Chapter Thirteen - Cheer for me

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Ethan James Gregory I'm currently combing Laine's long wavy hair, I thought combing a woman’s hair would be weird, yet here I am, enjoying every second of it. It’s so soft, smooth, and fragrant, I can’t get enough of it. I'm on her body again because it's Friday already. My theory was right, we can only change souls every Friday. I’m slightly worried that she might find out about my real identity if we keep changing like this but I think I’ll be fine… She’s currently taking her time changing at my room, after our massive training yesterday we both have decided to sleep in my condominium so that we can move easily and faster. It wasn’t really a big deal since I slept at David’s room since he’s nowhere around again. Laine went out of my room so I just laughed, she looks so amazed while wearing my jersey. Damn it! I wish her body was wearing it too… I immediately shook my head to what I was thinking, what the hell?! I would never disrespect her! I argued to myself before sighing. “EJ! This is so cool! It’s my first time wearing a decent jersey and I look so hot and intimidating!” we both laughed because of what she said, she's so freaking cute! “Ha! I never thought a day like this would come that I’ll see you so happy Gregorgs!” David popped out of nowhere in his jersey so I just glared at him. “David, I told you to not call me that in front of others,” I said and stopped when I realized why I have reacted, I forgot that I’m in Laine’s body! David looked at me with confusion etched among his eyes, he’s looking at me intently like he was shocked, I nervously glanced at Laine who looks like she’s currently praying for our lives, damn it! “Woah! You sounded just like Ethan a while ago Terry! You really matched his tone and language! Is this how love affects someone? They’ll react for you?” David asked before approaching my body which is Terry at the moment, I was really thankful at this moment that David is insane and stupid. Laine nervously laughed before tapping my shoulders which felt heavy for a moment “Y-Yeah, she really copied me back there” she said so we both just sighed when David laughed before nodding at us. “Well yeah whatever guys, Let’s go! We’re going to be late!” David cheered before running outside of our unit. We glance at each other before laughing. “I can’t believe that he believed us! I almost died a while ago!” Laine nervously said while getting my duffel bag. “I know, we've been together for years but he hasn't bored me yet” I honestly said while accompanying her outside and locks our unit. “David doesn’t seem to mind my presence a while ago, but next time we have to be more careful, that was too close!” she exclaimed so I just nodded at her before scratching the back of my neck. “He really wouldn’t mind because we’re both used to having some women's company over here and yes I know, I'll be more careful next time and you should too okay?” I said so she flinched before nodding at me, she looks bothered by what I said but whatever. I told David to drive for me today so we won’t have any complications, so I’m now sitting in the back seat because I’m on Terry’s body while she’s on the passenger seat inside my body. After we have reached the University, we immediately went to the gymnasium, that’s where the event will take place, we’re undefeated for three years on the tournament so we’re always holding the opening of this event. We went towards our team, I glance at Laine and it looks like she’s having a nervous breakdown, she’s taking deep breaths, sweaty forehead so I went over there to give her some hanky. “Laine... calm down you've got this, you have proven and devoted yourself for the last few days and I know you can do it,” I said while smiling, she glances at me before smiling as she accepted my hanky. “Thank you EJ, I’m just nervous that I might embarrass you in front of these many people,” she said before exhaling out a lungful air while wiping her sweats on her forehead so I shook my head towards what she said. “Don't mind them just focus on the game alright?” I tried to cheer her up so she just nodded before walking towards our team and I just watch her from afar. I don’t know why I hate to see her out of my sight most especially when I know that she's around me somewhere. After some opening prayers, singing of the national anthem, and some intermission numbers it was the beginning of the first game. I went near the benches of my teammates and saw that our coach is currently talking to Laine. She looks slightly confused about what my coach is reminding her. I smirked when she looked at me, so she excused herself after that talk and went towards beside me. “EJ! I’m really starting to get nervous, coach is reminding me about a lot of things that I don’t understand and just look at our opponents! They’re huge like a walking post on the highways! You said that they’re not that strong!” she complained so I just chuckled, she's even taller than them because she's currently inside my body. “They lack on teamwork and speed that is why I know they're going to lose and don't be nervous, you're much taller than them right now so just focus, remember your training,” I told her and she just sighed before nodding, the past few days before the tournament she improved very well. Luckily, my body is athletic enough to help her contain her stamina. To my surprise, she's a great shooter and a very quick learner too. I also told her about how our team plays, with her bright mind, I know for sure that she will not forget those things. “Hey lovebirds! That’s enough! Flirt later because we have a game to win!” David shouted so Laine just scratches her head which made me chuckle. “Alright! Alright! I'm coming and we're not lovebirds!” Laine complained at David before glancing at me. "EJ! Cheer for me okay?” she beamed which made me flinch, why did my heartbeat abnormally for a moment because of what she said? I just shook my head before smirking at her. “Sure, but promise me next time that you'll be the one cheering for me too,” I said hoping she would say yes. She stopped for a moment before smiling at me “Of course! I’ll also make you a big banner if you want lol! I’ll go now!” so I just smirked, I would like to see her making banners for me someday. She ran towards my teammates and to my surprise, they called me, which is Laine at the moment