Deadly Weapons

3060 Words
Pierce The Veil- Dive In B.B. "It says here not to put this all over your body, asshole," I shout and throw the plastic bottle across the kitchen counter to hit Carson right on the forehead. Lucien and Delilah spit out their coffee and burst into laughter at the sound of the hollow bottle bouncing off his head. "Carson, why would you do that to me?" I growl. "Oh, my god. I can't believe that happened," "Good morning, to you as well, princess," the cocky f**k grins. "You are lively today. Give my sympathies to Stacy and Natalie," "You are going to pay for that," I glare at him. "You put pheromones in that to appeal to Eve, you f**k nut. Deny it," "No, you didn't," Lucien stands up. "Dude, what the f**k?" "No, it's not specific to her. No pheromones were used. It might have some kind of acid in it. It's something Stacy and Johnny have been working on. I'd say it f*****g works. I think the special surprise was definitely special and a surprise," he laughs. Delilah is still trying to catch her breath. "You said it was just supposed to make her skin tingle like the minty shampoo we threw out," Lucien crosses his arms over his chest. "That s**t got in my eyes," "That's all it did," he laughs. "The rest was all her," "What would you even use that for?" I demand. "The Only Fans girls," he shrugs. "The what?" Lucien laughs. "The girls we put on Only Fans. They f*****g make all kinds of bank, dude. They asked for something spicy or whatever. I had to sign off on it. That's where we're getting your new camera person from. This girl Jesse is a f*****g editing pro. I told you before you put Beezy on. She runs the cameras for Nat," "Oh, s**t. That's so organized," Delilah nods. "Who's idea was that?" "It was my idea. Have you guys been to the Southside? It's a lot nicer than Main Street now. Santos's mom opened up a Coach boutique and Mrs. Salvador has a Michael Kors one. Del wants to open up a D&G one," "He only said yes because it will be easier to buy B.B.'s clothes," she rolls her eyes. "Please, she can sport their glasses and purses. B.B. in f*****g D&G. Shut up, Delilah," he scoffs. "What's wrong with that?" I annoyed. "My girlfriend is not going to be wearing D&G. Are you out of your mind? You wouldn't even wear the emo s**t Lucien gets you if I didn't pick out the material," I don't understand what he means. "Carson, do you like girls' clothes?" Delilah mocks him. "I like clothes. How you present yourself is the first impression someone gets of you. You obviously don't give a f**k about what you look like ever. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously if you don't take yourself seriously? "B.B. takes herself so seriously that she's scared herself. She's not wearing f*****g D&G. Her presentation will be the future of America. No one wants their future dressed in dirty overalls and steam buns on top of their head. "You want the girl in red bottoms to step all over you and make you call her daddy. The girl in the ugly boots asks for permission to hang out with her friends. That's a weird f*****g question to ask your boyfriend and if you do that, maybe ask yourself what you're doing wrong with your life," "f**k," Lucien snorts. "You have hella issues, bro. Don't listen to him Del. He's the girl in the ugly boots. He just doesn't know it yet," "I agree with Lucien, Car," I nod. "You carry a lot of pressure on your shoulders, sweetness. You should consider solo therapy with Ash," "Whatever," Delilah says and walks away. The sound of her boots smacking on the hardwood floor sound pouty. "You can be an ass," I shake my head. "It only hurt her feelings because she knows it's true. I don't know what her deal is. That's rule number two. Presentation matters," he continues to argue. "That was Carter's number one rule. Rule number two was to ask questions first but that only applied to Kelly and Lily. That rule has a bunch of fine print. It was annoying and he could f*****g quote it word for word. I bet he still can," Mom walks into the room back in pretty clothes. "What are you guys talking about?" "Delilah's refusal to dress better," Carson answers. "He thinks that changing the conversation is going to deter my anger from the original situation," I glare at him. "Which was?" she presses. "He drugged me with s*x oils that smell f*****g amazing and left my skin really soft," I go to the fridge where my smoothie is waiting for me. "Oh, s**t. That's a thing now?" she turns around to face him. "Where can I get some? I am obviously asking for a friend," "Mom," I roll my eyes and take a seat next to Lucien who is cleaning up the spilled coffee. I smack his arm when I see the grin on his face. "Don't laugh at that. She's a mom," I shake my head. "We make it. I ordered a case this morning. You can get a bottle when it arrives. Dylan is the one dropping it off," Carson smiles, pleased with himself. "Thanks, Car. You're a boss," she says walking away with her coffee mug. "Lighten up, B.B. You'd think she'd be less stressed with six boyfriends," "Yes, I am," he looks over at the two of us with a smug smirk on his stupid beautiful face. "You can't sell stuff laced with LSD to the public, Carson," I remind him. "I never said it was for the public. The mini hand sanitizer bottles are going to be a hundred bucks a pop. I'm taking it with me to the press meeting at city hall today. Get this stuff out to the old people. They are going to love this s**t just as much as