
754 Words
"Bella, why do you have to visit our new managing director's office every day?" Sarah asked, playfully poking my arm as we all gathered in the cafeteria, which was our usual place to hang out for us during our break time in the hospital. I rolled my eyes, recalling how Vin summoned me to his office every day. He seemed perpetually uneasy, insisting on thorough check-ups. Sometimes, he even came up with strange reasons to prolong my stay in his office. "I visit to check Mr. Leonardi's vitals," I sighed in response. "Is he unwell? But he appears perfectly healthy and fit," Olivia chimed in, her expression concerned. "No, he's not sick,” I shook my head. “In fact, he's in very good health. He just wants me to examine him daily to ensure he stays that way, I suppose," I mumbled the last part under my breath. "Well, in that case, I could give him a thorough examination," Olivia said mischievously, a grin spreading across her face. “Yesterday, I overheard Caterina gossiping with others about how Mr. Leonardi is pleased with her, and he asked her to join him for dinner after office hours,” Layla, the Radiologist, said in a hushed tone. “However, when I greeted him with my irresistible smile this morning—the one that usually melts any man—he didn't even acknowledge it," she made a sour expression as if she had tasted something unpleasant. "It seems you need to work hard like Caterina to please Mr. Leonardi," Sarah giggled, playfully tapping Layla's hand as Olivia joined in. "Wear some sexy dresses like Caterina used to wear for Mr. Leonardi, and he will take you to dinner,” Olivia teased Layla with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Shut up. I don't need to impress Mr. Leonardi as that slut Cate does," Layla rolled her eyes confidently with a hint of pride in her voice. "Yes, I have noticed how desperately she roams around Mr. Leonardi and doesn't let anyone interact directly with him as if she owns all the rights," Sarah scowled. "Caterina is a b***h. No wonder she might already be sleeping with Mr. Leonardi," Layla commented, making me choke on the water I was sipping. I winced at their gossiping and felt something strange burning in my chest. I knew Vin was a man w***e and had more scandals to his name than I could count, and he never changed. But still, for old times' sake, I felt bad gossiping about him. "Alright, enough, you guys!" I interrupted, clearing my throat. "We shouldn't be discussing our MD.” Their heads snapped toward me. "Layla, I think Bella can help you to know what Mr. Leonardi likes. After all, she used to go to his office daily," Sarah winked. Layla looked at me as if I was actually going to tell her. “What?!” I glanced with shock at them as my eyes widened at the realization. “Guys, keep me out of your naughty business. I am already overworked,” I waved my hand in denial while shaking my head desperately. "Your orders are ready," Ronnie announced from the self-service counter. "Thanks, Ronnie," I mumbled, offering a small smile. We collected our food and found an empty table to sit at. "Hey, Bella!" A manly voice called for my attention as I turned my head to find Dr. Orlando Costa smiling at me. "Dr. Costa?!" I was surprised by his sudden appearance. "It's Orlando to you, sweetheart," he reminded me with a gentle smile. "Right!" I breathed out awkwardly. "God, I've missed you so much," he sighed, his voice a hushed whisper as he drew nearer. His gaze remained locked on me. I bit my lips, averting my eyes as I didn't know how to react. "Oh, shoot! I've got to run. My duty is about to start," Sarah announced, giving me a wink. "No, wait," I mouthed, but she only smirked and shook her head, her eyebrows lifting in a gesture toward Dr. Costa. "Olivia! Layla! I think it's time we make our exit," Sarah suggested, addressing the others. They exchanged a knowing look and broke into smiles. "Actually, I just remembered some urgent tasks," Olivia chimed in, her mischievous grin directed right at me. "Oh, yes. I should leave too. I have an urgent report to prepare," Layla nodded. Olivia leaned in, giving me a side hug and whispering in my ear, "Have fun." These girls! I sighed inwardly.
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