The Special Surprise

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Soda- Pullin Up B.B. I feel so free right now. I feel like I can do anything and sleep is calling my name. I know this is going to be a profound sleep. I will have nightmares but my body will finally rest the way it should. Lucien is zoning out singing to himself while drawing on the iPad. He's going to get annoyed if someone interrupts him. I think it's better to get him upstairs where he can't hurt anyone. As if reading my mind Carson clears his throat to get my attention. "I'll get him," he whispers in my ear. He gets up and helps him up to our room. Delilah and her guys go up with them. Ashley disappeared when we started talking about the Goodwills. It's just dad and well dad, I guess. I get up and sit between them. David looks over at me and leans back. He wants to say something but he doesn't know where to begin. "You don't have to say anything," I shrug. "Unless it's about what we talked about," "B.B.," Dad starts. "She's right, Danny," David sits up and looks at my dad. "I have to be the one to finish this," "Without those marks, you can die, David," he shakes his head. "What's wrong with that, man?" "You f*****g little emo b***h," Dad growls making David and me laugh. The audacity. "Why do you always do that? Why do think death is going to somehow free you of this s**t? It's not. Look at me. I've been dead for eight f*****g years and I can tell you that nothing has changed. Not for me. Not for Kels or the others. "We're all f*****g cursed. All of us. You included. Do you know what's waiting for you in hell? The hoards of all the demonic entities you've slain. That's why Chance wants you. Because they all want you down there to rip you apart over and over again. Is that what you want? And I swear to f**k if you say it's what you deserve, I will f*****g tie you up again, motherfucker," "Eww," I laugh. "Danny, I don't know what you want me to tell you. Look at this," he points at me. "Look at her. I almost ended her, Dante. More than once," he sighs pinching the bridge of his nose. "I've done so much evil in my life. I killed Penelope and it haunts me but not the way this does. "Ash was preg-" he pauses and shakes his head. "She was so small and I f*****g did that, Dante. I don't understand how you can overlook that. What I did to her and Ashley. I'm not that great," he laughs. "Why do you care about me so f*****g much?" "Can I go to my room?" I ask because this is starting to get personal. "When I first fed on you, we were the same," Dad shrugs. "Just two angry souls that had given up," And now I'm going to cry. "Even when you tried your best to keep me out. To keep calm and collected. I felt that emptiness. It wasn't just me it was you too and it didn't feel as bad as it was before you because we were together. "If you would have asked me to take out the church for you, I would have. I also know that you wouldn't ask. Whatever this is. Whatever I am. It has to be a yes. I can't just-" he pauses and takes another drag of Mom's half-smoked joint. "I know you just as well as I know Ash. I know this was something you needed to do on your own and it was my choice to let you go. I-" "Dad," I place my hand on his shoulder. "I get it. David is your Lucien and if anything happens to him, it's over. I shouldn't have to explain it to you but I'm going to anyway. It's already over for him. You're f*****g dead. Mom is dead. There's nothing left for him, Dad. There's been nothing left for him for a really long time now. "Do you remember when I was eight and we were in Colorado? Those men wanted to take me. We were cornered. You gave me the Danny Phantom teddy and told me to close my eyes." I get up and go over to my reading nook. I lift the cushion and take the bear that's been sitting there since I was ten. It used to be in my room but I was afraid Delilah was going to steal it so I hid it here and he became my reading buddy. This bear has continuously saved my life. He looks down at it like he never expected to see it again. "Just close your eyes," I sigh and take the blunt from him. I take a big hit and give it to David. "And on top of all of us getting f*****g revenge on the entire church. I get to piss off Chance by denying him David's death. It's a win for all of us," "You can't be f*****g doing that," Dad shakes his head. "That thing will destroy one of us just to show you he's in charge," "Yeah," I nod. "I hope he starts with Ashley," "B.B." he growls as I make my way to the stairs. I stop and look back at the two of them. "He's not going to do s**t, Dad. He needs us to help him overthrow his dad. Regardless of what I do, he knows he already owns us. David is going to die. Maybe not today or tomorrow but he'll die eventually. He's a patient guy," "No, he's not," "Yeah, he is. You're watching him through your angry and hateful eyes. Relax. Pay attention to why he does things. If you focus on all the ugly you miss all the glittery fun stuff. You see him randomly killing a whole bar of demons. I see him being protective of his emotions. "Also, if you're going to be reading my journals don't f*****g fold the pages. What the hell is wrong with you? If James had seen you do that he'd be pissed. We have very few