I did. I grossed myself out a little," he shakes his head regretting that last statement. I think we all are. "You have to admit that he's a next-level asshole," Lucien looks over at me. "It teeters between madness and genius. I want to be mad but imagine all the Elite issues this is going to bring," "He's single-handedly going to start a socialite war. Our senior year is going to be f*****g lit, Carson. We should start placing bets," I nod. "Okay, I forgive you this time because the only thing that can start a socialite war is s*x. Did you do that on purpose?" "Do what on purpose?" he smirks. "You did, didn't you? David is going to be mayor. You and I are going to be running around the city with renovations and the fields are going to open up. You're doing it so that nothing goes wrong with our plans. We get dirt on the investors and they can't f*****g back out of the deals. You evil little devil," "I don't know what you're talking about, Baby. I'm just trying to spread a little love," he stands up and comes over to us. He presses a kiss to my forehead and then smacks Lucien on the back of his head. "Don't forget your camera," he tells him. "The one that can zoom in from far distances. We're going to need it," "What's up, B-Dawgs?" Stacy hollers as she enters the kitchen. "B.B. good morning," "Hi, sweet face. I've been thinking about you," I greet her. "I sure hope so," she takes Carson's seat. "Where's Nat?" "Not here yet. Where were you this morning?" "I didn't come home. Johnny and I broke up and I went to hang out with my dads," she shrugs. "What? Why did you guys break up?" I scoot closer to her. "You said everything was great two days ago," "We were. We are. It's a mutual thing. He doesn't like the attention I'm getting with our legit stuff and I don't like how invested he is in the Only Fans s**t they're running. He wanted me to move in with him and I laughed in his face," "Stacy, what?" Carson glares at her. "You can't move in with him. You're seventeen. You live here with us and it's non-negotiable," "That's what I said. He said I spend all my time over there anyway and I'm like yeah, stupid. We work here and then he stopped me from turning it into a fight and was like yeah, you're right. We should start seeing other people," "He broke up with you because you didn't want to move in with him?" I ask. "Because she's f*****g mean," Carson scoffs. "She's super f*****g mean to him. If you said a couple of the things she's said to me. I would hate you," "Why are you being mean to him?" I ask her. "It's funny," she grins. "And he's an asshole. It was cute at first and then I think we got over the whole s*x thing and now we just take shots at each other from a distance and I'm a lot better at talking s**t than he is. He chose to take it personally. Besides, now I don't have to stop doing what I really want to be doing. He can be hella needy," "Facts," Lucien nods. "He brings up s**t to do with Stacy more than I talk about B.B. and that says a lot," "I don't know how you tolerate that," she points at him. I laugh. "It's not for everybody," I shrug. "I'm glad you're here. I miss us hanging out," "Me too. Lucien and I have been working on a couple of videos and he makes me miss you like crazy," she nods. "-and then she said wait, so it's not butter?" Natalie is telling Dylan and Marcos a story. The three of them laugh. Carson shakes his head disapprovingly as he walks away. You'd think he'd be a in good mood after what he initiated last night. "f*****g Del," Dylan shakes his head. "Did you tell them the homo story?" Stacy laughs. "I f*****g love that story," Marcos laughs. "Victor told us," Dylan nods. "You guys should add her to the s**t My Girlfriend Says thing," "Blonde Moments with Delilah Blackstone," I whisper. "Oh, s**t. I'm going to go pitch that to her. She can add that to her TikToks," "Wait, she said yes?" Dylan asks excitedly. "I'm going to help her and you f***s aren't going to interfere," "That is terrifying," Natalie whispers. "Dylan and Del are f*****g nuts together. Have you guys seen them hanging out alone?" "Yeah," Lucien laughs and then gets serious. "Aww, man. They're going to need a babysitter. I am going to tell Carson. B, do you know where I left my camera?" "Under the bed on the left side. Don't touch anything else. I don't need a repeat of last night," I warn him. He pauses and looks me over. "You have deadly weapons under your bed?" "Baby, you're a deadly weapon I hang out with," I remind him. The others laugh at his expression. The only word to describe is calling it perplexed and I hate that word almost as much as I hate the words moist and masticating. I feel like gagging every time say them or think them. "Just don't touch my stuff," "Okay," he says and walks away still thinking about what I said. "That's going on S.M.Gs," Natalie laughs. "I'll make sure of it. What do you guys think? Layered or short? The guys like short," she holds up her phone to show us hairstyles on her phone. "Since summer is coming up, I also want to go lighter," "I love the short one," I nod looking up at her. "It's giving beast girl vibes," "That's what I said," Dylan agrees. "Thank you," "You'll also feel like six hundred pounds lighter," Stacy adds. "We should all get haircuts," "No!" Lucien shouts from upstairs. "No! You shouldn't all f*****g do that. Stacy shut the f**k up!" "Everyone shut the f**k up! I'm trying to sleep," Dad shouts. "It's six-fifteen in the morning