Chapter Two - Fortune Teller

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Terry Laine Pierce After we have reached the address of the party, I suddenly felt uncomfortable since the party was inside the amusement park! Our outfits don’t match this place! “Jess do you know that the party was at the amusement park?” I asked her but she looks confused as I am. “N-No… but come on, maybe this is just part of the party!” she said and pulled me outside of her car. After we went on the inside, that’s where we saw all of the dancing and drinking freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors on a big dance floor that probably the amusement park provided, this party looks so cool. "Cool! Let's, party girl!" Jess wildly cheered so I laughed and joined her on the dance floor to dance. We dance for many hours and I decided to check my phone, I exhaled out a lungful air when I saw that there’s no call or message from Ray. What could he be doing that he couldn’t even text me? He’s never been like this before. I was too busy dancing and thinking about Ray when some warm-toned body bumped against mine that almost tripped me over but a strong hand gripped my waist preventing me to fall and helped me stood up. “Sorry! Sorry! I was deep in thoughts” I guiltily muttered while looking at that guy and gasped after seeing him again. “Woah there... Oh! It's you!” Ethan exclaimed with a smile on his face, he looks so happy upon seeing me, he remembered me? I thought he wouldn’t remember me anymore because he knows and sees too many ladies in a day, my eyes glanced at his outfit and I almost drool at the sight of him. He’s wearing white sneakers, ripped jeans with chains on the side near his belt, he’s wearing a white v line neck shirt partnered with a windbreaker black Nike jacket, it’s just simple but his aura is overpowering it, making it like a high-class outfit. He looks hot, I mentally slapped myself, you have a boyfriend Terry Laine! "Y-You remembered me?" I asked and he immediately nodded at me, after that, he gazed upon my outfit before averting his gaze somewhere else before coughing, does he have a problem with my outfit? Maybe it looks bad on me. I hugged myself when I felt the cold breeze of the winds that have brushed my delicate skin, I almost shivered because it feels so cold right now, it was really a bad idea to wear this super short and shortage of fabric dress! “So um thanks again, I’ll go grab some drink, see you around,” I said and was about to leave when he grabbed a hold of my wrist, stopping me from going away, the sparks immediately ignited against my body because of his touch, so weird. “You're cold... please wear this” I was shocked when he took off his jacket and handed it over to me. “O-Oh um! I-I mean no it's okay! I'll be fine…” I reluctantly said but he just shook his head, an amused grin etched on his majestic face. “I insist, you’re cold so please take this,” he said and I was about to reject it again when he voluntarily put it around my shoulders, weird.. since when did Ethan James Gregory has been this nice? I heard that he’s a playboy but it seems that he’s nice. “T-Thank you… I’ll get going now” I said so he just smiled before leaving me, witnessing how nice he was to me just increased his appeal more, I’m starting to idolize that guy. He’s not just rich, popular, and handsome, but he’s also nice and talented. I tried looking for Jessica on the dance floor but I can’t find her, where could she be? I looked at my phone again and frowned when there’s no message from Ray, maybe I’ll just text him again. To: Moo Ray? Where are you? I’ve been texting and calling you nonstop but you haven’t been answering, please respond to me if you got this okay? I’m starting to get worried, I love you and take care. Sent! I just sighed and went to the bar to order some Tequila, while drinking it my phone vibrated so I immediately got excited but sighed after seeing Jess’s name on the screen. From: Jessie J Girl! Girl! A hot man took me home! Sorry, I bailed on you, see you tomorrow, I love you hihi! Mwah! I immediately shook my head in disbelief, I can’t believe this woman! Did she leave me here alone to mourn? I just sighed, she’s lucky I love her! After I finished my remaining drink, I have decided to left the amusement park because it’s no fun when I’m alone here and I’m starting to feel colder. Before I could fully exit the amusement park, I squealed when someone grabs a hold of my hand and kidnapped me inside of some red tent, the place was easy to be distinguished as a fortune teller place because of the shining fake crystal ball on the center of the table. “Um, excuse me? Why did you bring me here?” I curiously asked the woman who kidnapped me, she’s wearing a mint green dress similar to Jasmine, the Disney princess. She’s not the fortune teller that I imagined would’ve looked like in books. That woman didn’t talk, but she just smiled and close her eyes chanting some words that I don’t understand, I’m sorry for the word but… is this woman shitting on me? “I-I’m sorry but… I’m not looking for fortunes, so I’ll just leave” I politely said and was about to leave the place when she suddenly talked. “I can see that your life will now be more interesting now that you have finally met each other” the woman muttered with her eyes still closed. “W-What? Who are you talking about?” I confusingly asked and it looks like she didn’t listen to me as she continued muttering some words that I don’t understand. "I can see that you will swap bodies and experience each other’s lives and it will be an adventure you'll never regret to experience but one of you has to pay a price,” she said which made my eyes widened, I don’t