2300 Words

Lombard’s Pov It was so good not to have Annabel around. I just had Thomas all to myself. I purposely delayed the investigation, even though Beta Kris was pressuring me. I wanted Annabel gone for a long time. Just like old times, me and Thomas. Together. Without that wrench in our dynamics. As I half-heartedly shuffled through some papers, pretending to be engrossed in the investigation, the distant sounds of Thomas torturing the captive echoed through the packhouse. Part of me reveled in the chaos, reveling in the opportunity to undermine Annabel's presence. Beta Kris shot me a concerned look. "Lombard, we need to find out who's behind this. Thomas is losing it, and Annabel's safety is at stake." I feigned concern and nodded, "Of course, Kris. I'm doing everything I can to get to the

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