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"You have really turned into a complete bastard, haven't you?" Arielle's cheeks are on fire. For God's sake they're in a public place. "You have no idea. And can I trust you to keep your mouth shut about this setup, baby?" "You're an ass!" She snarled in a low voice. Caleb throw her a scowl. "Another dirty word from your mouth and you're going to regret it!" Wanting to provoke him which is a bad idea, "what? You will take back your words about the annulment?" She is not going to back off. This is the last time she'll be talking back at him. Tomorrow, they're on 'good terms'. "Arielle-" "Do you need a paper and a pen? Do you want me to list down the do's and don't's? Am I to cook for you? Wear pretty dresses all the time?" Those were what he expected her to do. He said those to her with gentleness and affection, that she can't see to the man she's facing right now. "Let's go." "But I haven't taken a bite of this," pointing at the strawberry cake. "Can't you resist dessert, huh? Okay, I'll be the perfect husband and wait for you patiently." "Perfect husband, my ass!" She grumbled. Caleb crack a sweet smile at her. It was the most genuine smile she got from him since he returned. When she finish eating her plate of cake, Caleb signalled their waiter to ask for their bill. He slip the money on the black bill holder that the waiter put down on their table. Then outstretch his hand to her, "let's go, babe. You have a dinner to prepare. For me." Momentarily stunned, she gaped at his outstretch hand. Her knees felt like jell-o, her muscles weakened. Now, she's not sure if agreeing to his proposal is a good idea. "Well?" He still had the sweet smile on his lips. Breathing in deeply she took his hand. The moment their hands touched, she felt like weeping. The warmth from his big hand is still the same- the way he held hers with his callous one. It was like he could take over her life and heart... again, and she wouldn't mind one bit. "Here we go, babe," he whispered helping her to stand. She was yet to compose herself when he gave her a heart stopping kiss on the lips. She remain silent; lips throbbing, her cheeks blushing and her body tingling. She didn't even notice they were already inside the car. "WHAT is this about?" Papa Alejandro asked. "What do you mean?" Caleb questioned back. They are eating dinner together and the old man is looking at the two of them. Giving them looks. Arielle couldn't look at the old man in the eyes scared that he might see through her. And God knows how Caleb would react to that. "You two are now okay? I don't believe that the two of you have fix your problems that easily." She kept her head low, observing the two of them secretly. "There was no problem in the first place. I left because of work." "You are taking me for a fool, Caleb," calm but sharp. "Do you have something to say, Arielle?" The pasta on her plate suddenly become interesting to look at. She put her fork down and hid her shaking hands under the table. Finally looking at Jaime, she have him a smile that she hope won't give her and Caleb away. "I am very happy, papa. We're back together now, and I think that's the most important thing." She gave Caleb a sideway glance. He was smiling at her predicament. And ahe wanted to wipe the smug smile off his face. "So, papa, is my wife's cooking good?" Caleb took a spoonful of pasta but his eyes stayed on her. He is playing with her. "It's very good. Well done, hija." Alejandro give her a look, "I still don't believe this reconciliation." Caleb shrugged, "frankly, I don't care. As Arielle said, we're good and that's all that matters." "Does Rick know about this?" Clanking of cutlery echoed around the dining room. Caleb had a smile but his eyes are blazing. "He doesn't need to know. Arielle is my wife." He stress every words it feels real. Like he truly care about the mentioned wife. "How dare you allow that bastard inside this house? Touching my wife-" "You only call her your wife when it's convenient for you. Where were you when she needed you the most?" "Papa, it's okay." Arielle had to cut in or they would go on throwing words at each other. "We really are fine. Don't doubt him, we talked and we made up." She tilt her head to Caleb who nodded his head in approval. The old man sighed. "You'd better make this work, Caleb." "I will." He look at her meaningfully. "I will make sure of that if it's the last thing I'd do." She smiled bitterly. How she wish it was true. "DO we really have to sleep in the same room?" Arielle is holding her nightgown that she brought out from the walk in closet. She felt uncomfortable. She couldn't relax. How can she relaxed to what she's seeing? God-knows-what-he's-wearing- Caleb was in their marriage bed! Arielle knew what the man was not wearing: he is not wearing a shirt. From his waist down though was covered in blanket. One arm supported his head while his eyes was on hers. She was still on her dress she wore during dinner- sleeveless turtleneck dress. She was pretty covered but she felt naked under his intense stare. "Caleb!" "Yes, my wife. We have to sleep in the same room and on the same bed." Shaking her head no, "I'll sleep on the sofa. I sleep their every night since you left." "Well, I'm back. So you will sleep beside me. Or we can both sleep on the sofa if you insist." "Are you trying to be funny, Caleb?" "Choose, Arielle. Wether it's the bed or the sofa, you're sharing it with me." Then he started to get up. "Wait, I think the sofa is better-" "You always get what you want, huh?" He fall back on the bed. "No. Not all, Arielle. But I want to try it, even just for a moment." Her shoulders were slumped as she entered the bathroom. She was emotionally and mentally drained so she let herself soak longer on the bathtub. And she cannot face her husband for the meantime. CALEB listened with close eyes to the soft sound of flowing water coming from the bathroom. Arielle is probably on the tub, trying hard to understand what he's doing. Poor Arielle, she would never figure it out. Because he himself didn't have a clue. He wanted her- there's no arguing with it. Seeing her holding hands with Rick earlier, he literally saw red. God knows how much he restraints himself not to do just that. He can barely contain himself. There was nothing more appealing than taking the man on the ground and beat him 'til he's barely breathing. But he doubt that it would top the pain on his chest when he saw them smiling at each other and holding hands. It's like all his blood had gone to his head. Are they always like that while he's away? How far had they gone? Arielle's face flash through his mind. She was smiling. Her smile that always melt his heart. But she was with Rick, the bastard who was sick in the head. He got up from the bed and pulled on his clothes. "ARE you gonna talk, or what?" Caleb tilt his head a little to Luke, his former second lieutenant. "Just drink." "If I wanted to drink I would have not left my house and came here to accompany you. You know I have a bar at home. What the hell is up, man?" Out of five of his former group that are currently in the Philippines, he's the only one who's got free time when he called them to drink. The rest are busy with their partners. Adding to his misery. "Nothing is up, I just want to drink." "Tell me about your wife." Luke ask like he heard nothing. He gave him a look but he just continued. "Is she that ugly, Mr. Billionaire? Is that why you want to get wasted? Why you did not introduce her to us? Was it an arrange marriage for merger?" He laughed when Caleb averted his gaze. "f**k, man! Talk about classic." Right at the moment he regretted having no girl friends, who will listen and give advice. Luke was rough as f**k and he didn't expect anything different from yhe rest of his team. They weren't the 'halfbreed scalawags' if they went out giving romantic advice to each other. "So when's the annulment?" Gulping down the the rest of his Budweiser, "I don't know." Luke have a confused look on his face. "What do you mean you don't know?" "I- I'm trying to fix our marriage." Luke shake his head up and down as he pull out his phone from his pocket. "Who are you calling?" He did not pay attention him. "Monique, it's Luke. Is Doc Clarence in? I think LT is getting sick in the-" Caleb snatch the phone away from him and ended the call. "Damn it, Luke!" "You will not leave the girl you married for five years if you love her, so there's no way you love this girl. Why would you want to work things out with her now? Is money the issue here?" "Money's not an issue for me, you know that." "Then, for the love of all things holy, do explain." He sighed. And so he told Luke everything leaving the part why he left her. That's private.
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