1488 Words

Lombard's POV As I made my way back to meet Thomas, a sly grin played on my lips. I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at finally ridding myself of Annabel. She had been nothing but a hindrance, slowing me down and complicating our mission. My steps were purposeful as I approached Thomas, my thoughts already forming the web of lies that would explain Annabel's absence. I knew I had to come up with a convincing story, one that would protect the secrecy of our true mission. As I neared Thomas, he looked up at me, his gaze searching for answers. "Lombard, where's Annabel? What happened?" I cleared my throat, feigning concern. "Thomas, you won't believe it. We were ambushed by rival pack members, and they managed to capture Annabel. It all happened so fast, and I had no choice

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