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Annabel's POV I was left alone with my half-eaten burger, but I couldn't bring myself to eat another bite. The food remained untouched as I stared at it, wondering if I had become heartless over the years. Had I changed so much that I could no longer enjoy a simple meal? My thoughts drifted to my family, the ones who had welcomed me into their lives when I was just a helpless orphan. The ones who had shown me love, even though I couldn't be what they had hoped for – a true werewolf. I hadn't checked on them in a while. Guilt washed over me as I realized how absorbed I had become in my life with Thomas and the pack. I had forgotten the people who had raised me, who had given me a home and love when I had nothing. I sighed and brought out my phone, scrolling through the contact list. There was "Mother" and "Father," but I couldn't bring myself to call them. I was afraid of their disappointment, their hurt, and the realization that their daughter was no longer the human they had taken in. Tears welled in my eyes as I continued to scroll down the list. And then, there it was – "Little Sister." Her name was a reminder of the family I had left behind. I couldn't hold back the tears any longer, and I quickly powered off my phone. With a heavy heart, I got up from the fast-food joint, leaving the uneaten burger behind. Lombard's words still echoed in my mind, urging me to move out of the pack house. The tension between us had grown unbearable, and I was beginning to feel like an outsider in a place I had called home for years. I needed a break, a moment of solace. I decided to go to the park, a place where I could be alone with my thoughts and try to sort out the chaos in my mind. It was time to reflect on the choices I had made and the ones I was about to make. As I made my way to the park, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of nostalgia. The park had been a refuge for me in my earlier years, a place where I had spent hours playing and dreaming of a different life. I had been lost in my thoughts, standing alone in the park, when suddenly, someone bumped into me. I turned to see a young woman, and she quickly offered an apologetic smile. "Sorry," she said, her voice soft. As I prepared to brush off the incident with a polite response, she continued, "Oh, I know you. You're Annabel, right? The Omega who got rejected by Alpha Smith." I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I glanced around nervously, hoping that no one else had overheard. "Do I know you?" I asked, trying to change the subject. The woman's smile widened, and she extended her hand. "I'm Lily. I'm not from your pack, but I've heard about your story. I admire your strength and resilience. It can't be easy to go through what you did." I shook her hand, grateful for her kind words. "Thank you, Lily. It's been a challenging journey, but I'm still standing." Lily's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she asked, "So, what are you doing here in the park? Taking a break from the pack?" I nodded, deciding to be honest with her. "Yes, I needed some time to clear my head and think about the future." Lily nodded in understanding. "I get it. Sometimes, we all need a little escape. You're welcome to join me if you want. We can sit and chat, or if you'd rather be alone, I'll leave you in peace." I appreciated her offer of companionship. "I wouldn't mind some company. It's been a while since I've had a real conversation with someone outside of my pack." As we found a bench and settled in, I couldn't help but wonder about the person sitting beside me. Lily seemed genuine and friendly. As we sat down Lily crossed her hands and said, "I am currently in the process of moving into this pack" Lily's statement caught me by surprise. "Move into the pack? Why would you want to do that?" She looked at me with a determined glint in her eyes. "I've never really had friends, Annabel. And I think you and I could be great friends. Plus, I heard that you became a Beta in the pack. I admire your strength and resilience. You see, I've been through something similar. My mate abandoned me, and I want to get revenge by becoming better." Her words resonated with me, and I realized that there was more to Lily than met the eye. I leaned in and spoke softly, "Revenge can be a dangerous path, Lily. It can consume you and lead to choices you might regret. But if you want to join our pack and find a sense of belonging, I can help you with that." Lily's eyes widened with hope, and she nodded eagerly. "I don't know what I have to offer, but I'm willing to learn, to be a part of something bigger." I couldn't help but smile, touched by her sincerity. "That's the spirit, Lily. You have a lot to offer, and I can teach you about the pack, about our dynamics, and what it means to be a part of it. But remember, revenge should never be your primary motivation. Find strength and resilience within yourself, and you'll discover that you're capable of much more than you think." Lily nodded in understanding, " Thank you" She said smiling. Then I decided to share my concerns with her as well. I felt a sense of relief as I shared my concerns with Lily, opening up about the struggles I'd faced with Lombard and the uncertainty of my living situation. Her compassionate listening and understanding were exactly what I needed. Lily offered a comforting smile and a reassuring touch on my arm. "Annabel, why don't we move in together?"
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