Why Does This Keep Happening?

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La Dispute- The Last Lost Continent B.B. I feel like I'm falling. I blink my eyes and see a light shining on me as I fall. It's just a little streak of light everything else is darkness. My hair is whipping against my face. Cold air is swirling upward around me and then suddenly it turns violently hot. It doesn't hurt or make me uncomfortable. Not even the sensation of falling bothers me. My limbs feel stiff. The inside of my body is cold and completely disconnected from everything. "Chance?" I cry out not knowing what else to do. "What is happening?" The wind is knocked out of me when my back hits a flat surface. I gasp for air but it hurts more than the impact. The darkness starts to fade. I sit up coughing. Am I in a classroom? I look around to see people looking at me. No, not people. Monsters. They're all looking up at the ceiling probably wondering where the f**k I came from. "Hello?" I look back to see him standing there. I jump up to my feet. "Mr. Lucifer," I bow my head. He grins. Am I in hell again? Why does this keep happening to me? "B.B., how did you get here?" he asks looking up at the ceiling. I put my hand on my belly to find that I still have my self-inflicted wounds. "I got shot with holy bullets," I clear my throat and look at his, students. Is that what they are? "I didn't mean to interrupt," "You are adorable," he chuckles. "Class is dismissed. Come now. Let's find my son," he holds his hand out for me. The others start to leave as he holds his hand out for me. "Come," "Okay," I put my bloodied hand in his and let him pull me along. I place my hand over my wound feeling embarrassed that it hasn't stopped bleeding and that I'm trailing big drops of blood everywhere. "Uh, Mr. Lucifer, sir. I'm kind of bleeding everywhere," "It's alright. It happens," he dismisses me with a smile tugging at his lips. "Okay," I shrug and let it be. "Uh, sir. May I ask where I am?" "Yes, you're in hell," he says like it's the most obvious thing. Of course, it's obvious. He's here holding my hand. "I get that. I mean where are we in hell?" I specify. "Oh, right. This is a reformation facility. This is where we teach newcomers how to adapt to their new environment," he answers. "So, like a high school for newly damned souls?" "I'd say more like an adult school, but yes. That's essentially what it is," "And you're a professor here?" "Yes," he grins. "That's cool as hell," I admit. He laughs. "B.B.?" I look up to see Chance walking over to us. His eyes land on my stomach. I cover it with both hands, letting go of his father. "Take her," he orders. "You're excused from your classes," "You're so kind," Chance glares at him. He comes over to me and scoops me up into his arms. "I can walk," I say. "Don't be ridiculous. Look at yourself," he growls. I almost scream when two huge white bat-like wings erupt out of his back. My arms wrap themselves around his neck instinctively. "Look at you," I laugh reaching for them. He growls before I can touch them and pull my hand back. "Sorry," "What happened? Who did this to you?" he demands. "Where the f**k are the others?" "You cursed," I point at him. "Belladonna, look at me," he holds his hand up. It might be the blood loss but I feel kind of loopy. I laugh looking at him. I reach up to touch his face and instantly regret it when I smear my blood on him. "I'm sorry," I pull away. We're in a house now. I see a few others around but I can't tell who they are as he rushes me up to his room. The same room we were in the first time I came here. He sets me down on his bed and kneels down in front of me. "Tell me what happened. Who did that to you?" he looks down at my belly. "I angered an alpha and he had some of his dogs shoot me with holy bullets," I shrug. "It seems like this is a lesson you have learned the hard way," he sighs. "You can't always have things to your liking," "How did that taste coming out of your mouth?" I laugh. I get serious when he laughs. "Holy s**t. That was beautiful," "I have the most powerful creatures looking after you, little death and you still manage to get yourself hurt," he shakes his head. "And it wasn't the long ago that Lucien was here," "Oh, s**t," I fall back on the bed. "Don't remind me of that. That was my fault," "What is going on?" "Ro's mom is working with the witches and the werewolves and they're working with the hunters. We don't know where the reaper in charge is and she hasn't come out into the public," I pull my legs up. The bleeding has stopped. "I can't just go after them one by one. There would be too many casualties. I'm pretty sure a bunch of people died because Dec lost it. I was with him when they drove by," "They drove by and shot you?" he asks. "It's my first drive-by," I nod. "I guess you can say I didn't take it well," "Is everything a joke to you?" he grins. "It's a little funny," I bump him playfully. "Are you still mad at me?" "Yes," he nods. "You didn't have to anger the werewolves to apologize to me," "I'm not," I laugh. He rolls his beautiful demonic eyes. "I'm not giving you David just because you've got the most beautiful pout I've ever seen and that says a lot. Lucien pouts a lot," "I don't pout," he glares at me. "If you say so," I shrug. He sits back and looks down at my wounds. I follow his gaze to see that they're almost gone. "Please, let me keep him for a while longer," "For your revenge?" he asks. "Do you remember when you were a little kid?" I ask. He nods. "What was that like for you?" "Fun, I have siblings," "Were they ever mean to you?" "I look like an angel. Of course, they were," he nods. "But it was just teasing and a flick of my tail. Nothing too bad. We're all grown close over the years," "He's been trapped since he was