a selfie just in time after the enjoyed moment of selfie the door rang again. Tyler decided to open the door and we are shocked to see Darren and Brandon standing the doorstep. We saw two handsome guys look so adorable and hot with the black and navy blue tuxedo. Brandon is wearing a navy blue tuxedo with a clipped white flower in the pocket of his tuxedo. I've never seen him so handsome with that tuxedo. He looks extremely handsome and hunk today. His suit emphasized his broad shoulders and hard chest. Caitlyn and Abbie are right that Brandon was indeed hunk and Hot. I can say now that he is boyfriend material. Not only he is rich, bold and sophisticated, he is also a nice guy, smart and so gentlemanly. Darren wore a plain Black tuxedo with black polo inside. Aside from the field and a guy in the green uniform, I wouldn't have thought that he was that handsome in a tuxedo. Pure black inner and black tuxedo with a gold watch on his wrist. “Have you both been there for a while now?” Asked Tyler. “Well, Nobody opened the door for us when we rang the bell earlier. Oh, so they are the ones who made the doorbell earlier which we thought was just a mistake. These two guys stared at us! I don't know their comments at the back of their mind. All of a sudden, Brandon hands me one of his white long stems rose out from his hand. I've never expected he is sweeter beyond his so serious psyche. He's demure was so pleasing to my eyes. "Hello, Gorgeous! I've never imagined you will look this even prettier than before" his lips curved to a sweet smile. "Thanks, Brandon" I received the flower from him. "Hi, Abbie! You're so hot! We made a perfect match too for a date." it was from Darren but eyes were fixed on me. He avoided me when Brandon looked at him. Suddenly he shook his head and smiled. "You have a date, Please be a gentleman. No U-turn bro! " Laughs Brandon. We all smiled. "And where's Logan? I thought he'll come with Cait?" asked Abbie. "Oh! logan can't come! He's badly sick after eating 70 eggs a day!" answered Darren. "Why did he just do that crazy thing?" Lucas asked in disgust. "He wanted to gain so much weight for more muscle tonight." Says Darren, Caitlyn's face turns to be a little bit sad. Lucas looked at her in disappointment. "I wish I can go with you Cait," Lucas said to Caitlyn in an attempt to make her okay. "So I can't qualify with Kappa if I can't bring an upperclassman with me." Cait's sad face now conceal from her dolly face. "That's okay Cait, just hang with us with Brandon," I replied striving to encourage her. "But I don't want to be a third wheel!" "That's okay. If anyone spotted you without a partner we will just say that your date just went out to get a drink!" Brandon replied shortly, Caitlyn smiled. I smiled at Brandon as he turned my gaze. "I like this guy Margie!" Caitlyn said smiling with a sparkle in her eyes, we stopped talking when Darren suddenly responded. "So are we all going to just flirt here or shall we open the door and head to the ball?" He is obviously against Brandon as my pair in his act. "Yeah, We know! We're going," said Abbie and approached Darren. She holds to Darren's arm while they lead the way out. Cait also followed after as she slowly walked, Lucas took her by the hand and supported her. While Brandon was here, his hand was extended for me to reach. I reached for it, clung to my toned hips and supported me out of the suite with my hand still on my side. I have never thought he will be this gentleman to me and I was never been this close to him. Interestingly enough, the fact that we barely talk and get along in Professor's office gave me an unusual feeling today with the way how sweet and gentlemanly he is in treating me. I will so self-conscious. I'm not used to Brandon's demure being like this and what he's doing right now is absolutely beyond my expectations. "Is this okay with you?" I don't understand what he meant. "What do you mean?" "I would like to ask since I am your date today, well just because you know I'm doing this for Vasquez!" he stuttered while saying the words I can't comprehend properly because he didn't elaborate it further but I didn't complain about his explanations.  "would it be okay for you to hold your hips, hold your arm, hold your hand all through the night?" "Is that necessary?" I wonder because this is my first time to be dated to a formal occasion like this. "Well, not really significant just asking if it is Okay however if its a no, I will respect but that's how the formal Ball works-- Man should be the protector of his princess" His statement this time is very persuasive and I can say that it works a little to draw a dollar smile on my face. "I see, I'm so sorry you stumbled on an ordinary girl who doesn't know anything about it. I've never been always in a Ball, " He looked at me in my sly answer. "-- and it will be the first time that I will be dated on a formal event." Our eyes met. Oh! Why is that Brandon's stare makes me shiver? "So can I?" He broke in between the silent lines. I can't say no and the fact here is, I would love to know about the Ball's Rules. So I smiled. "If that's really the complete package of a formal Ball then do what you want, we're only doing this for Vasquez right?" "Ah Oh! yes.." he replied and we continue to walk on our way to the reception at Kappa Ball that will be at the Hartfeld's convention hall.
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