
1031 Words

Renatus' POV- "Don't make me choose, Renatus, because I will choose her. At every turn I will choose her because her own father did not, because her own mate did not." I had no intention in making Raclaus choose between Remington and I but his words rang clear. He had made his choice already and it was her. I replayed the entire encounter in my head just trying to make sense of what happened. I only corrected Remington because she isn't used to life in the Castle. We have rules and etiquette that she wouldn't know about yet. All I meant to do was coach her into handling the situation like a Queen instead of a commoner. A shrill cry broke through my recounts. "RENATUS TELL THEM TO LET ME GO!" Mercedes was trying to pry away from the guards that were dragging her out of the hall. Her u

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