eight years old, Chance. He's never had the opportunity to be human," "That's not your problem," he shakes his head. "You didn't do that to him. You're freeing him," "Right, but I want him to have a little peace before you take it again. Dante told me you want him to be Famine," "The sooner he gets through his trials. The faster I can stabilize the other horsemen. Their power is too great at the moment," "What's a couple of years?" I shrug. He laughs. "It's almost three hundred years here," "Will hell end in those three hundred years?" "I'm not going to be able to talk you out of that am I?" "Not unless you want to strike a deal with me. Isn't that your thing?" "Oh, you want something?" he grins. f**k. This thing is painfully beautiful. "Yeah, David alive for a few more mortal years so he can pick up a hobby. Maybe have a kid and leave some kind of legacy behind. I feel like he's more than earned that," I nod. "You are going to be a f*****g nightmare aren't you?" he sighs and turns away. "That's twice now. If I knew I'd get to see you laugh and curse like this. I might have done it sooner," I shrug. He turns back to me with a glare. "Don't say that to me, little death. This isn't a joke. You almost died today," he sighs. "What do I get in return?" "What do you want?" "For you to stop being so reckless," he says exasperatedly. "I don't want you down here yet," "Why not?" "I made your father a promise and I intend to keep it," "Okay, so what do you want?" I ask. "For you to stop being so reckless," "I can't give you that under these circumstances. I have no control over their actions yet," "Yet?" "Yet, I will own them all soon enough," I shrug. He smiles and scoots closer to me. "I know you will," he nods. "I don't want anything from you at the moment," "So, no deal?" "I will give you this, but I don't know what the consequences will be," "Do you think I should just kill him?" I ask. Would I if he says yes? "With the marks gone, he's no longer a danger to you. He has free will and that's what I'm afraid of. I don't know if David Helsing has the capability of being human anymore. I agree with you. I think he deserves some peace. I thought it would be a good idea to bring him here with your parents and Becca. They're all unwanted in hell, B.B. The worst of the worst. Just like me," he reaches out to take a strand of my hair and smiles. "I like your hair like this. You look like one of us already," "Thank you," I smile. I look down to see that the wound is almost gone. "Chance why are you doing these things for me?" "What makes you think they're for you?" "Are they for you?" I ask. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "You make me think about things I have no need to question," he cups my face. "What is it about you that's so alluring?" "I ask myself that all the time. I wish it would go away," I admit. What is it about me that makes people like me? I'm not that great. Okay, I see what Dad meant when he said I was a lot like David. It could be because we spent so much time-fighting. "I'll give him a year. That's all I can spare him without a deal," "What if I offer to bare your first child or something weird?" I blurt out. "Excuse me?" he grins. "Are you offering yourself to me in exchange for a man who isn't even your blood?" "I'd do it for freezies but this way we both get something cool out of it," I shrug. He laughs. Really laughs. The sound is both beautiful and terrifying at the same time. I did that. I made him laugh. His creepy eyes spark red and the silver spots that freckle his cheeks glisten like glitter under a bright light. "Is that right?" his voice changes. It's thick and hoarse. "You'd have to bare my child as a mortal. I believe your people call it the anti-christ law," "Isn't that what I am?" "No," "What do you think our kid would look like?" "Is this how you normally are?" "No, I've lost a lot of blood and was shot with holy bullets. I've felt really loopy since arriving," I shrug. "It could be the Hellian atmosphere. You're not used to it," he says pinching my chin to hold me still. His eyes search mine as if he were checking my pupils so I look up so the light catches on them. He smiles and lets me go. "So, what do you say?" "It would only extend the time to five years," he shakes his head. "Deal," "What?" "Five years of Mayor Espinosa. In exchange for one Hellian prince or princess. Do you get to choose that?" "No," he grins. "Do you really want that?" "Mini Blackstone Antichrist? Yeah. Wait, will I have to make it right away?" "No," he shakes his head. "Do I have to make it in five years?" "No, once the contract is sealed. The time and place will be set in fate. You could wake pregnant or it could happen years from now," "We don't have to do stuff?" I laugh. "I'm pretty sure I have to be summoned for it to happen. B.B. listen to what you are saying. How far are you willing to go for this? My child can tear you apart the way I did my mother when I was born. You'd be unleashing whatever it may be on earth on humanity," "Can I ask again in a year?" I shrug. "Sure, ask me again in a year. You can use the compact to contact me when you please," he nods. Okay, this time I really have to look for it. Where the hell did that go? How could I misplace something like that? I really hope I left it somewhere in the house. "Thank you," I nod. I lean into him and press my lips to his. He doesn't hesitate like last time and it's over sooner than I would have liked. I don't think I'm going to change my mind. Even if it were to kill me. I'd go down in history as the Reaper who unleashed the antichrist on humanity. That's kick-ass. I am really high on whatever the Hellian atmosphere is. That has to be the only explanation why I would even think of this.
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