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Hope rise from the very bottom of her heart. Jesus, if Caleb really wanted to fix their marriage, she would immediately forget about the annulment. Five years might have passed, while she's gazing at him, deep inside she knew that she still love him. And she was still willing to show him just how much she loved him. If he would let her, she will bury the pain she endured the past year. "For now..." he added. Her heart sank. The hope she felt completely vanished, gone like the wind. "Excuse me," Arielle rise from her seat putting down the table napkin at the tables edge. "Where are you going?" It's not Caleb's voice that stop her from taking another step, it was his hand grasping her right arm. Good thing her back was to them, they would not see her eyes closed tightly. "I... I don't feel well." Removing her arm from his grasp, she walked away straight to her room. The door is not fully close yet but Arielle let down the tears she's been holding. The tears she doesn't know what for. She's confused. She doesn't know what to feel, to think and what to do. Not ever did she denied herself of what she truly felt for Caleb despite him leaving after their wedding. But couldn't life show her a little mercy? She had suffered way too long and way too much, loving him deeply. He had been gone for too long, the love she felt should have too but it didn't dwindle a bit. It was pride that drove her to consider annulment. She had been so miserable for so long because of him. And now he was back and the misery she felt evaporated and disappeared. It seemed that she can endure suffering again with a little hope that Caleb will learn and come to love her. Arielle walked straight to the couch where she sleep every night. All those years, she had been alone in this room. Sleeping on the king size bed felt wrong- it's too big and.... empty. She knew it would constantly remind her of Caleb's absence even in her sleep. And sleep was the only time her battered heart could rest. CALEB carefully opened the door to the masters bedroom and scowled when he saw the big bed well made. He gulp while assessing it- that was supposed to be their bed. He used to smile like an i***t while looking at it, imagining the things he and Arielle could do once they're officially married. Shaking off the memory he move to the veranda, thinking that the person he's looking for is there. His scowl deepened when he saw no one. He felt an unfamiliar fear. Going back inside, Caleb heave a sigh seeing a figure sleeping in the sofa. He smiled. The room and everything in it just seemed enormous, swamping Arielle and her petite frame. No wonder he didn't see her lying asleep on the huge sofa right away. She's in fatal position, hugging her knees close to her chest. The chain belt she wore a while ago is now on the floor. Unknowingly, he reached for the strands of hair covering her face tucking it behind her ear. His gaze moving to her plump red lips. He couldn't resist taking those lips earlier. They tasted just as sweet as when he'd first tasted them during her eighteenth birthday. He had the strongest urge to taste it again, but he held back. He doesn't want to wake her up. Instead, he caress her smooth cheeks with the back of his fingers. She had that pinkish glow on her skin that wasn't there before. Arielle has a pale complexion when he first met her. But her skin is still the same, smooth and soft. With long black lashes and prominent nose gave her an angelic appearance. Her's was the most innocent face he'd ever seen, one that could be dangerously seductive when her eyes flared and her lips parted to smile that heart- stopping smile of hers. Then Caleb's gaze continued down to her bare shoulder. Her satin- like skin glistened against the light inside the room. Though his face is a little distance from hers, he can still smell her perfume. It filled the whole room with its sweet and womanly fragrance- her scent. Taking a deep breath Caleb move from his crouch position and sat down in the space beside his wife. Hands coming in contact with her legs. He started gliding his hand up and down, and close his eyes... CALEB watch Arielle as she spoke with Alejandro. He's leaning on the study table in the library of the villa with folded arms. He watched in amusement as Arielle's dark eyes darted from her father, to Alejandro, and then to him; then she blushed. A smile thug at the side of his lips. "So what do you say, hija?" Alejandro asked gently. Head held down, "I d-don't know.. I think I'm too young to marry." "You can still finish your study, my dear." Arielle's father on his wheelchair said encouragingly. An IV attached to his arm. He is undeniably weak. "But if you really don't want too, we won't force you. I... I just want you settled before I leave." "Daddy!" He saw fear overtaking her beautiful face and her posture straighten. "You're not leaving me!" Voice full of conviction, more to herself and not to the man she's facing. "Not today, love... But I will be in peace knowing that there's someone who will be taking care of you after me. There's only two of us, Arielle. You're so young, so trusting. I can't put you in charge of the company. People might just take advantage of the situation and I don't want you to suffer when I'm gone. Do you understand me?" The young woman nodded meekly biting her lips them she look at him. He gave her a reassuring nod. "O- okay." His heart skip a beat when she said okay. It's like he won a lottery and he wanted to pump his fist in the air and jump with joy. His brain already forming the words he would write in his resignation letter to DEVGRU. He's a Second Lieutenant in a team with a total of eleven soldiers. His grandfather didn't know about it. A call from his grandfather had him packing against his will to go home. Alejandro said that he have an important matter to discuss with him and it will be his last favor. He was not completely heartless so he said yes to the old man's request. And yes, he did it to get the old man off his case. Before attending the young woman's debut his grandfather already told him what the favor he's asking. It was a trap. Accepting it would mean him under his authority and the responsibility he would face in the near future. He found it amusing that his grandfather believed that he would yield. But for the heck of it and since he was on a vacation, he attended the said party. What happened after that was a blur to him. One thing is clear during the party: the enticing beauty that was Arielle- in her pink chiffon gown and with sparkling tiara over her long brow hair. And that very night, he made a decision. He would marry her. Wether their respective families would agree or not, he would marry her. It was the only time in his life when he knew exactly what he wanted. "Are you sure, hija?" Alejandro asked for assurance. Her face is beet red and she avoided looking to his direction. And he can't help but to smile. "Yes, Papa Alejandro." Came her clear answer. The old man uttered a whispered prayer sagging to his seat. Then he turn to him, "Caleb, you've got yourself a fiancée." And that's the first time where he smiled at his grandfather without a bitter emotions. Looking at the young woman who still have her head down, he walked up to her and reaching for her hand. Her hand was cold when she put it in his looking up to him. He enclosed her small hand with his big ones pulling her slightly to stand close to him. Very close. "Hi," he murmured close to her lips, fully aware of the two old man watching them with smiling faces "H- hi, " she stuttered. Eyes on his parted lips. "A- are you sure... you want to marry me?" The smile on Caleb's face broadened. "Are you going to be a good girl and cook for your husband?" He asked teasingly. She nodded, completely unaware that he's only teasing her. "I c-can asked Dan to teach me..." "And would you always be wearing pretty dresses like this one?" He run his hand at the hem of her dress, "whenever I come home from work?" "Is that what you want?" She asked unsure meeting his gaze. Caleb nodded. "Everyday." The young woman innocently bob her head. "I have many pretty dresses, and if those aren't enough, I can buy some more." "Can you kiss me, right now?" He was pushing his luck, he knew. Her eyes widened, lip's parted and her cheek's reddened. She turn her gaze to the two old man looking at them with fondness. Her face looked scandalized and he suppressed his chuckle and kept a straight face. "A-are you serious?" "Very, very serious, Arielle." She fiddled with her hand first, like a small child contemplating what to do. Then she exhaled sharply and tiptoed and pressed her sweet, red lips against his in a quick kiss. After 'kissing' him she look anywhere but him. He lifted her chin using his hand and kissed her fully on the mouth, gliding his tongue on her lips. When her lips parted in surprise, he quickly tasted her tongue and nipped on it tenderly before reluctantly holding himself back. A triumphant smile formed on his lips when he saw Arielle staring at him: bewildered. "Yes, my love, I am very very sure about marrying you."
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