2617 Words

Annabel’s pov I felt cold. Usually cold. The chill seemed to seep into my very bones, constricting me in an enveloping darkness. It was as if I were suspended in a void, detached from time and space. Panic gripped me, a gnawing fear that I might be lost in this abyss forever. In the depths of this chilling abyss, a face materialized—the gentle countenance of my mom. A flicker of warmth accompanied her presence. She began to sing, a familiar lullaby that had cradled me to sleep in my childhood. The melody wrapped around me, a comforting embrace amid the cold. As her voice echoed through the darkness, I felt a pang of guilt. I hadn't visited home in so long. The responsibilities of the pack had consumed me, and the connection with my family had waned. The weight of that neglect bore down

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