Chapter 7

1851 Words

CHAPTER 7 The clouds overhead were dispersing, leaving more and more stars exposed. Even as I stood there motionless on the lake shore, two clouds parted and the moon burst out, lighting up the world around me in a silvery glow. It hit the body like a spotlight, making the white hair under the dark hat glow like liquid silver. I could even see it glint off the white of one open eye. It was Odd, that was without question. But how had he gotten there? Had he slipped and fallen from the narrow neck between the wider promontory and the mainland? He was directly below it. It made the most sense. But it didn't feel true. I wondered if my urge to go outside had coincided with his fall. Had he sent a magical cry for help that I had just barely heard? Mjolner leaned his body up against the si

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