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Arielle straightened her back as Caleb walked towards her, all the while looking at her face. Her knees began shaking when he's just one step away from her. He is looking at every corner of her face, her eyes, cheeks and nose. His eyes stopped at her lips and lingered there. Her lips parted when she felt him slowly reaching for her waist. "C-caleb," she was close to panic. "Don't I get a kiss from my wife?" He breathe. But before she can utter a reply Caleb pulled her body close to his, head swooping down. She first felt his hot breath fanning her face, then his body. His manly scent and finally, his lips touching hers gently and carefully. Kissing her like he did that very first time- gently, tenderly. The kiss igniting something inside her. His lips slid to the corner of her mouth, he planted a soft kiss there before breaking away. "A sweet welcome," he whispered, a genuine smile gracing his lips. Her heart skipped a beat. A fire is lit inside. And Caleb was so close, just a breath away. Chest heaving, she closed her eyes and closed the distance between their lips. Holding her breath, she imitated what he did. She bit on his lower lip and gently suckled on them. His lips tasted sweet, they were tender, wet and addicting. "Arielle?" She instantly detached herself from Caleb turning to the man at the opening of the dining room. Rick. The fire burning inside her is doused with cold water. As she calmed down she realized what she had done. Arielle turned to Caleb who's still looking at her intently. She looked down pushing him slightly, he was blocking her way. "E-excuse me, please." She thanked him when he moved but he suddenly put his arm around her shoulder and kiss her on the head. "We have a visitor?" Eyes getting bigger, Arielle turn around to look at her husband who is staring at Rick with a measuring look. Rick is now staring coldly at Caleb. Moving away from her husband and taking a deep breath, she smiled giving Rick a hug and a kiss on the cheek that startled him. "Hello, sweetheart." He greeted handing her a bottle of wine. "I'm not late, am I?" "Just in time," came her disoriented answer, she stood between them, "C-caleb, this is Rick Delmondo. Rick, you know Caleb. He is papa Alejandro's grandson." "And her husband," he added pulling her to his side, arms wrapped around her waist. Not intimidated, Rick smiled coolly and extended his hand. "I cannot tell you how happy I am to finally meet you, Mr. Ramirez." Caleb's raised an eyebrow before shaking hands with him. "I hope that statement won't change anytime soon, Mr. Delmondo." "D-dinner is ready. Please, sit down." Arielle's voice trembled, she didn't want to put a meaning to what her husband's words. Rick sat down first on the left of side of the table. "I'll get an extra plate, excuse me." Getting out of Caleb's tight hold, she walked briskly to the kitchen. "Sandra, go call Papa." "Ma'am, are you okay? You look pale." This got the attention of the others in the kitchen, Dan and Ina. "Any problem?" Asked the chef. "He's here," Arielle answered in a distress tone. "C-caleb's here. Please, call papa now." She reached for another set of plate with a shaking fingers. Dan take a hold of her arm, "relax, Arielle. No need to be afraid. Just be casual and everything's gonna be fine." Said the famous chef who personally chose to served the Ramirez family. Taking a deep breath to calm herself facing the aging chef and smiling at him sadly, "thank you." Dan lovingly kissed her hair. "Go, sweetheart. Be beautiful." Arielle leave the kitchen to find the two man sitting facing each other and conversing. "I'm hoping that the reason you came home is because of the letters Arielle had sent you." "Although I think that's completely none of your business, let me tell you, Mr. Delmondo, that those letters aren't the reason why I came home. i never got any of 'em to begin with." He did not? Then, what is he doing here? Arielle was astounded. He was sitting comfortably on the chair that she was supposed to occupy. Slowly tracing the rim of his wine glass. "Should I tell you about the letters then?" Rick amended as his face darkened. Before the conversation can carry on she cleared her throat walking towards the the table. Rick quickly smiled gesturing to the seat next to him. She bit her lower lip, completely confused when she look at Caleb. Face calm but she felt the warning coming from him. Head bent, she silently walk closer to his side putting the set of plate down before sitting beside him. From her position she saw Rick looking sharply at the man next to her. Caleb simply tilted his head, a fake smile on his lips. Rick handed her a glass of wine. Thank God, she needed a drink. She drank it in one go that both men glance at her. "Another?" The visitor asked unsure. "Yes, please." She had never been in a more awkward situation. In her third glass of wine, "so what brought you home?" breaking the silence. She jerk when Caleb touched her cheek and tucking the hair covering behind her ear. "I came back for you." "Please, Caleb, don't do this." Arielle groaned. The shock because of his sudden arrival had abated. Instead of answering he smiled roguishly. 's**t!' Again she tried to calm her nerves, reminding herself that this was a casual dinner. "Caleb, Rick is an accounting head in your company. He is a good friend to your grandfather." "And a good friend to my wife too, I see." His tone vapid and continued tracing the rim of his wine glass. Anger is gradually building inside Arielle. He doesn't have the right to brag that they are married after he left her. She was wondering why he even married her. "Arielle and I have been friends for five years," Rick retorted with a sarcastic smile. "Filling my absence, huh?" Came Caleb's, voice still calm. "If by that you mean making her happy and taking care of her, then yes." Caleb glance at her, smiling. The smile that grazed his lips was not there when he turned to the man he is conversing with. "Then I guess she won't need you anymore now that I'm back." "Caleb," she chided. "You know we don't-" "Caleb!" An authoritative voice cut what she was saying. About time, she thought. Alejandro take a step towards them. She and Rick stand up as respect but Caleb remained seated giving the old man a side way glance. It took all her patience not to kick his chair and pull him up. When Alejandro is right next to where he is sitting then he did stand. "Good evening, papa." The old man hug him tightly and she saw his body tense. "You son of a gun, where have you been?" Caleb awkwardly pat his grandpa's back breaking the hug dissembly sitting down, "long story." "Sit, everyone." Alejandro gestured to her and Rick. Dan at the time entered the dining room with a cart containing the main course. The side dishes and appetizers already at the table. "I'm very happy you decided to visit us, hijo." Alejandro said while Dan is putting schnitzel cordon bleu on his plate. "Did you receive our letters?" "Papa, he already mentioned that he didn't. I don't think think this is the best-" "No," Caleb cut and is looking at Rick. "I'm very curious about these letters, and Mr. Delmondo here volunteered earlier to tell me about it." He shrugged, "so. What was the letter all about, Rick?" No one said a word. Even Dan stop serving. Arielle gulped bending down her head. She wanted to forget how nervous she was. She should not be afraid. She was the one left behind. And it was only right to ask for her freedom back. "I'll tell you." It is not right for Rick to tell him. "I'm listening," his stated. Eyes clear of emotions. "I stated in my letters that... that I want to file an annulment." Suddenly, she wanted to take back what she said. A sharp pain stung her heart at the thought of them being legally free from each other. "Caleb." It was papa Alejandro, "we all know that it's not fair for both of you to stay in this marriage." "If you cooperate, there will be no problem with the process." Rick. Still, there was no emotion on his face. "And this will benefit you, Mr. Delmondo? How?" Arielle's attention turn toward Rick as he answered uncertainly. "I... I'm hoping to marry Arielle after, if she'll have me." He said it firmly. Caleb glance at her. "Will you have him?" "What kind of question is that?" "A question related to Mr. Delmondo's answer." She looked down. For the love of God, she can't think of an answer. "Well, Arielle?" "F- for now, I just want an annulment." "Well, I want to fix this marriage." Caleb stated.
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