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Lily's suggestion was a bit surprising and, I had to admit, a bit off-putting. We had only just met, and the idea of moving in together felt suspicious, to say the least. I hesitated, not wanting to impose on her, and said, "Oh, really, I can't ask that of you. We just met, and it's a big commitment." Lily seemed to understand my reservations and responded with a warm smile. "I guess it does sound a bit strange, doesn't it? I'm sorry if it came across that way. I'm simply looking for a flatmate, and it would take me a couple of weeks to prepare for the move. You don't have to decide right now. Take your time and think it over." Her consideration put me at ease. I appreciated her understanding and willingness to give me space to consider her offer. I nodded, feeling more comfortable with the idea. "Thank you, Lily. I'll think about it. It's just that your offer is unexpected, but I'll give it some thought." Lily smiled again, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Of course, Annabel. I completely understand. We can get to know each other better in the meantime, and you'll have all the time you need to decide. Just know that I'm here if you ever need a friend or a potential flatmate." "I appreciate the offer," I smiled at Lily, my newfound acquaintance. As I got up to leave the pack, I couldn't help but feel slightly suspicious about Lily's offer to become flatmates so I had to ask. "But how do you know the beta or whatever name those fans of mine gave me? How do you know it's me?" Lily's smile remained innocent as she explained, "I saw Beta Lombard talking to you. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but, well, he did mention you." I chuckled at her response, still a little wary but intrigued nonetheless. With a nod and a wave, I walked away, heading towards the training grounds. The sky began to cloud over, and the first few raindrops fell, dotting the ground. Arriving at the training grounds, I exchanged greetings and small talk with the pack members. Their fondness was infectious, and I felt a sense of belonging among them. As the evening drew on, one of my fellow pack members approached me, a concerned look on his face. "Annabel, you're on guard duty tonight," he informed me. I nodded, accepting the responsibility. Being on guard duty wasn't new to me; it was part of my role as a Beta. The rain continued to fall, and I prepared for my shift, ensuring I was well-equipped to handle whatever might come my way during the night. The training grounds were peaceful as the rain fell, creating a soothing background noise. I stood watch, scanning the area for any signs of unusual activity. My senses were alert, every rustle of the wind or snap of a twig catching my attention. As the hours passed, I couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. Meeting Lily had been a surprising turn of events. Her offer to become flatmates was still in the back of my mind, and her mention of Beta Lombard had me wondering if there was more to the story. It was all very suspicious. Regardless, my duty to the pack came first, and I remained focused on the task at hand. A junior guard named Luke approached me, his youthful face eager and full of respect. Luke was a new addition to the pack, always full of enthusiasm and determination. I smiled at him, pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face. "Hey, Luke," I greeted him. "Didn't expect to see you on guard duty." Luke's eyes sparkled with admiration as he replied, "I came to assist my favorite Beta." I chuckled at his eagerness. "I see. Alrighty then." As we settled into our roles for the night, Luke took a moment to ask, "How are things with Lombard?" My expression grew somber as I responded, "Awful as ever." I appreciated Luke's concern, but I couldn't deny the strained relationship I had with the pack's Beta. The tension between us had only grown over time, and I found myself hoping for a resolution that seemed increasingly out of reach. I stood atop the wooden shed, my gaze surveying the training grounds as the rain continued its gentle descent. "I understand the feeling. He is a bit cold," Luke said frowning as he chewed on a beef jerky. "Yeah, but mine seems worse. Any advice on how to deal with Lombard?" I asked, my tone tinged with a mix of frustration and helplessness. Luke's eyes met mine, and he offered a thoughtful response. "You know, I've heard stories about how some of the older pack members used to handle such situations. They say that sometimes, a little challenge can set things right." I frowned, intrigued yet cautious. "A challenge, huh? What kind of challenge?" Luke shrugged, the raindrops forming tiny rivulets on his hair. "It could be something as simple as a contest or a trial of strength. The idea is to remind Lombard that you're the Beta, and your position should be respected as well as his." His words held some merit. In the world of wolves, hierarchy was often reaffirmed through displays of strength and dominance. But I wondered if this would work with Lombard, who seemed to have his agenda. As the rain-soaked training grounds stretched before us, I continued to mull over Luke's suggestion. It was worth considering, though it carried a risk of further provoking Lombard's already fragile ego. "I'll keep that in mind," I said, nodding thoughtfully. "Thanks for the advice, Luke." Luke smiled, his boyish features lighting up. "Anytime, Annabel. We've got your back." The wind rustled through the surrounding trees, and the scent of the wet earth filled the air. I looked out through the rain, my eyes catching a car in the distance. A smile crept across my face as I said, "The alpha is here." "Hehe, you have that look on your face again Anna," Luke said and I chuckled as we watched the car approach. Luke raised an eyebrow and offered a teasing grin. "Annabel, it's not like you're hiding your excitement at all." I rolled my eyes in response to his observation, but I couldn't deny the anticipation bubbling inside me. As the car came to a stop, my heart skipped a beat. But when Thomas emerged, stumbling slightly, concern quickly replaced my excitement. "What's he doing?" I murmured more to myself than to Luke. I took a step forward, then turned to Luke, who had an amused look on his face. "I need to check on something, Luke."
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