Chapter One - The Dream

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Terry Laine Pierce The mist of the winds was whipping past my face when I opened my narrowed black eyes… I was running and it’s odd because I’m human right? But why am I seeing four paws below me? And why does it feels like the trees were towering over me? Did I shrink? One thing is for sure, I’m running inside a forest, but this isn’t my body… it’s a big animal’s body. I tried halting its run and to my surprise, I did stop running at my will, what the hell? Am I an animal now? Maybe this is a dream… that’s right… this is a dream, the weirdest dream that I have ever had since I turned 18 last year, it’s been like this for some time now ever since I moved into my apartment in the big city. It’s really odd. Why am I having dreams like this? “Alpha! Why are you gone again?! Where the heck are you?! We’re going to be late!” someone talked on my mind that made me panic, who on earth is that?! “W-Who’s that?!” I nervously asked, wondering how I can do that and the voice on my mind just sighed in disbelief. “So now you’re saying that you don’t know me again, just stay there! I’ll come to you!” I felt that the line was cut off after that man talked… My eyes suddenly went wide open and were astounded upon seeing myself in my bedroom, that was one weird dream again… I just shook my head and look at the time on my wall clock, crap I’m going to be late! I immediately dashed towards the comfort room, I overslept again because of these papers! When someone told me that college was the worst year, they weren't joking about that because college was literally the worst year of my life! I don’t understand why our professors badly want to torture us like demons from hell, who the hell looks for hardcopy and softcopy at the same time and day? Those hardcopies literally cost me hundreds and it isn’t even midterms yet! Maybe this is why I'm starting to have weird dreams like what I have just encountered a while ago! I just sighed. Aside from getting stressed out about our inhuman school works, I'm also focused on preparing myself for my class later on. I’m now wearing casual business attire since I’m on business major, I didn’t bother making breakfast since I’m already used to not eating it anymore since no one would cook for me when I’m already late like this. To have a little background, my mom and dad died early due to sickness, I was the only child, and the only woman that is left in my life right now is my grandmother, she’s the one who looked after me, and she’s the best thing that I’ll forever be thankful for. Back when I am still entering college, I finally separated myself from her and moved to an apartment so that I could freely look and find some part-time jobs. At first, grandma was against the thought of me working while studying because she told me that she can work and pay for all the necessities that needed to be paid for my fine education and just focus on my education. But I insisted because not all the time my studies have to be paid for by someone else. I also need to learn to live independently. I always visit her every Saturday so no worries, plus I know for sure that my grandma is fit and healthy unlike me because she’s a superwoman and I admire her. After I was done making myself look decent, I went out of my apartment and walk towards my University, this is also convenient for me since my apartment is just near my University. Gregory University, one of the prestigious school in this city so expect that the tuition was costly due to its high-quality education and necessities, but since God has given me blessings of knowledge, I managed to jackpot my own scholarship that’s why my grandma didn’t bother too much on paying for my tuition, she’s now only helping me pay on my apartment and allowances, she told me to quit my part-time job for now so I could focus on my studies, so I just obliged because I have no other choice. My grandmother is terrifying when she gets mad, I already went against all of her requests before, so I thought maybe I can let her win on this one. With my heavy hard copies in my hands, I sprinted towards the spacious hallways, I don't want to be late for Ms. Ferrero’s classes, she less extra points brutally! While increasing my pace, someone’s voice boomed on the hallways that caught my whole attention. “Ethan go long, catch this!” I heard David shouted exaggeratedly from afar, if I’m not mistaken, I know that he’s one of the top five players of the basketball team inside this University. I was about to look to where he was talking about, but my body flew when something hard bumped me. “Ouch!” I screamed in pain after feeling that heavy, body-shattering impact. Something inhuman just slapped my body. Crap! My hardcopies! “Dang that hurts!” the man on my top complained, which made my eyes widened. That voice sounded so familiar! My eyes immediately gazed at that man, my eyes bulged after seeing Ethan James Gregory was on top of me, his blue eyes were