
1099 Words
A contented smile played on my lips as I savored this precious moment. "If you're done dancing, can I take you home, sweetheart?" I inquired, my fingers caressing her bare arm. Her skin felt so soft and smooth, like the finest silk beneath my touch. "Petal," I prompted again when her response remained elusive. "Petal." I lowered my head, my eyes searching hers, only to find them closed. Her body had relaxed entirely in my arms. She had passed out. I let out a sigh as I carefully picked her up, cradling her in my arms. With slow, deliberate steps, I made my way to my waiting car. Placing her gently in the passenger seat, I secured the safety belt around her. Her arm slipped around my neck, pulling me closer unconsciously. Fuck! Her sweet breath, carrying her alluring scent, brushed against my face, a tempting whisper of warmth that made my heart race. My gaze fixated on her plump, red lips, slightly parted and so inviting. It took every ounce of my strength to resist the temptation of closing the distance and kissing her senselessly. Swallowing hard, I gently removed her hand from my neck and forced myself to step away from my little enchantress. I rounded the car and took my place in the driver's seat, starting the ignition and beginning the journey to my apartment. She remained sound asleep, oblivious to the turmoil swirling within me as I contemplated what it meant to have her alone in my bedroom. Once we arrived, I carried her from the car to my apartment. Her weight felt so light in my arms as she leaned into my chest in her sleep. She slumbered peacefully, unaware of the inner conflict she had ignited within me. The center of my every fantasy was in my arms. Only I knew how difficult it was for me to not lose my self-control, knowing she was drunk and not in her senses. Gently, I laid her down on my bed and tucked a warm blanket around her. A sense of tranquility washed over me as I watched her sleep. She was safe with me now, and I could also sleep peacefully knowing she was with me in my apartment. I stood there, staring at her beautiful face for a long minute. Rest well, my little petal. But tomorrow morning you have to bear the consequences of being a very naughty girl. *Bella* I slowly opened my eyes, squinting and covering them with my arm as the bright morning light seeped through the curtains. Gently, I fluttered my eyelashes as I glanced around. It was not my room. I clutched the covers tightly to my chest in panic, groaning as my head throbbed painfully. "I see you're awake!" A deep, husky familiar voice broke through my thoughts, snapping my attention toward its source. I blinked, trying to clear the last remnants of sleep from my mind. My confusion deepened as I looked at the extremely gorgeous man in an expensive suit standing before me, delicious enough to eat. What the hell was wrong with my thoughts this morning?! "What am I doing in your bedroom, Vin?" I asked flatly, hiding my nervousness. "Do you remember what happened last night?" he inquired as his voice remained calm and soft while his expression was stern. I nodded slowly, wishing I could disappear into thin air in that moment as I remembered my reckless behavior and what I had said to him. "Good. By the way, how are you feeling?" he asked in his calm, measured tone. I watched as he picked up a glass and two pills, walking toward me like a hungry predator. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I lifted my head, looking at his towering figure as he stepped closer. "Are you experiencing a headache?" he questioned as his concerned gaze trailed over me. "Yeah, slightly," I muttered while touching my forehead. "Hmm, take these pills," he said, handing me the medication. "You'll start feeling better." I looked at the pills from him, inspecting them closely. "What are these?" I frowned, lifting my gaze to meet his. He let out an exasperated sigh as if struggling to maintain his patience. "You ask a lot of questions," he remarked, tilting his head. "I don't trust people easily," I mumbled, and in the blink of an eye, Vin pushed me back onto the mattress, looming over me. His once bright blue eyes now darkened with a mix of anger and a desire to control. His intoxicating scent mingled with his cologne made my heart race with excitement, while his touch and weight pressing on me made me want to squirm underneath him. I didn't understand why my body refused to obey my commands and instead became rebellious, reacting to his closeness. "You don't trust anyone, huh?!" he challenged in a sharp tone. "Then what were you doing with those filthy men who were ready to devour you at the first opportunity?" His eyes narrowed into thin lines, causing me to shrink back into the bed with terror. I turned my face to the side, finding it so hard to maintain eye contact with his intense gaze without losing myself. "I knew what I was doing, and it's not your concern what I do or who I associate with," I whispered defiantly in my grumpy tone. He let out a low, chilling laugh, and a shiver ran down my spine in response. His demeanor was sending fear coursing through me. "You matter a lot, petal. More than you can imagine," he sneered wickedly, a malevolent glint in his eyes. "Everything you do is my concern. You were supposed to be careful because I couldn't be everywhere to protect you from the hungry wolves out there," he declared as if he held ownership over me. I was left stunned by the dark aura he exuded, a level of anger I had never witnessed from him before in my life. "You didn't behave properly last night, acting like such a bad girl, making me want to punish you so badly," he growled, his teeth gritted. Before I could understand, he forcefully pulled the blanket from my body, leaving me exposed and vulnerable. I was clad only in his shirt, oversized for me, with nothing underneath. Wait, I had been wearing my pants and top last night. Confusion and fear welled up inside me. “Who had changed my clothes?” I demanded. “Isn't it obvious?” he drawled and my eyes widened in realization. He changed my clothes?!
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