Just Another Day

1585 Words
Remington's POV- His touch crawled over my skin, leaving a damp trail as his hands wandered. My body tried to from him but the silver shackles dug into my wrists and ankles. The stench of burning flesh filled the air as the silver dug into me, seeping down to the bone. "It is almost a crime to damage something so beautiful, but your Father has crossed me for the last time. Now, before I take his life, he will see what I have done to his little princess." He held up a small sliver-bladed dagger, waving it tauntingly at me. We both knew I was weaker and smaller than him, but I tried to hold strong to my fire brimming inside, holding onto whatever fight remained. He grabbed a fistful of my hair, using it to yank my head back harshly. I shut my eyes, refusing to see what he would do to me, knowing that his assault would continue despite my pleas. The only sound to be heard was his panting before he slid the knife into my thigh. I struggled to bite back the scream he so desperately wanted. This was the real reason for his attention. He craved my fear like the grass craves the rain. His fingers gripped my chin to force me to face him, but my eyes stayed closed. I felt the blood ooze from a new gash in my other thigh, forcing a small gasp from my lips. "You will scream soon enough, little princess. Your resolve will waver, giving me the sounds of your torture. I may even record them for dear old Dad to hear his baby girl's final moments." He smelled vile, like stale cigars and brandy, and grime covered most of his clothes and skin. I shivered as he trailed the knife over my now bare stomach with a sickening smile. A few tears escaped my eyes as he quickly sliced through my delicate skin again. He wanted to break me and leave me a pile of tattered skin and shattered bones at the feet of my Father. I was the casualty of whatever happened between them, but I would never know what it was. I wasn’t going to make it out of this room to find out. I could see that truth in the glint his eyes carried. Just before he sliced me again, his stale breath slid down my spine as he whispered, “scream for me little Princess.” I bolted upright in my bed, tears streaming and drenched in sweat. My entire body trembled as I tried to ground myself. Something I can see, a painting of a sunrise on the wall across from my bed. Something I can hear, the soft breeze rustling my bedroom drapes from the open window. Something I can feel, the plush security blanket tangled in my fingers. Something I can smell, the lavender and eucalyptus oil filling the room from the mist diffuser. I eventually managed to drag myself to the shower to let the hot water soak through my muscles. After washing up, I quickly got dressed in a pair of black athletic capris, before putting on a sports bra and a plain long sleeve shirt. I threw the wet tangle of red on my head in a quick bun before leaving my room without a glance at my appearance. The walk to the training grounds went by in a haze. I'd had that nightmare before, but lately it carried a heavier feeling of foreboding. It almost seemed like a warning that something unknown was coming, and I would be caught unprepared. Unaware I had stopped at the edge of the training grounds, I was startled out of my sulking by the voice of my father. "Silence!" His voice boomed through the group. "My son will be returning from his traveling in a week and Rexton will be taking over the pack with his mate. Because of the upcoming transfer ceremony, we will be training harder in preparation for the protection and handling of all the visiting Alphas. Today you will be split into groups with one of us from the Alpha Family to practice working as a cohesive unit to take down an out-of-control Alpha. Let’s get to work.” Dad, Mama, and Auntie Madison all stood in front of the warriors but only Madison spared me a small smile. My father quickly split most of the pack between the three of them, leaving most of the women who usually didn’t train with me. I broke off with my group, leading them over to my Uncle Maverick and Uncle Jameson at the edge of the field where they’d been waiting. Since they both could sense I was distracted, they split the group into groups of 5, explained how the new team assignments would rotate once other Alphas began arriving. We trained for a few hours with each team trying to subdue me while Jameson and Maverick corrected them. It was easier this way. They handled the communication and instruction, while I just fought, something that has become muscle memory over the last four years. All the women were preening when their Alpha dismissed them with praise for their efforts, though he barely managed a nod in my direction before he walked away. I watched after him for a moment, longing for the way things had been. The moments of affection that illuminated my childhood had been replaced with tense interactions and distance since I returned. My mother had even grown more distant, and each moment was slowly wearing on me. A heavy sigh released a little bit of the tension I carried, but not enough. I rolled my shoulders and stretched out my neck, before stalking back to the pack house. I could smell the strong scent of fresh linen trailing behind me as I made my way into my room. Madison smiled sheepishly as she stepped in behind me and closed the door. "Hey honeycomb! Uncle Jameson said he thought you had another nightmare. Do you want me to help?" She made her way over while she spoke and sat on the couch next to me. It wasn’t widely known she could manipulate the body to rebalance and calm it, though most did know she was a gifted healer. She couldn't take away the emotional trauma, but she could calm the physical response. Even inside a pack of mostly gifted wolves, she chose to keep the extent of her gifts quiet. "Yes please, Auntie Mads. I want to go out tonight." She gently took my hands in one of hers, letting her warmth flow through me. I could feel my heart rate slowing down and my breathing evening out as she focused on the flow of energy. Her other hand reached up to my temple, lightly brushing them over my skin. A fog slowly washed over me as she continued to work for awhile longer. When she was done, she tucked me in like when I was younger before leaving a light kiss on my head. "Get some rest, honeycomb. I won't make a big deal out of it, but I'll bring your presents in and lay them out on the couch for tonight." I nodded and mumbled "I love you" before drifting off to sleep. I woke up a few hours later to Cali bursting into my room. We were going out to Forbidden, a new supernatural club in the heart of the human city tonight, and by the look on Cali’s face she was not impressed that I hadn’t even showered yet. With a strict time limit and scathing look, I was ushered into the bathroom to shower. After drying off, I pulled on the new black lace bra and thong before the high-waisted black leather pants Madison had left for me. The shirt was a long sleeve, thankfully, with a deep V-neck and black lace that ran along the edge of the neck. The sleeves had the same black lace from the shoulders going down to mid-forearm before turning to solid black cotton, in just the right place to cover the scars on my wrists. There were three little buttons placed down my cleavage drawing a little more attention there than my usual choices. Nevertheless, Madison was always mindful of my need to hide the scars. Cali and I were chatting away as she set up to do my hair and makeup while I went to my closet to find some jewelry. I chose my black suede choker with a small crescent moon pendant hanging down from a silver-colored circle. It was one of my more elegant chokers and wide enough to cover the scars on my neck too. Cali was quick to put my hair in a high pony tail when I sat down, and pulled out just enough of my red waves to frame my face. She kept my makeup light with just silver and grey eyeshadow. Her outfit mimicked mine in style, though she wore a deep wine color. Her makeup was bolder to match the outrageous level of confidence she had. After we were dressed and ready, I grabbed my keys to my motorbike before locking my door. I had to take a deep breath as Cali wrapped her arms around my waist once we were settled on my bike, but off the sensations quickly. With her engine roaring to life, it didn’t take long before we were on the way to the club.
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