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Arielle check the time on her wristwatch to see it's just eleven o'clock. With an empty stomach she cannot focus on her work. The pain is two times worse since she did not eat last night. The whole ordeal this morning drained her. She would never forgive Caleb for questioning her fidelity. Ever since they became a couple she's faithful to him even after he left. And now he's back just to accused her of things she would never dream of doing. She took a deep breath. She's not the innocent young woman anymore that follows his every word. This time, she will fight for the thing she want and that is to annul their marriage. "Miss Arielle, a certain Chef Dan is here to see you," Gracy's uncertain voice came from the intercom. Frowning, "Dan as in Dan our chef?" "Yes, miss Arielle." "Send him in." Her office door opened and seconds later Dan entered, paper bag in hand. "Hello, Arielle." "What brings you here?" Standing up from her chair ushering him to the couch inside her office. "Sir Caleb ordered me to bring you some food." Bringing out three plastic containers from the paper bag, "said that you did not finish your breakfast this morning." Arielle kept silent. Not knowing how to react. Why would he go to the trouble of doing this? What does he really want? Despite the confusion, she could not hide the joy she's feeling. She could actually recall Caleb being exceptionally thoughtful. What he's doing right now, him having someone brought her food, brings back happy memories. She hastily pulled away from the thought. "Dan, I really appreciate this but I have a meeting in ten minutes. I don't have time to eat." Already rising from the couch. "Wait, dear. I made some bite- size sandwiches. Sir Caleb also told me that you might not have time to eat properly. Thus, the sandwiches." He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket handing it to her. "And this is a letter from Sir." Holding a breath, she took the paper from his outstretch hand and unfolded it. Eat the sandwiches. I know you're starving by now. -J Upon reading the letter, she raised her head and meet the chef's teasing gaze. Her cheeks instantly colored. "What are you looking at?" Dan take her left hand squeezing gently. His smile now gone. "What happened to the two of you? You did not really tell me." Arielle avoided the chef's gaze who became her friend since she moved in the village. What will she say when even her does not have the answer to his question. Everything had been so perfect. They were happy when they separated the night before their big day. The change started during her walk down the aisle. The adoration she always see in his face was gone replace with annoyance, disgust and irrigation. No one else notice but she did, she felt it. It made her anxious, she almost run down the aisle to ask him what was wrong. When she reached the altar, the hand that accepted hers was just as cold as hers. Numerous times she whispered to him what's wrong but he did not utter a word. All he said was 'I do' and his vow. Even his kiss was cold. And when the reception is done, she looked for him. He's nowhere to be found. No one knows where'd he go. She never saw him again. Until last night. "It's alright if you don't wanna tell me." Dan said while opening one of the container. "Now, eat. You might get sick from hunger." She smiled tenderly. "Thank you." After sending Dan out, she returned to her desk with the container. Nibbling one of the sandwiches, she thought once again why he suddenly turned cold. Arielle badly wanted to bump her aching head on her bedroom wall. Her vision is blurry and she had been ringing the bell quite long for help but no maids approach. "Daddy!" She screamed. The pain was excruciating she wanted so bad to die than endure it for much longer. Her eyes search for the bottle of pain reliever that is always on her bedside table. Seeing the where the bottle is, she crawled on to reach for the bottle. Weak, she couldn't grasp the bottle tightly it slip from her hold falling on the floor.And her movement doubled the pain, she doesn't have the strength anymore to move to get the bottle on the floor. Hurried steps echoed on the quiet hallway nearing her bedroom. "Señorita!" The maid was on her side in a flash helping her, stacking pillows for her to lean on. She pointed the bottle on the floor which the maid immediately pick up, taking out two tablets for her to take. "Señorita, your body is cold. Do you want me to call the Doctor?" Maria asked worriedly wiping the beads of sweat on her forehead. Arielle shake her head no pulling her blanket up to her chin. Maria patted her head lightly before leaving. After a while the pain subsided. But then her stomach started aching, so she rang the bell again. Maria came to her aid immediately. Helping her to the bathroom She was still retching when she heard Caleb's voice. His sudden appearance made her nervous. "Hey, babe!" Bile rose on her throat and she threw up again. She felt him next to her running his hand up and down her back. "Jesus, baby! What's wrong? Are you okay?" She gurgled some mouthwash and wash her face. "I want to go back to bed, please." Without a second thought he carried her bridal style and laid her down the bed. Sitting beside her, he took her hands to his expression worried. "What happened?" "It's nothing, it must be something that I ate." She lied with forced a smile. Clearly not convinced, Caleb asked the maid instead who's waiting for instructions. "Since when did this started?" "Sir-" Arielle tugged Maria's hand not wanting her to reveal what exactly is ailing her. "Maria, can you please prepare some orange juice for us. Thank you." When the maid was out of earshot she turn to the man beside her. "Hi," she murmured weakly. He smiled at her fondly tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. "Hi," giving her a kiss on the cheek. "What are you doing here?" "I brought your wedding gown. They delivered it this morning. I can't wait for you to try it on." Excitement filled her heart. "Two days to go," she said softly. "Yes, two days and I don't have to visit you here anymore. We'll occupy the biggest room in the villa and start making little Arielles." Warmth rushed to her pale face and she blushed. "I want a team of little Calebs, babe " He leaned closer, their lips almost touching. Against her lips, he whispered, "we can have the lot. I don't have a problem with that." "DON'T you go to work anymore?" Caleb asked walking to his grandfather at the villa's garden playing mini golf. His looks hadn't changed at all since the last time he saw him and that was five years ago. Still looking handsome and healthy with tanned skin. "I do. But I was hoping you'd come around and talk to me so I took a break." Angling the putter. He snorted turning his back to him. "I was actually leaving. Just forgot something inside." "Stay, Caleb. We both know we need to talk." Came his commanding voice. "About what?" Voice impassive. "Why did you left your wife?" The old man asked unceremoniously. "Papa, I know the real reason why we got married. To merge one of our company to them. And it has been fulfilled. What happened to us is none of your concern." "You're stupid!" Alejandro said with raise voice like he's scolding a kid. "That's what you think! And you let my wife cheat on me in your own house!" The old man let go of the golf club, facing him with angry face. "It's your fault as to why you regarded Arielle that way, Caleb. You never stayed enough to really know her. Yes, you both are legally married, but you never became a husband to her. So I demand you give her back her freedom!" "And what benefits will you gain once I let go of Arielle?" He sarcastically asked. God, if there's someone who he can spar with right this moment. Rage was particularly driving him into unreasonable violence. "No benefit at all, Caleb. In fact, we will lose half of the assets to her once you're separated." "Then why?" He snapped. "Because she deserves to be happy!" The old man snapped back. "No, she deserves what's happening to her right now. I will do everything I can to make her stay on this situation. That includes having her stay married to me." "Good God, Caleb, what has gotten into you?" Fear was visible the old man's face. He just smirked and turned away. Going straight to the masters bedroom. Opening all the drawers looking for something. A white box on one of the drawer caught his attention.It was full of unused syringes and bottle of morphine. There are also tablets with different labels on them. Having no clue to why it was there he set it aside continuing his search. Spotting his old car key, he took it and goes to the garage. Whoever take care of it he was thankful as his car is still in good condition. He drove away from the place and found himself on the basement parking of Ramirez Tower. Asking himself why he was there, he lean down on the steering wheel closing his eyes. Few seconds later, he open his eyes and caught something shiny. His eyes narrowed as he reached for it and realized that it was a ring.
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