1141 Words

Annabel’s Pov I was weak. My limbs felt unmovable as if shackled by an invisible force. Alone in this dimly lit room, the air thick with the acrid scent of confinement, I strained against the lethargy that clung to me. The betrayal of my own body intensified the despair that gripped my heart. Jacob, my captor, and seemingly indifferent watcher slouched in a corner. His eyes, heavy with drowsiness, occasionally flickered open only to quickly surrender to the pull of exhaustion. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest betrayed his dozing state. In the feeble light filtering through a small, barred window, I glimpsed a sliver of hope. The promise of freedom danced just beyond my reach. Summoning every ounce of strength, I pushed myself off the cold, unforgiving ground. Each movement was a

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