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"Ah, it's such a relief to finally see you after all this time," Orlando exhaled contentedly as he took a sip of his coffee. "What happened?!" I inquired, sipping on my own coffee. "I'm not entirely sure. They kept scheduling me for back-to-back shifts, making me work tirelessly. I hardly had any time for myself. But today, I managed to sneak out just to catch a glimpse of you. A week without seeing you felt like an agonizingly long year," he admitted, his gaze fixed on me with intensity. "But why did they overburden you with multiple shifts?" I muttered, not paying much attention to his flattery. "Perhaps they believe I'm the best doctor they have," he replied with a hint of smugness. I rolled my eyes at his inflated ego. "Doctors, back to work. The hospital doesn't pay you to leisurely enjoy coffee in the cafeteria," a stern voice reprimanded from behind. I turned to find Vin standing there, his angry gaze piercing like daggers. "We're here for our break," I retorted, but he brushed past me as if I hadn't spoken. "I don't want needy patients to suffer in pain. Get back to work promptly," Vin ordered in his icy tone. "Fine," I muttered quietly. "Not you, Dr. Bella," he interrupted me just as I was about to rise from my seat. I furrowed my brows in response while he sported a sly grin. "I need you to have lunch with me," he demanded, his intense gaze unwavering and locked onto mine. "Why, Mr. Leonardi? Am I not supposed to be working?" I challenged, narrowing my eyes at him. "You're absolutely right. Your duty is to attend to me right now because I'm feeling very hungry," his tone dropped an octave, and his eyes seemed to darken as they roamed over me. "I need you to be there to monitor my diet." "But I'm not a dietitian," I protested. "Come on, Dr. Bella. You at least know what's good for my heart," he replied with a flirtatious tone, causing me to huff in frustration. I truly hated the way his grin widened. "And Dr. Costa, meet me in my office," Vin commanded, his gaze unwavering and fixed on Orlando. My eyes darted back and forth between Dr. Costa and Vin. Both men seemed to be engaged in a silent battle of wills. Dr. Costa didn't respond verbally, but after a long minute of glaring, he nodded before leaving the seat. "See you later, Bella," he said with a hint of sadness before departing. ********************* *Vincenzo* "Boss, Mark isn't opening up and giving us information about the Greek mafia intrusion into our territory," Micah, my right hand, informed me. I had sent him to headquarters as we had a lead about the Greek mafia. They had become a pain in the ass, and it was my responsibility to stop them. They were targeting to acquire Rome, the Italian mafia hub, to overshadow us and take over Italy for their business. "Then kill him. He's of no use to us," I barked the order before hanging up the phone. I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. Though I didn't want any more trouble in my life, it seemed to never leave my ass. Ah! I was born with the inheritance of being in the mafia, playing with fire, and living in constant trouble. Suddenly, there was a knock on my office door, making me even more frustrated. "Come in," I called out, annoyed. Dr. Costa entered, walking with pride and I couldn't help but grimace inwardly at his appearance. He was undeniably handsome, and perhaps that was his Achilles' heel. "You wanted to see me, Mr. Leonardi?" Dr. Costa's irritation was evident in his tone. "Yes, Dr. Costa. Please take a seat," I gestured, rising from my desk. I moved around it and positioned myself at its edge, leaning slightly. He studied me with an intense gaze. "I strongly suggest you keep your distance from Dr. Bella," I advised as my tone was laced with a clear warning. "Excuse me?!" He seemed genuinely taken aback. "I don't believe in mincing words. Let's get straight to the point. If you value your position here, keep your distance from Dr. Bella," I threatened, and this time my voice carried a grave seriousness that made it clear there was no room for denial. "Mr. Leonardi, you can't dictate my personal life. I work for your hospital, so you have no legal grounds to fire me unless I violate a rule. I'm one of the top doctors, and numerous hospitals are eager to have me join them," he retorted, sprawling arrogantly over the chair. I couldn't help but smirk. He had no idea who he was crossing paths with. One mistake, and he would vanish from this world in such a way that no one could ever find a trace of him. "Very clever!" I snorted. "And thank you for your input. I'll be introducing a new rule that prohibits dating among doctors of City Hospital, citing professionalism," I announced suddenly. He was caught off guard, his eyes narrowing before a wicked smile played on his lips.
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