No Control

1128 Words

Remington's POV- I shut my eyes preparing for Renatus to teleport us home. I figured it would feel pretty close to mine so I tried to relax, but that was almost impossible. I put my trust in my mates but my nerves were wrecked. Raclaus held me tight, but my whole body was tense. A thin sheen of sweat covered my body as I shook. Everywhere their hands were I felt the electricity flow between us, the spark and warmth flooded me, but still I was on edge. I wasn't used to people touching me, not since I was taken. I opened my eyes when I felt the heat from Renatus' flames die down. We were in a small room that held a full size bed made with black satin sheets and a black and silver marble patterned comforter. I took note of the small cream colored couch set in the corner and the dark grey

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