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Remington's POV- When we got to the club, I parked the bike in a darker corner of the parking lot. We needed some privacy to drink the small viles of wolfsbane I brought. As werewolves, we have natural healing abilities. If we want to actually party and get drunk, we either need to consume wereliquor or take low doses of wolfsbane to dampen our rapid healing abilities. Cali and I quickly drank the wolfsbane followed by a shot of rum, cringing at the burn as it slid down our throats. Everyone knew we partied and drank but no one knew we took wolfsbane regularly. Taking wolfsbane to get drunk was generally frowned upon, especially for an Alpha's daughter. I made sure to lock my saddlebags, slipping my keys into my bag with my wallet, cigarettes, and phone. Cali checked her bag as well before we walked up to the club. There was already a decent line at the door even though the club did not officially open for another 20 minutes. I let off a small amount of my Aura to keep people from talking to me as we approached the crowd. Since I was a gifted wolf, I didn't spend a lot of time around other supernatural creatures, so I was a little surprised when most of the line barred their necks in submission or bowed without eye contact. It was something that would occur in more formal settings such as diplomatic gatherings, to show respect to leaders that were not your own. The gesture unsettled me, so I reigned my aura a little more. Two young wolves from our pack that were guarding the door instantly recognized me and Cali. They barred their necks to me and I nodded in acknowledgment before going to the back of the line. It would take a little while for all of us to get inside once the door opened, but I didn't mind the wait. The effects of the wolfsbane were already mixing with the single shot, beginning to ease the tension in my body. One of the guards waved as he moved away from the door calling out to me. "Miss Remington, you don't have to wait in line! The owner has put all of you on the VIP list, including Alpha-in-waiting Rexton, since our pack is the closet to the city. There is a VIP booth specifically assigned to the Alpha Family of Black Bay Moon." I simply nodded at the guard before gesturing to the crowd. "Oh. That's alright Thomas! I can't speak for my brother, but I don't need any special treatment. All of these people arrived here earlier and we are more than happy to wait our turn to enter just like them." I heard Cali huff behind me but I just shrugged her off. Even as a child, being the center of attention made me nervous, but it had become almost unbearable in recent years. We had stopped to speak with Thomas near the middle of the line where a group of young fae stood. A young man, Elven, if I wasn't mistaken, was watching us. His eyes met mine, a serene smile illuminating his face. He tilted his head towards the door with a small nod. It was apparent my refusal was drawing more attention than I wanted. I turned my attention back to Thomas as he spoke. "Please, Miss Remington? This is the first time someone from the Alpha family has visited and I would like to show you our work. Marcus and I are the only wolves from the pack that work here, so they allowed us to help create the booth to honor the pack leaders." I managed a small smile hearing the excitement and pride in his voice. Marcus and Thomas were both a year younger than me but we had trained in the same group until four years ago. I couldn't say I shared his enthusiasm, but I could give this to him. We let him guide us to the booth nestled in the corner first. It held a large half circle-type plush couch and a decent-sized coffee table. The curtains surrounding the booth were sheer black and sapphire blue, the colors of our pack. The rest of the club was decorated in black and blood red, so our booth definitely stood out, but somehow it all still worked together. "It is beautiful Thomas. Both of you chose wonderfully." I said softly. "Thank you, Miss. Your bottle service girl will be by shortly. Please enjoy yourself tonight!" He gave a small bow before returning to the door. Cali and I chatted about who the mysterious owners of the club could be while we waited. No one seemed to know much about them, just the club manager. I could see him flitting around the club now with all the grace of the jaguar he shifted into. We were brought out from our musings as our waitress approached. She was a vampire, which didn't bother me, but Cali looked like she wanted to lunge at her. Our pack wasn't known to be on good terms with any of the vamp covens near us and generally had low opinions of them. Me personally? After being attacked by another wolf, I realized there are good and bad in every species, so I didn't hold any ill will towards the other supernaturals. "Hello Miss Moore and Miss Anderson. Welcome to Forbidden. My name is Alexi and I have been assigned to your booth for the evening. What would you ladies like for tonight?" She bared her neck slightly, showing me respect. Cali looked at me to answer, since she didn't know the kind of mood I was in. "Alexi, could you please bring us 4 bottles of Jack and some coke? Oh, and I need nachos. Like all of them." I smiled gently as she chuckled at my nacho obsession. "Yes, Miss. I'll be more than happy to bring it all out for you. I'll put that in the kitchen while I get your bottles." I whispered a thank you before she turned and walked away. Cali glared after her before turning to me. "So are we feeling Defcon One tonight? You only drink Jack when you want the world to burn." I chuckled at her comment, but she wasn't far off. "Not the world, Cali, just me. I'd rather forget it's my 19th birthday today." She laughed at my "joke" but little does she know it really wasn't. I spend most of my time now drunk trying to forget what happened four years ago. Not that it ever worked, but I tried. Alexi came back with our bottles and, shortly after, the whole table was covered in nachos. Cali left me to go dance after the first bottle was finished, which I was okay with. Cali liked the occasional drink, but if she really knew how much alcohol I really used I'm pretty sure she would flip. I tore through the second bottle alone before she could come back. Cali was dancing with a few she-wolves off in the corner while I sat and observed the club. The wolves all stayed together, even though we had a few different packs there. The Vampires and Witches also had their own cliques. The different fae all stuck together even though most of them would never interact outside of here. They were generally peaceful creatures who didn't fight, so they found strength in numbers. The most interesting group was the other shifters. The bulk of them were werebears and a few werefoxes. What really caught my attention though was the Phoenix shifter and another Vampire sitting in a booth right off the bar. Phoenix shifters were almost unheard of anymore. There were only four of the original phoenix shifters still left in existence. They are reborn every 1,000 years and only reproduce very rarely. When they are born, the Supernatural council keeps close track of the bloodlines. Since they live forever through rebirth unless killed in a very specific way, which the council keeps under lock and key, it's hard for them to find their soulmate. Phoenixes can only bare any Phoelets with their soulmate, so it is very rare they are born. I was so lost in recalling my supernatural history that I didn't notice I had finished bottle number 3 and 4 already. If I wasn't so emotionally scarred I'd really think I had a problem. It was almost midnight now, so I took another swig before going out to smoke a cigarette. "Cali, I'm going out to smoke, you coming?" I mind-linked her as I couldn't see her anymore. "Nah, I'm hooking up with Tyler. I'll see ya later sista!" I chuckled before stumbling out to the back. I was definitely feeling numb now, between the alcohol and the wolfbane. This is exactly what I wanted. I hadn't talked to my wolf since my first shift, since I was almost always on wolfbane. I preferred it that way. I didn't want another voice asking me if I was okay.
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