Chapter Twelve - Fan girls

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Terry Laine Pierce   This is the most awaited day of my life… I’ll be meeting Jessica today! It’s been a while since I last saw her, I didn’t waste any more time when I have decided to go to the cafeteria.   She told me that I should meet her there on our favorite spot, so after I spotted her on the swarms of students inside of our elegant cafeteria, I squealed while running towards her table.   “Terry! Terry! Over here!” Jessica cheered before running towards to greet me, we both chuckled after feeling each and other’s warmth as we squealed in unison.   We didn’t mind if some of the tables find us weird or anything while hugging each other intently, I just miss her so much right now!   “It’s been forever! How are you? What happened?” I worriedly asked so we decided to take a seat on our spot as she requested for a waiter.   That’s right, our school is so prestigious that you can request a waiter if you don’t want to fall in line.   “One box of cupcakes and two triple mocha frappes, thanks!” Jessica said when the waiter asked for our orders and gave him a tip. She really knows my favorite! Ethan makes delicious red velvet cupcakes too! He’s a great cook.   “So? Tell me! Are you okay now?” I asked while looking at her intently which made her laugh before pinching my cheeks.   “O-Ouch! What was that for?!” I complained while caressing my slightly red cheeks, Jessica is being a bully again.   “I’m sorry that I only left your phone at the apartment before, I really just have things to do” she sincerely said which made me smile.   “It’s alright Jess, don’t be like that… you know that you can tell everything after you fixed your matters… unless you need my help,” I said which made her smile before sighing.   “You see, it’s about a guy… it’s the first time I’ve ever felt this way towards someone, and I felt… confused about it, so you can guess that I’ve been thinking about it a lot” Jessica said which made my eyes widened. Did I just hear that right?   Jessica is having trouble with a man?! Oh my God! Is this really happening?! I wonder who could that be? It’s been a while so I feel like we have so much to tell each other! But I think I’m not ready to tell her what happened to me about Ray.   “Oh my God! Who is that?! Who’s the lucky man?!” I squealed trying to contain my emotions but I’m clearly failing on that.   “Um, you see… he’s not that actually nice and the ideal man that you’re thinking about… he’s um the complete opposite of that… he’s a womanizer,” Jessica said while tapping her fingers uncomfortably on our cold table, what?! She doesn’t like womanizers!   “W-What? I don’t understand Jess… well let’s talk about that problem later, who is that guy?” I curiously asked so she coughed before glancing around our surroundings, it looks like she’s afraid that someone might hear her.   “It’s David Logan” she whispered while leaning into my ears which made my eyes widened, what the hell?! I know David is nice in some ways but he really is a womanizer freak when it comes to this kind of thing!   “W-What?! You do know that he’s the number one womanizer on this campus, right?!” I exclaimed so she just shushed me before nodding.   “I do know about that… that’s why I’m thinking about why am I so attracted to him ever since he offered me a drink and talk about stuff!” she frustratedly mumbled so I just sighed.   I don’t know what to say to her, once it happened… it’ll just never stop like what I have seen with Ray before, I shook my head upon remembering that guy. He’s so last season.   “Well, that’s my issue… I haven’t focused too much on my studies because of it too, we’ve been seeing each other recently… so I’m really sorry Terry” she bit her lips like she felt bad about not telling me sooner.   “It’s alright Jess, no biggie! Come on, I have loads to tell you too” I said while composing myself when I noticed that our food was arriving.   “Yeah, girl! You have loads to tell me! I’ve been hearing a lot of issues about you and Ethan! Wait, is it really true that you went to school in your undies?” she curiously asked which made me flinch.   Ah! That was Ethan’s fault, so some people were making a rumor out of it huh? Waa! I have to make Ethan pay for this! It’s his fault!   “U-Uh no, why would they make up something like that?” I breathed out nervously which made Jessica nod at me. Whew! Thank God she believed me.   “So? What’s up? What happened to you after I left you again at that party?” she curiously asked which made me gulp. Will she take this easy? Knowing Jess, she’ll make people pay for it.   “U-Um… you see, I tried to look for you on the second floor,” I said so she stopped before eyeing me intently. “The second floor is hell for you but I wasn’t there, so what happened did you found me?” she asked but I just shook my head.   “N-No, I didn’t find you… but something terrible happened” I was really nervous, I don’t want to remember what happened that night but I have to tell her, she’s my friend, she has to know.   “What happened Terry?” she firmly asked like she was getting impatient so I just gulped before playing with my fingers as I glance around our surroundings hoping no one would hear me.   “R-Ray found me and locked me up on some room and tried to… rape me,” I said before looking at her and I almost got a heart attack upon seeing her eyes rage.   “He what?! Where the f**k is that asshole?!” Jessica stood up earning heads at our table so I pulled her to seat with me and hugged her.   “Calm down okay? He didn’t succeed because… Ethan came there to save me in time” I almost lied but that’s what really happened too, except the fact that Ethan used my body to save me.   “T-That was horrible Terry, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” she gripped my hands so I just sighed before shaking my head.   “Because I was worried about your own issues too, I don’t want you to think or worry about me that much or I’ll be a burden” I honestly said so she just shook her head at me.   “No girl! Don’t you ever think that way! You’re always welcome to share your problems with me even if the world is falling down! We’re going to embrace it together!” she exclaimed so I teared up for a moment and hugged her.   “Oh Terry, I’m really sorry that happened to you… I should’ve been there, thank God Ethan was there… but how did he know you were there? Hm, maybe that’s what brought you two so close huh?” she said while caressing my back which made me flinch before nodding. I hope she doesn’t ask hard questions!   “Don’t worry, I’ll give that Ray a piece of my mind! He’ll regret touching you!” Jessica furiously stated like some possessive boyfriend so I just chuckled.   “Please don’t do anything reckless, I’m fine but I don’t want to see him again” I honestly said so she agreed with me as we shared our food.   It feels so great that I have opened up to her, something felt so warm and fuzzy inside of my chest, I just need to find some right time before telling her about the swapping souls.   “Hey, Jessy! What do you want to eat?” David suddenly popped on our table that shocked me for a moment. Crap! Just how powerful his stealth mode is? I glance at his back and noticed that Ethan was there looking at me intently so I just smiled which made him grin. “Oh! You’re here to Terry! I didn’t notice you, I was too blinded by her out of this world beauty” David said while pointing at Jess so I glance at her and she’s blushing like she’s embarrassed.   “I-I thought we’re not talking at school? You’re confusing me David” Jess said while lowering her head that confused me for a moment. Not talking at school? But why?   “Oh? Did I say that? I’m sorry I just can’t help myself from approaching you today when I saw you!” David said while laughing so Jessica stood up before smiling at me, it’s a fake one.   “Terry, I’m going to go first… enjoy my treat” she muttered before leaving me with those two boys so I glared at David.   “Hey! Why did you say that to her? Do you have some special thing for her?” I scolded David which made him flinch.   “I-I do but what did I say?! I freaking complimented her and was about to treat her to a meal! What the hell?!” David argued with me but I just glared at him even more.   “Why did you tell her not to talk to school? You’re toying with her feelings because of what you did a while ago! Go after her now!” I ordered which made him grunt before pouting at Ethan.   “Your girl is arguing with me, do something about this” David cried but Ethan just shrugged his shoulders before sitting on my front.   “Nope you heard the woman, leave and go after your mate” Ethan joked which made David flinch before scratching the back of his head, eyeing me if I get something about what Ethan has said.   “Damn it! This is frustrating! I’ll be back later!” he ran away from us which made Ethan laughed.   “Sorry you have to see that again, David is not used to having a committed relationship, you know about his reputation, right?” he said so I just nodded at him.   “Yeah, I’m not approved of it but if Jess is that confused about what she feels for him, she probably saw something special about David so I’ll respect that,” I said so he just smiled at me before giving me something.   “Here, I made this again” he offered me a blueberry cupcake which made my eyes widened, it looks so delicious! Just look how generous he was at the frosting!   “You’re really good at this, was the first cupcake you gave to me at that coffee shop before was made by you? The red velvet one?” I asked so he just nodded at me which made me squeal. How can someone be amazing like this!? “Y-Yeah did you like all that I made?” he asked so I nodded at him nonstop before taking a bite from it.   “Like isn’t even fitting it, I love it! Cupcakes are my favorite!” I exclaimed so he just smiled which caused my heart to beat abnormally again, I really should see a doctor.   “Well, I’m glad you love it, it’s one of the best creations yet in pastries, I have classes at this hour, I just wanted to give you that so I’m off!” he said and ran away from me before I could say another word.   “That guy is so hard to understand sometimes” I muttered before staring at his made cupcakes for me, he really is thoughtful.   “Hey, you!” a girl with a high-pitched tone called from my back so I flinched before facing my back. I’m seeing numerous girls with their glares and crossed arms.   Oh crap! Are these EJ’s fangirls? They’re literally bombarding my social media with threats and messages, he told me how to deal with these women so I have to stay calm and smile.   “O-Oh hey, what can I do for you ladies?” I calmly asked but my heart is pounding so rapidly against my chest.   “What’s up with you and Ethan? Did you know that he was off-limits?” the blonde girl asked and it looks like she’s the captain of the cheerleading team.   “Um? What do you mean? I don’t understand, last time I checked there’s nothing up with me and him” I lied because that’s what Ethan said I should do.   “Then how would you explain of the times that you and he were always together? He even saved you last time from your ex, you went to a restaurant and sometimes spotted at the gymnasium” the other girls argued which made me gulp, what the hell?! Are they my stalker?! How did they know all of that?! Do I have a tracker on my neck or something?   “Girls, girls… Ethan and I are just friends, I’m just his tutor because he’s having a hard time studying Biology which is my field of study” I reasoned out and some of them look like they don’t believe me until they spotted the box of blueberry cupcake’s he gave to me.   “How about that? How can you explain that huh?” the blonde girl asked pointing at the box while snatching those away from me.   “Hey, please give it back! That’s his payment for my tutor since I don’t accept money” I pleaded so she glared at me.   “Yeah right? How do we know for sure that you don’t have feelings for him?” the other girls asked which made me grunt. Why are they acting like this? Ethan has to be mindful of these girls, he probably doesn’t know how many of them have been harassing someone. “I’m not attracted to basket players okay?! They’re all jerks ruining my free time!” I breathed out which caused me to earn some crowds on my cafeteria table, crap! I didn’t even mean those words!   The girls look like they believe me as they put down the box of cupcakes which I immediately embraced.   “We’re watching you, Terry Laine Pierce, make sure you’re not contradicting your words” the blonde girl whispered into my ears before leaving so I just sighed and seated comfortably on my chair.   That was terrifying as hell, EJ should hear about this since the tournament is almost nearing, I can’t live my last year like this!     To be continued…
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