on a f*****g Saturday!" "I forget they're here," Natalie laughs when my dad slams the door shut. "Mom doesn't like us slamming the doors, Dad! That rule applies to you as well, you walking corpse!" Delilah shouts. I can hear Mom and David laughing in the family room. "If your parents were still alive, I'm convinced Lucien would have a reality T.V. show called The Bizzar House of Blackstone and it would be better than Keeping Up with the Kardashians," Stacy smiles. "Would that include us giving the cartels a run for their money?" I ask. "Yes, and the murdering," she nods. We laugh. "And the reverse harem," "Let's not forget B.B. turning s**t to dust when she's overwhelmed," Natalie grins. "Damn, I'd kill to see that. All day," "Definitely want demon summoning on that," Dylan nods. "Our appointment is at eight and I want to have breakfast in the Southside. I want to see what Carson was talking about," I stand up. "Stacy since you're the smallest you go in the back seat today," "Aww," she groans. "Who's driving?" "I am," I look between them. "I've never driven Smalls. I've only been inside of it like twice," "Spoiled," Marcos laughs. He goes over to Natalie and kisses her before slipping a wad of money into her jacket pocket. I think it was meant to be discreet but when he sees me look he winks and walks out of the kitchen with Dylan in tow. "It runs in the family apparently," I laugh. The three of us head south of Hellbourne and as soon as we pass Main Street, the difference is obvious. The shopping centers and streets start getting really pretty. There are construction signs and new stores. Grand Opening and Sale signs. I stop at one of the realty signs to see it says Jimenez LTC and I instantly feel hot all over. This b***h has some f*****g nerve. "s**t," Natalie looks over at me. "Why would Del and Carson let her be-" "It doesn't matter," I push my shades up the bridge of my nose. "It'll be ours before the summer starts. Maybe Ro is right. Death to the Cartel assholes," "B.B. death to the church, the cartel, and the witches?" Natalie laughs. "I think Uncle Danny's presence is affecting you," "You know, people say my dad was a ruthless killer but I don't see it. Why would he leave these people here running around causing us problems? Now I look like the asshole," I shake my head as we head towards Dona Maria's restaurant. "Your dad wasn't a socialite. He was a rock star. Business people always look like the assholes. You're on your way to becoming a diplomat. Why not put the claws away and try doing this the B.B. way? Sit down with them," Stacy shrugs. "We can invite them to Whitmore or De Laughrey Ranch. Feed them. I've seen your and Car's plans. They're f*****g amazing and if that doesn't work. We do it the hard way," Natalie agrees. "So, Bruce Wayne it until the only other option is the Carter Kennedy Solution," I nod. They both laugh. "How fast can we organize it?" "We can have it all done by Next Thursday. If it ends badly, we still have a fun girl's night," Stacy answers. "Invite Diana. I f*****g love Diana. It's so cute when she speed talks," Natalie laughs. "You're right. Why didn't I invite her today?" "Bella," Dona Maria is the sweetest old lady in the world. "Mira nomas. Que grandota estas," she takes my hands and lifts my arms so she can get a better look at me. "Te pareses at tu mama," she cups my face. "Esos ojo hermosos igualitos a tu papa," "Gracias," I laugh. "Natalia," she greets Natalie. "Y la Stacy," "Dona Maria, you're making me blush," Stacy laughs. "The usual?" she asks us and we nod. She waves us over to the biggest booth. There are people all around us trying to take discreet pictures of us. "What are you going to do with your hair?" Stacy asks me. "I want to cut the layers out," I answer. "No more triangle bottom. I want it straight across and I want to go back to the dark brown. I don't want to be running around with my roots showing in Rionegro," "I didn't think of that," Stacy nods. "You have to look cute during demonic training," "What are you doing?" I ask. "I just want a trim and a blowout. My hair is almost as pretty as Holland Roden's," "She was awesome in Escape Room," Natalie laughs. "I'd say go a little darker. Boom Madelaine Petsch," "b***h," Stacy grins. "I do love Riverdale," "I have no idea what you guys are talking about," I sit back feeling embarrassed. "I forget you have a no T.V. rule," Stacy rolls her eyes. "No, I don't. I just don't watch T.V. I just found out Cabinet of Curiosities isn't getting another season. This is why I don't f*****g watch T.V. The last time I got into a T.V. show they canceled The Nine Lives of Chloe King," "B, we were like in middle school. You need to let that go," Stacy snorts. "Never. I will never let it go. They canceled it on a f*****g cliffhanger, Stacy. A cliffhanger. I will never forgive them for that for as long as I shall live," I shake my head. The two of them laugh."I also will never recover from Paradise City," "Oh, I forgot you got really emotional about that one," Stacy pats my hand. "I swear you can make an emotional connection with a f*****g ant," Natalie shakes her head. "What happened to your ant farm?" Stacy laughs. "Ant farm? Ugh," Natalie groans. "We don't talk about Antiopia," I shiver as the memory of my first childhood pets jumps into my head hauntingly. "That got out of hand fast. Mom was right. No one tell her I said that,"
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