rules and the most important one is don't break James's rules. Once the journals are written, they stop belonging to just me. They belong to everyone. The stone and the generations to come. Be chill," "Yeah, Danny. Be chill," David nods. Dad looks over at him with a glare. "Get the f**k out of here, B.B. I feel bad for leaving Del here alone with you," Dad rolls his eyes. "I probably would have hung myself too," "Dante," David scolds him when I gasp. "Dad," I laugh shaking it off. I deserved that for the Ashley thing. "That was a sweet burn. That genuinely hurt my feelings," he grins. David rolls his eyes dramatically. "Alexa play Take What You Want by Post Malone," I call out. "It's the new Ozzy Osbourne song. Dec text it to me earlier. I thought you might like it," "She's just as crazy as you and Ashley combined," David laughs. "I wasn't like that," Dad argues. "Danny, you and Ash would insult each other before a big show. You were always fighting," "I don't remember any of that. Ash and I were always vibing," Lucien and Carson are both playing video games when I walk into my room. They're both shirtless and in sweatpants. Fresh out of the shower. Neither of them pays attention to me as I go to my closet to get ready for bed. They're completely hyper-focused on the game. They don't even flinch when my phone starts ringing. Gasoline by I Prevail echoes in the dim lighting they have going on. "What's up, Del?" I answer. "What was that? I've never heard that song," she says from behind me. I toss my phone back on the bed. "That's your ringtone. When I hear this song I think of you," "That's cute," Lucien laughs. "What song is it?" "Gasoline by I Prevail," I continue putting lotion on my legs. "What do you want?" "Nat's cleared for tomorrow. I told Stacy about her miracle weed and she'll have what's left packaged for you guys in the morning. I also have a weird question," "I wouldn't go downstairs. Dad and David are talking," I shake my head. The guys both laugh. "One, eww. Two, that's not what I was going to ask," she grins and holds up her phone. "Lucien wants me to start my own t****k thing. It's part of my media contract. My question is, will you help me with it? Kind of like an-us thing," "Uh," I scratch my nose. This is a surprise. "You can say no," "No, I'm not saying no. It's just that Damian and I are doing a science and medicine safety thing but I'd love to be featured in yours," "You're doing a science thing with Damian?" she shifts uncomfortably. "Yeah, with his classmates. We're calling it Hellbourne's Finest. They beef with the lames at Harvard Med. It's like you beefing with the Baby Metal chicks but for smar-uh geniuses. That sounded better in my head," I say apologetically. "I was hoping you'd take over and get weird about everything," she sighs. "Fine. I'll do my own thing. I signed the paperwork already. I don't know what to do," "What do you mean? Be your f*****g goth self on there. You're a goth horse girl. You're a goth literature fanatic. You wrote the Young Darth Sidious fanfic series. You live in this big ass goth house. It's fun in here once you get over the fact that it's haunted. I was never bored here and that was before James started remodeling. We have the garden, we have the barn, and the bug farm. Get weird. Maybe not the bug farm. Stacy called dibs on that. I'll do the first video with you when Sundae gets here," "I want a feature," Lucien says. "Shut up. You have the s**t My Girlfriend says thing," she rolls her eyes. "Go to bed, Delilah. It's past your bedtime," he huffs. "f**k you," she laughs. "Okay, we'll do the first one together," "We'll probably make a bunch of them. I am so excited about Sundae Morning getting here. Ro and I have been looking into other ones. His dad sent us some information on their show horses. I text them to you," "Okay," she laughs. "Good night," "That was adorable," Lucien says when I go to close the door and lock it. "I can't believe she asked," Carson snorts. "I honestly thought she was going to say no," "Me too," Lucien nods. "Well, she said yes so we should help her with it. She's trying her best," "Where?" Carson scoffs. "Okay, Mister let them all rot for all I care. Del's been in demon mode for two hundred years. Obviously, we have to help her how to act human again. She hasn't gone on a killing spree yet and her coke problem isn't as bad as it was before the chandelier. She actually sleeps now. It's a win even if she does it to willingly have nightmares about hell. That's her happy place," "I just want my partner back," he shrugs. "She's just getting worse, I think. She's avoiding me. It's like she's trying to hide something from me," "From us," Lucien nods. "Ash asked if we wanted to do family therapy," "Nope," they both say at the same time. "I wasn't inviting you," I laugh. "I could try and maybe Ash can get her to tell us what's wrong," "You're really considering demonic therapy?" Carson laughs. "I'm considering killing a s**t ton of religious nut jobs for being mean to us. Why is therapy harder to believe than that?" "Sure, f**k it. Do it. Whatever makes you happy," he grins. "Isn't it against the rules to sleep with your clients?" Lucien asks. "He's a f*****g demon prince. His existence is against the