know if she’s talking s**t or the truth… but she sounds so terrifying. “Swap bodies? What does that mean? Who are you talking about?” I asked again but she’s still chanting with her eyes closed. "I can see that someone has to choose so one of you can live" I can feel my hair stood at ends after she said those words… this woman is scaring me! “I can also see you're going to hand me one thousand pesos” she opened her eyes after she said those words with her hands on her front like she’s begging me for money, so I just sighed and left. I heard her calling for me but I didn’t mind her, what she said is just plain nonsense! I was about to believe her! I was about to get scammed jeez! I just shook my head and left that place, wanting to get out of this small, tight dress. After I reached my apartment, I jumped on my bed and closed my eyes because tomorrow will be another day of hell. Ethan James Gregory The party last night was a blast because I got the chance to see that magnificent girl again I bumped into yesterday, I just can't quite understand why is she making that face at a party. She looks a bit sad, I hope she went home safe... she’s the one that I have been looking for… my mate but I’m not planning on telling anyone yet… I’m still not worthy of the title of being an Alpha with my Luna on my side. I still have to prove to them that I’m worthy… I have to train harder… my mate just has to wait a little bit longer. “Earth to Gregorgs! Just on what bed does your mind flies off too?” my beta shouted at my ear which made me glare at him, his name is David Logan. “Remind me why do you have to call me that, not just in front of me but also to others that can hear you?” I scolded him but he just shrugged. Why did I pick him as beta? “Why not? Gregory plus Gorgeous equals Gregorgs! I’m so smart, right? Unlike you, you’re a womanizer!” I just shook my head at what he said, I’m not like that! He’s insane because that's his title! "Look who's talking.. you don't know how hard was it to let your girls leave my condominium because they also want me to be in bed psh! They were really a pain in the neck!" I complained which made him laugh, he’s lucky that he’s close to me or I’ll beat him to death. We went outside of our condominium towards the parking lot to drive to school, another day to be awesome I guess? If you're wondering why we're living in the same condominium, it's because I insisted on him to live with me and I'm glad he agreed easily. We both agreed to leave the mountains because of the issues that have been going on over there, I don’t want to talk about it, but I’m planning on living normally here, it’s just that why did she appear just now? “We’re going to be late for our training! It’s all your fault because you’re slow!” Dave complained while he’s wearing his high edition shoes on the passenger seat. “What? I was the one who was in hell while trying to wake you up, you dipshit!” I scolded him which made him laugh so I just shook my head and drove to school. We ran towards the gymnasium of the University and they’re already jogging so we decided to stretch our joints before joining them. “Woah! Captain’s late! That’s a first! Did you guys enjoyed that boring party so much?” Henry asked while laughing, he’s one of my pack, we’re blending in nicely to this crowds of the city. I still don’t know why some of them are here, David said they went after me but I just can’t believe it, what could be the reason? “Ask this being why, not me,” I said while rolling my eyes to David which made him laugh so I just sighed. “By the way Captain, someone volunteered to be our mascot yesterday, but I think he just volunteered so that he could be near our cheerleaders! The way he looks at Cara, dang it’s very electrifying!” Henry said while laughing but I just shook my head. “That's okay, as long as he does his job, our tournament is two weeks away from now and we can't afford not having our mascot” I firmly said so he just nodded at me. Our training passes by like bliss and finally, we're on our way towards our lockers that's when I caught a glimpse of her. Terry Laine Pierce, laughing with her best friend Jessica Burke, I think? She looks so beautiful and her smell is intoxicating me… my wolf is pushing me to go near her but I can’t. Not yet. “Dude, do you know her?” I asked David on my right, he looks surprised that I asked while looking around the hallway before scratching his head. “Who? There are swarms of ladies on this hallway dude, point her out!” David complained so I just sighed and pointed towards Terry. "Her, the pretty girl with fawn hair,” I said which made him narrow his eyes over there. “Oh! Terry Laine Pierce! She’s a nice and pretty girl, she let me copy her answers on one quiz before because I was having my hungover that time on Biology” Dave said which made me sigh while looking at her intently. “Why? Huh? Are you interested?” he asked while continuously nudging my shoulders so I harshly pushed him away, he’s too annoying sometimes. “Nothing! I’m just curious okay?” I said which is really half of the truth, I just want to get to know her better that’s all, psh! “I also heard that she has a boyfriend, so she's an off-limits dude,” David said while tapping my shoulders which made me flinch, something in my heart just tore like I can’t accept it. So she has a boyfriend huh? Is that why she was upset last night? I looked at her again and almost jumped when I saw that her pure black eyes are staring at me. Don’t look at me like that, Laine… I might do something you will not like most especially that you’re just a human. I might just steal you away from that man. To be continued…
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