1960 Words

Thomas POV  "How could this have happened?" I muttered to myself, the weight of worry pressing heavily on my shoulders. Annabel, the brave and resilient member of our pack, now lay in a coma. Shock reverberated through my mind as I grappled with the reality of the situation. I paced the sterile corridors of the operation unit, my mind awry with thoughts of what went wrong. The scent of antiseptic hung in the air, mixing with the anxiety that gripped me. I couldn't fathom how Annabel, who had faced countless challenges before, could end up in this critical condition. The doctors and healers moved around with a sense of urgency, their words a blur as they discussed Annabel's prognosis. I couldn't tear myself away from the theater, where she fought for her life. My heart raced, fear claw

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