widened too like he was surprised upon seeing me but he immediately shook his head and stood up. W-Wow… why does he smells so amazing just like what I always hear from rumors? I shook my head, I have a freaking boyfriend for God's sake! “Whoops! Sorry about that-- err what's your name? Here let me help you with that,” Ethan softly said while offering me his hands, his accent is so terrifyingly attractive, I almost wanted to choke to death jeez! “T-Terry Laine Pierce... it's alright, thank you,” I sincerely said before accepting his hands. I almost gasped when I felt some spark over there, it looks like he felt it too but he didn’t mind it. What was that about? I flinched when we both finally stood up, from up close, I feel like I’m a mushroom near a tall tree because he’s freaking tall! Is he six or seven feet? I’m not sure. He helped me pick up my hardcopies without asking me to help, so I panicked before helping him too so we could finish fast. “T-Thank you,” I said after he handed me over all of my things, his eyebrows are raised like he’s questioning my heavy things but shook his head before glancing at Dave. “David! You i***t! We're only playing basketball not footlong! Look what you have done! You could've hurt someone by throwing this ball!” Ethan shouted furiously while picking up the football on the ground, footlong? “What are you talking about dude? It’s not footlong but football you i***t! Did you eat some breakfast this morning Gre-gorgs?” Dave laughed so hard that he could almost roll on the floor and cry. I also chuckled secretly that none of them will hear. This is one of the perks why I liked studying inside this University, athletes here aren't as bad as they told you in books, the majority of them are nice most especially these two tandems. Ethan suddenly glances at me, he stared at me for a moment before smiling that shocked me for a moment. My heart stopped beating because he looks even more handsome when he smiles, I hope his fangirls won’t go after me. I’m too busy enough working on my paper works, handling a girl's possessiveness towards him is too much for me to handle, so I might take some distance. “Well Terry Laine, I have to get going now! I'm Ethan James Gregory by the way, so sorry again!” he shouted before running towards David, he smashed his head before walking towards their circle of friends: the popular, rich, athletes, and the cool kids. It’s really different when you’re included in the circle of being handsome, beautiful, and popular. There’s already a place waiting for you. Don't get me wrong… I’m already contented with the life that I have right now I’m just curious to see things cycle like that. I just smiled because I thought that he shouldn’t bother telling me his name since he’s very well known around the University, it’s impossible not knowing him from around here, I just shook my head and went towards my locker. That’s where I saw my girl best friend looking at me with a teasing aura with my boyfriend on her side who’s only known to look and use his phone all the time. “You okay girl? I saw how terrible that impact was! Ethan has such a great build! I’m so glad he didn’t squash you,” my friend Jessica Burke muttered worriedly, which made me smile. She’s this exaggerated sometimes. I shook my head at her, “Don’t worry, our school works are much heavier for me rather than him,” I laughed while looking at my boyfriend, Raymond Villaflores, who’s still busy looking at his phone like he didn’t notice my presence. “H-Hi Ray good morning! I can’t call you last nig—” before I could even finish my sentence, he left when someone called on his phone. I frowned because he’s starting to be like that for the past few days… I wonder what things could he be interested in at this moment in time? “If there’s one thing that I don’t understand aside from Algebra, it’s your feelings girl! How can you bear a man like that? He looks like he doesn’t care a thing about you!” Jess furiously complained at me, so I just sighed before taking out some things on my locker. “Jess… you know how much I trust him, I have never seen him cheating on me plus we’ve been together for years now,” I firmly said, she just continued whining at me like some child. “Tss! So what if you’re together for years? That isn’t a reason to stay, plus it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together if he treats you like that! He treats you like trash!” Jess furiously shouted, so I immediately cup my hands on her mouth before closing my lockers because we’re in the hallways, some people might hear us. “Jess! Don’t shout like that, some strict professors might hear us and less our extra credit points!” I scolded her in a whisper, but she stubbornly shoved my hands away. “Terry, I love you okay? That's why I'm looking out for you... I just don't want you to turn blind eyes about this, there are so many red flags!” she furiously complained while we’re walking towards our class. Jess and I have the same schedules on some minor classes, were classmates