to seat near the benches. “Terry! Cheer for us okay?” Henry beamed like he’s trying to be cute, he’s lucky that I’m in Terry’s body that’s why I have to be nice, I'll punch this one on my body next time. “Stupid! She’s here to cheer for our Captain! Am I right Ethan?” Chris called Laine so she glanced at us. Laine smiled and waved at me when she saw me again that shocked some of my team psh, I don't smile that often, I forgot to tell her that. “W-Woah! Did you guys saw that? Captain freaking smiled! Is that how really love works?!” my teammates started baffling some crazy words which made me sigh. “God we thank you because our Captain smiled, we’re going to be lucky today, thank you for your message” David suddenly closed his eyes and clasp his hands together before lifting his head towards the ceiling of the gymnasium. Henry, Chris, and my other teammates laughed because of what David did so I just shook my head, these jerks! “Stop fooling around! Focus on the game and remember our play!” I scolded which made my eyes wide but calmed down when they all laughed again. “It feels like those two have changed their personalities” they continued teasing me until the referee blew his whistle, which means the game is about to start. At first, it was obvious how nervous Laine was most especially when my cheerers cheered for me on the bleachers. I even saw her close her eyes like she was reminding herself what to do. The game was going pretty well, like what I told her she just needs to focus on our gameplay. In the 3rd Quarter, she was starting to get really comfortable playing because she's rebounding and shooting three points too, she's actually good at this! I'm very impressed. Our training wasn't a waste, I was enjoying watching the game when I saw that the game was starting to get dirty because the opponent is losing. I immediately stood up when she tripped over, s**t I saw the other player trip her on purpose! That asshole! My cheerers booed the opponents because of what they did. “Foul number 4 to number 1!” the referee shouted, Laine remained lying on the flat ground on the center of the court, the referee went over there to check on her, probably asking if she can still play. When Laine can’t stand up anymore, the medics went over there to check up on her, my feet also dragged me over there due to my worry and her face was red when she raised her head. “I-I'm fine guys… I was just really surprised when I tripped over” she said like she was embarrassed while trying to stand up when she saw my face. “Gregory can you still play?” the coach asked on our side, she was about to say yes when I answered for her. “Coach, I think it's better to let him rest and seat for now, the team is already winning and the opponents aren't that strong enough so others can play instead in his place, they can handle it, you need Gregory more on your other games so we have to make sure he's really okay” I firmly said so they all glance at me. Coach looks like he was surprised when a girl talked on their side, he must be thinking he had heard me talking to him. Other’s helped Laine walk towards the bench, luckily she can still walk but it looks like she’s in pain. It will heal as soon as possible because of my werewolf identity. “Laine… where is it hurting? What leg and pain can you feel?” I whispered to her so she pouted before sighing. “S-Sorry EJ... I didn’t take care of your body well” she whispered so I just shook my head, she’s always like this, worrying about others rather than herself. “It's alright don't worry about it, you actually did great today” I smiled so she just pouted even more. “So tell me, where does it hurt?” I asked her again because she didn’t answer me at first. “N-No, I just gained some cramps but it’s bearable because I know for sure that I can still play, I was just really surprised when someone did something dirty like that! I thought I took your chance on playing again!” she mumbled so I just sighed. I'll make sure to give that man a lesson someday. “Terry…” we both glance on the side when someone talked, our mascot took off his head so that we can see his face, and that’s where we saw the bruised face of Ray. What the hell is he doing here? I slowly glance at Laine and her pure black eyes held fear in them, if I'm not mistaken I can almost see her shivering too. I don't like that… she should be furious at him tsk! So I faced Ray who is currently looking at me intently “What do you want asshole? You still have the guts to show yourself to me after what you have done? Do you have a death wish or something?” I furiously muttered, failing to control my temper. His eyes widened because of my words, he must've been really shocked that he isn't talking to Laine that he can manipulate before. “Terry… I want to talk to you just to say sorry, what I did to you wasn’t right… I was drunk and my emotions were in disarray” he said like he really felt guilty about it. “The damage has been done, you cannot redo it anymore and it'll haunt me forever” I firmly said before turning my back against him. “You’re not like this Terry, ever since after you got close with this guy you have changed! He’s bad news for you!” Ray shouted furiously at me so I just smirked before looking at him again, almost forgetting that I'm currently on Laine's body. “I didn’t change, I just opened my closed eyes due to my stupidness about you, your wrongdoings and shortcomings about me” Laine suddenly talked while reaching out to hold my hands, Ray looks like he was shocked about it. “That's what she wants to tell and she has heard what you want to tell her so you may leave, and please don't let me see your face again or I'll have you arrested!” she said while her hands are trembling on my hands. Ray glared at us before leaving, I glance at Laine and it looks like she’s about to cry at my body. “Don't cry for him, please” I pleaded because he doesn’t deserve it so she just shook her head. “I-I’m not, I’m just happy that I’m officially and finally free from him” she muttered so I gripped her hands tightly. “Don't think about him anymore, I'll… help you move on” I suddenly said that stopped her for a moment. What am I saying?! “Huh? How?” she asked so I just sighed before smirking at her.  “It's a secret, come on! Let's get out of here and celebrate” I pulled her out of the gym after I said those words. To be continued…
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