rules," Carson laughs. I crawl into bed. "I'm going to play another round before I go to bed," Lucien turns back to my PC. "You do that," Carson puts the remote back where it belongs and comes over to the bed. He grabs my ankle and pulls me to him just as I was going to get under the covers. "You and Jimenez really don't know when to stop, huh?" "We were upset," I shrug. "Didn't feel like it," he pulls my shorts off. "That was the point," Lucien says from the computer. "Lucien yelled at us," "Only because he yelled at me first," Lucien laughs. I cry out when he slaps my p***y. "Carson," I growl at him as his thumb starts to rub circles around my clit. "You to need find a way to block that out," he says pressing a little harder making my toes curl. "I can't yet. Not with all the energy we're channeling," I groan when he slips a finger inside of me. "How are you this wet already," he pulls his finger out and puts it in his mouth. "Especially after your afternoon with Ro," "Ro belongs to Remy," I shutter when his mouth takes his finger's place. "Eve's a lot worse than Remy when it comes to this," "Oh, that's interesting," Lucien says from the other side of the room. "It explains why you're so much more chill with us," "Carson," I put my hand on his head. He growls and I immediately remove it. He pushes two fingers inside of me and I cover my mouth to try and keep it down. I don't know if it's the weed but I feel weightless. The heavy buzzing inside of me is calm and all there is left is the heavy pleasure he's building up inside of me. It takes me higher and higher. I close my eyes to picture it in my head. My breathing and my failed attempt to stay quiet come faster and faster and then suddenly I'm falling. Carson laughs and covers my mouth as I pulse violently around his fingers. "Stacy brought this for you," Lucien says and tosses something at him. I look down to see Carson holding a bottle. "What is that?" I ask. "This," he says pulling me closer to him. "Is a blend of coconut oil with a special surprise in it," "What's the special surprise?" "That's the thing, isn't it? If I tell you, it won't be special anymore," he smirks. "Turn around," "I'm a little scared," I laugh nervously. "Perfect," he grins giving my thigh a smack. Lucien is still facing the computer when I turn around. I stretch a little when I feel him pour the oil on my lower back. "s**t, you're going to make a f*****g mess again aren't you?" I let my head drop onto my pillow. "Always," Lucien is the one that answers. An involuntary moan leaves me as he digs his fingers into my skin massaging me with the oil. "Okay, I might not care this time," I relax. He laughs. "Take your tank top off," he says pushing up a little. I toss it aside. He's going to f*****g pour that whole thing on me. I am convinced. Whatever that is, it smells amazing and it's taking over my sense of smell. I take a deep breath when what I'm guessing is the surprise starts kicking in. My skin is tingling. The more he touches the worse it gets. By the time he gets to my ass, I am aching for him to f**k me. What the hell is that? My skin is tingling all over. All of my senses are misfiring. I scream out when his hand comes down on my ass with a loud slap. "I take it it's working," Lucien laughs. "f**k, she's so f*****g wet already. Listen," Carson growls. He pushes two fingers inside of me all the way up to his knuckles and starts to pump me. "What did you do?" I growl as my body comes alive like nothing I've ever felt before. My voice is low and desperate. "I might have used too much," he laughs and stops. "No, don't stop," I beg him. "Give me a second, baby," he pulls me closer to the edge so my legs are hanging off. He pushes me up and slips inside of me slowly. Holy s**t, this feels amazing. It feels like I'm laying on a bed of mint leaves and he's sprinkling cold water all over me. I can't even think. "More," I choke out. He pulls all the way out and then slowly pushes back in stretching me. "f**k baby," he groans. The oil is inside of me now. I feel it all over. What the hell is that? Why am I reacting to it this way? "Carson, please," I shiver. "You're going to slow," "I think so too," Lucien agrees. I look up to see him sitting there watching us. "She looks so f*****g shiny," Carson roughly turns me around so my legs are on his shoulder. The pink storm clouds Lucien put on my ceilings catch my attention. I can feel him moving inside of me but it's not the most important thing to me right now. The pretty colors are. Every time my body jolts I can hear it. I feel it. The sound of thunder cracking all around me, shaking everything. "Stop," I pull away from him. I look down trying to focus on the comforter and catching my breath. "Are you okay?" he asks worriedly. I laugh, looking up at him. "Yeah, I'm fine. The lights are scaring me. Just-" I pat the bed. "Get on the bed. I don't want to look at them," "Here," Lucien comes over with a black bandana. He covers my eyes with it. "Better?" "Yeah," I nod feeling a whole lot better. "Good, because this is going to be fun," he whispers against my ear. I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. "Please, touch me," I say shakingly. "Don't stop,"
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