before in high school that’s why we’re this close to each other. "I know, I know I'll talk to him about this okay?" I pleaded to her, which made her sigh and stop before hitting my arms continuously and brutally like she has remembered something amazing. “O-Ouch! Come on Jess, it hurts! What is it?” I complained while touching my arms, so she just laughed before smirking at me. “You know what will cheer me up? You should go to a party with me later! Just in time! Chris invited me a while ago!” she excitedly squealed, which made me frown before shaking my head. “You know that I don’t do that kind of thing right?” I stated, so I stepped away when she raised her eyebrows, Jess is terrifying when she does that. “U-huh, sure but you go to bars alone! Don’t lie to me!” she complained, which forced me to scratch the back of my hair. “But that was only a few times… plus I only do that when I’m deep in thoughts,” I argued, which made her shook her head. I go to bars most especially if I’m having a hard time on some subjects, not all smart kids stay at home! “Tss! You’re only there when you’re stressed out about your so-called boyfriend! So let’s go! All of the Gregory University students will be there so don’t decline my invite or I’ll sue you!” she argued, so I have no other choice but to nod at her.   Her excited squeals were suddenly to be heard around us, which made me smile as we both proceed to our classes.  Jess always invites me to parties, this is a getaway for our stressful semesters but I usually don’t go since I’m busy finishing my special project for their upcoming deadlines, but now, I think I managed to finish almost all of them so I’m good to go. I texted Ray after class about me and Jess going to a big party but two hours have passed, I’m already back at the apartment with Jess and he isn’t texting or calling me back yet, what could he be possibly doing? Is he busy with his projects? I tried calling him but he’s unreachable, maybe he doesn’t want to be disturbed. “Hey! Stop looking at your phone and get your freaking self a dress!” Jess scolded me while she’s fixing her makeup, so I immediately ran to wear my ripped jeans and red v line neck shirt, after wearing those comfortable clothes, I went out for her to check it. “Here, it’s decent enough right?” I asked and after she saw me, disgust was showered on her face, but I didn’t notice it because I’m too focused on how she looks so beautiful tonight, she’s wearing a violet turtle neck dress that fits her curves well, I’m still wondering why she hasn’t got any decent man in her life. "Girl, I like you… but I don't like you in that outfit! We’re going to a party, not a group study okay?! I’m so glad I brought spare dresses!” she scolded while throwing something at my face. I examined what she threw and gasped when I saw how seductively it looks, the top was heart-shaped and the rest of the fabric will probably fit all of your majestic curves. “But Jess…” I whined because I’m not used to wearing dresses like this, it feels like the dress forgot to add another fabric. “No buts! No friend of mine will wear something that will not stand out!” she exclaimed while clapping her hands, I just sighed she's really bossy when it comes to this kind of thing. I just wore the dress she wanted me to wear and fix myself, after I went out, she screamed before pulling me towards my big mirror inside the apartment. "Oh my God! Just look how gorgeous are you!" she squealed while capturing some pictures like a mother who’s proud with her daughter that’s finally out of its shell. I glanced at the mirror and gasped after fully seeing myself. I have this fair skin, long wavy fawn hair that falls perfectly behind my back, my eyes are pure black in color, my lips are slightly plumped and ripe. The red seductive dress hugs my body so perfectly like it’s made for me, and I kind of feel uncomfortable since it’s letting out my cleavage that I have been keeping in the dark. I emotionally smiled, my grandma always tells me that I look just like my mom but I always disagree with her, because I feel like we're not alike. But now, I think I’m slightly agreeing with her, my lips frowned when I remembered how my mom and dad died due to sickness when I was still in middle school, my emotional senses before weren’t that aware of what was really happening so the impact just hit me when I was in high school, the time where I needed them the most. And grandma was there to comfort me so I surpassed all the struggles and obstacles that I have encountered before I managed to step foot into college before. “You okay over there girl?” Jess worriedly asked after she saw my gloomy aura, but I just smiled at her. “Yes I am, don’t worry about it, so shall we go?” I invited her, so she smirked before we left my apartment laughing and bonding with each other. I’ll leave all of the negative things inside my mind in my apartment because tonight, we’re going to a party! To be continued...
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