Chapter 7: Transition Tea.

1043 Words
Canna P.O.V. A few Months Later. After the day’s training, my father and I made our way down to the bunker for the last time. The air was thick with dust, and the only light came from the flickering candles against the wall. The darkness seemed to swallow us whole. The sound of my voice echoed through the small space, making me feel small and vulnerable. I could hear the sound of chains slamming against one another as my father pulled them to check if they were tight enough. The metallic sound filled the bunker and added to the growing sense of dread that was building inside me. I tried to push the fear away, knowing that I had to be strong for what was to come. The thought of the transition filled me with both excitement and fear, but I knew that I had to face it head-on. My father's reassuring presence gave me some comfort, but I knew that the coming days would test me in ways that I couldn't even imagine. The wind howled outside, and the small gaps in the bunker door allowed it to seep through, making the candles flicker and dance. The sound of water dripping echoed through the small space, adding to the eerie atmosphere. In the distance, the sound of thunder rumbled, and I knew that my time was close. The reality of what is coming hit me like a ton of bricks, and panic started to rush over my body. I tried to take deep breaths, to calm myself, but it felt like the walls were closing in around me. After carefully setting up all the equipment and making sure it worked perfectly, we made a mad dash back to the safety of the house through the pouring rain, booming thunder, and wildly swaying trees. The bunker had been strategically placed at a safe distance from the house. As soon as we stepped back into the house, my father's voice boomed through the hallway, instructing us to clean up and prepare for dinner. He headed straight for the kitchen, leaving us to tend to our own needs. I called out a greeting to my mother as I bound up the stairs, eager to wash off the grime and sweat from our training. As I entered my room, I quickly made my way into the bathroom, turning on the hot water and shedding my clothes, which were now caked with dust and sweat. I tossed them carelessly into the corner of the bathroom, eager to feel the hot water wash over my tired body. As I stepped into the shower, I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief as the steamy water cascaded down my skin, washing away the dirt and grime from my hair and body. Feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after my shower, I wrapped myself up in a fluffy, warm towel and made my way over to my closet. I scanned through my options, searching for the most comfortable and cozy pajamas I could find. Finally settling on a pair, I quickly got dressed before heading downstairs. The enticing aroma of my mother's cooking immediately overpowered my senses as I entered the kitchen. She was busy dishing up the meal while my father was on the other side of the kitchen, surrounded by various strange powders and herbs that looked like they were being used to make some kind of tea. "Good, you're just in time," my father said, gesturing for me to come closer. He then poured a small amount of water into a mug before turning to me and requesting my assistance. "Come help me here," he said, pointing to a pile of green herbs on the far side of the counter. "Add some more of the green herbs," he instructed me, as I made my way over to the herbs and carefully scooped a handful into my hand. As I handed the herbs to my father, I couldn't help but feel curious about what he was making. "What is this?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the strange mixture he was brewing up. With a warm smile on his face, my father explained that the strange mixture he was brewing up was actually a special herb tea, which I would need to start drinking every day until my upcoming birthday. However, as I peered into the mug and saw the unappetizing blend of herbs and water, I couldn't help but feel a sense of skepticism. "But this doesn't look delicious at all," I muttered, my face scrunching up in distaste. My mother couldn't help but chuckle at my reaction, finding my expression amusing. "But why, Dad?" I asked, still unsure about the purpose of this strange concoction. As my mother busied herself with placing the pots back on the stove, she chimed in and added, “Your father had also consumed this same herb tea before his own transition.” It was then that my father elaborated on the purpose of the tea, saying, “It would help your body to deal with the various pains and hunger pangs that you would inevitably experience during your transition.” He said as he lifted the mug and held it out to me, a broad smile spreading across his face as he urged me to drink up. I took a deep breath before taking a sip of the strange, herb-infused tea. With each sip I took, I could feel how the herbs slid down my throat. My mother and father burst out laughing; it just didn’t want to end, maybe it is because of the small sips I took. “Pinch your nose close and just throw it down your throat,” my father said between his laughing. I couldn’t do it. I placed my hand before my mouth as I ran towards the sink, but it just came back up and caused me to throw up, and that just made my mom and dad laugh more. “And that is why you should start now to first get used to it, after a few days you will drink it all without throwing up,” my father said, still laughing, as he took his seat at the dinner table.
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