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Arielle hugged the pillow closer to her body. "How comfortable." She laid her weight onto it with a smile on her lips. She was half- awake and for the first time after so many years, she had a good night sleep. She held it tightly and then her eyes opened instantly becoming wide awake. She was met with a familiar metallic green pillow case. Getting up, she frowned finding herself in the middle of the bed in the masters bedroom. Is this where she slept last night? Her clothes is still the one she wore during dinner with... Her mind stop wondering, all her thought going to Caleb. He's Back. And she's not dreaming. Her husband is really back! Scanning the room for any telltale that he was there but found nothing, she felt dismayed for no reason. She couldn't possibly be hoping that Caleb would join her in bed? She scanned the room again and this time her eyes zeroed on the wall clock reading eight. "s**t! I'm Late for work." Scrambling out of bed, she goes straight to the bathroom just to let out a scream. She bump to a very naked man under the shower. He was startled like she is. For a moment she thought her feverish thought conjured a mirage. But no, he definitely standing under the shower staring at her. Her jaw almost drop from what she is seeing. Almost. Caleb smirk, running his fingers through his wet hair while she, is still in daze. "Well, good morning to you, too..." he huskily said. The water continuously trickle down his naked body and she unconsciously followed it with her eyes. It glided towards his smooth, powerful chest, down to his perfectly contoured abs, to his Apollo's belt and... Arielle gasped audibly. Caleb was gloriously aroused! Her eyes flicker upward meeting with his ones that is dilated. With her mouth slightly ajar, she drew a shuddering breath. His breathing also becoming ragged. His mouth was slightly open while water dripped deliciously down his handsome face. She wouldn't have notice that she is drenched as well if Caleb did not stare at her body too long. Her n*****s immediately hardened against the thin fabric of her dress, and Caleb's grey eyes were fixed on them. His hand reach forward to touch her face but she take a step back and he immediately withdraw back. Face becoming blank. Eyes burning with anger. "Get out, Arielle. I'll be done in a minute." Came his cold voice turning his back to her. She was still stupefied when she walked out of the bathroom- wet, aching and drained. This time she admitted to herself that: Caleb was still in full control of her body. She could not trust herself around him. Everytime he's near she's helpless. Always in a trance. She would always, always yield to him. She'd considered herself to be a woman of conviction. Of strong will. Yet the man got past her defenses like no other. The kiss they shared last night prove it. After five years without her husband, one kiss from him is enough for him to enslave her body. He could seduce her into kissing him without having to say anything. And she ached for more... more of him. She would leave to the office immediately after taking a bath. It would give her some distance to Caleb, if only briefly. Maybe it would allow her time to forget how amazing it felt to be in his embrace. But first, she needed to talk to him, asked him why he came back. He had a right to be there, she knew that. But she wanted to know if she's one of the reason he came home. And the true reason of him coming home. The bathroom door opened. "What are you doing here?" "What do you mean? This is where I live." "Why did you come back?" Groaning she asked again changing the question still not looking at him. But she can feel his eyes boring into her. "I'm on vacation," he answered like it was nothing. She can hear his footsteps and the clicking of his belt buckle. The thought of him changing sent shivers down her body. She's still on her wet dress but she doesn't feel cold at all. "That's it?" "Why, are you expecting something else?" She jump as she felt him come closer. He's so close she can feel his body heat. Walking a little away from him and she finally turned to face the grinning man. She could see the ire in his eyes. "Unbelievable!" How dare him to show anger when she should be the one who's angry. Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared at him. "I never expected anything from you, Caleb. But since you're here, I'm asking for your full cooperation regarding our annulment.. Let's set each other free from this craziness." He lifted his chin, staring down at her. "And what made you think that I want our marriage annulled?" The smile that followed his statement is alarming. Arielle smiled sarcastically. "Your five years of absence says a lot, doesn't it? Or is it not enough?" "My dear wife, I only gave you time to enjoy your much valued freedom. And you did enjoy my absence, right? Especially that Papa let's you whatever you want." There is a meaning behind his words. Insulting her. And she knew he's talking about Rick. As if he could foresee my action he grabbed my hand in a tight painful grip. If looks could kill, this man would be on the floor gasping for air. "I can play rough, babe, so consider yourself warned." He violently let go of her hand, "go take your shower. I'll wait for you downstairs." Giving her a look that added to his promising statement, he walked away without a further glance. Out of breath, she followed Caleb with her eyes as he walked out of the room. The second the door closed, she put a hand on her chest. She could hear the loud thump of her heart as it beat rapidly. She tried to take a deep breaths to slow it down to no avail. She had never seen him this angry. They have not spend that long together... But his eyes had darkened with fervent anger. Holding back tears and biting her trembling lips she walks slowly inside the bathroom. Her whole body shaking. She couldn't fathom why he's so angry at her. ALEJANDRO'S personal assistant was on exiting the dining room holding a tray of cups. Ben had been Alejandro's executive assistant for as long as he could remember. And that's not only his job. He took care of everything involving his grandpa- check ups to business decisions. "Sir, Caleb." He always greet him respectfully. "Good morning, Ben. Where does Arielle work?" "She's working at Ramirez Company Limited, Sir. As a Vice President." "For how long?" "Since she graduated tow years ago." He frowned. "Two years ago?" "Yes, Sir." Arielle was on her third year in college when they got married. Just one more year and she will graduate. If so, why did she graduate just recently. Well, what does he know? She has so many secret and he would not be surprised if she lied about her age too. The thought left a bitter taste to his mouth. "Thanks, Ben." "Sir," Ben nodded before leaving him alone. Entering the dining room, the two helpers move away from each other probably gossiping. Dan greeted him good morning, asking if he would start serving his breakfast. "Yes, and for my wife too. We'll eat breakfast together." "Right away, Sir." The cook serve him his coffee first before getting into setting two plates on the table, going back and forth from the dining room to the adjoining kitchen. While waiting for his breakfast, his mind wondered to the kiss he and Arielle shared last night. He raised a finger to his lips, could actually feel the softness of her lips. She was still a vision though he was yet to see her charming self which fascinated him years ago. Now, she had a more matured aura around her. "Oh f*****g damn." Suddenly feeling hot and frustrated, he shifted his thought to a man named Rick. Just the thought of his name had him boiling in anger. "Coffee, please." Arielle's voice broke him from his reverie. He turned his head to the side to see her walking towards him. "Join me for breakfast," he stated while appreciating her clothes. Jeans had never been Arielle's style. And maybe that's the reason why she always looks gorgeous in dress. Today, she was wearing a knee- length halter dress in white and blue. The bodice was a delicate white, while the lower part was blue and pencil cut, emphasizing her shapely legs. She looked three inches taller in her white wedges. "My eyes are up here, Mr." His gaze flying back to meet her eyes and he saw the light dusting of pink on her cheeks adding to her light blush on.
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