Kick And Scream

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Pierce The Veil- The First Punch B.B. The drive back home was mostly Stacy and Delilah arguing over what cereal is best. Stacy likes Honey Bunches of Oats with almonds and Delilah has always sworn that Count Chocula is the best cereal to ever exist. Which is why it's only released during Halloween. Because it holds too much power. Something about the collapse of civilization if it were sold year-round. I'm pretty sure it's cocoa puffs in a different shape. I can't stop thinking about everything David said. It's not sitting well with me. I mean they're turning people into monsters. They're experimenting on both our kind and theirs. Is no one concerned about that? I mean I did it to save a life and I feel disgusted by the results and everything that got what I wanted. Sure I was happy at first. We saved Dec's dad but after. The following morning was horrible. And Maggie. f*****g ugh. I told that woman hella personal s**t about myself and David had the audacity to say that I have no boundaries? You'd think he was the pot of this kettle or whatever that saying is. Terrible stepfather habit I've picked up. "Espinosa is brainwashed to believe this s**t. You know that right?" Victor pokes my side. "Yeah, but the rest of it is bothering me. We're born this way, right? They've-" I sigh sitting back in my seat. It's a lot to handle. He wasn't lying and if he is, that asshole is very skilled at it. "I want to talk to my dad about this and Ash maybe. James. I don't know. "We need to figure out what kind of weapons they have. No one is allowed to go out there alone at all times. They have holy relics that can actually hurt us. There are Hallows raised to hate what we are. This is so f****d. When Dad said things were only going to get worse before they get better, never did I think hunters were going rock our s**t using our own people to do it," "They haven't done anything. We've been handling everything they've thrown at us and we didn't even know what the f**k we were or what we were doing," Stacy puts her hand on my arm. "We're in the loop now and we've got Espinosa," "We have to be the luckiest beings on earth or they really just suck," I shake my head. "Del, you should call a meeting tonight," "We can't. Not with what's going on in New City. We're all over the place. Carson wants us to lay low. Sabrina, Nat, Marc, Dylan, and I are going to be working out of the warehouse tonight. We sent Halestorm to LA this weekend. He won't be back until Wednesday for the polo match," "Who's running his crew?" I ask. "That would be me," Stacy answers. "Okay, let me talk to Carson and Lucien about this later. I should have a quiet Sunday," I lean my head against the glass. "Mom and Dad are loose in the house. I doubt that's going to happen," Delilah scoffs. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something. I'll give you my proposal before I leave later," "Your proposal?" I smile. "You put a proposal together for me?" "I thought you might like that I've put actual thought into this. So you know it's not an impulsive decision. I also hate that you only deal with us in this controlling manner. Everything else you do is absolute chaos," "Why do I find that terrifying?" Victor asks. "As for the other thing, it's because of Carson's energy. I find myself making plans when I'm close to him as well. It's a vibe he puts out," "You're not the only one that finds that terrifying, my guy," Stacy agrees. "Does this proposal have to do with all of us?" "No, this is a Blackstone thing," she says. "Wait, I've never asked permission for stuff from Mom and Dad. Do you think we should ask just to test the waters? I can always wait until they're gone to do it," "I'd have to see your proposal first but it is something I'd like to explore," I laugh. "Just to see their reactions," "Yes," she claps her hands together a couple of times. "Look at us getting along. Who would have thought that f*****g each other up would ease the tension?" "Every man throughout history," Victor answers. "That's legit what our entire culture is built around. Violence and compromise. Since the cavemen eras," "Ha, caveman Hallows," Stacy laughs. "Do you think Hallows were Homo habilis, Homo erectus, or homo neanderthalensis?" "Well considering how small you are, you might be homo naledi," Victor jokes. I start laughing. "f**k you," she growls. "Don't laugh, B.B.," "I have no idea what you guys are talking about," Delilah sighs. "If I'm going to be a homo, I will rather be homosexual," I facepalm as Victor pulls into our driveway. Victor, Stacy, and I are still laughing when we get into the house. Mom and Dad are sitting in the library. "I'll go get my thing," "Okay," I nod as I go over to my desk. "I'm glad to see you two are getting along," Dad says as I boot up my computer. I open up David's questionnaire and begin to take out everything I gathered from him. His answers are as I expected them to be. I'm glad it worked as well as it did. "Yeah, we bonded over how much I hate Mom and how much she hates you," I nod. The two of them look at one another but don't push the subject. "Do you guys want to see something cool?" "Uh-" Mom shrugs. "Sure," I press the button on my bracelet to open my lab. "Excuse me, what the f**k is that?" "B.B.'s lab," Dad answers. "Oh, s**t. You didn't know about the lab," "You mentioned a lab but not in the house. I thought she was doing this s**t somewhere else," she shakes her head. "Is that what you're going to show us?" "No," I snort. I'm actually thinking about tearing down the wall between my lab and the small bedroom behind the shelves to expand it. "Zero One wake up," "Oh, s**t. You finished it?" Dad sits up. "Zero One, come up here I need you to compare some bloodwork for me," "Oh, my god," Mom screams when he climbs out of the lab's secret doorway. Dad and I laugh as he makes his way over to me. "He's not finished but I gave him legs and arms," I tell him. "I don't like all the exposed wiring," Dad shakes his head. I agree. This isn't how he's supposed to look. "Carson and I are waiting on fiberglass and the wraps. I got some pretty cool colors," "Oh, did you finally amp up the torch in the box?" he ask excitedly. "Yeah, Damian has been helping me out," I nod. "Who is that?" Mom points into my lab. "Why is there a girl in there?" "Oh, that's Mariah Thompson. Delilah and Damian are doing some weird foreplay s**t before they kill her," I shrug. Her mouth falls open but my dad shakes his head urging her to drop it. Zero One secures what I hand him and takes it back into my lab. "Look, he's doing it," "That is cool," Dad agrees. "What did you do about his attitude?" "Nothing yet. I just removed certain parts of his programing. He's basically an interactive Alexa bot. Damian and I are trying to identify why his protective instincts are so heightened. He's going to be pissed when I piece him back together. He's also going to hate that I made more," "Why did you make more?" he asks. "One for each one of my guys. Lucien and Ahsan are going to New York. Carson is joining the Airforce next year. Ro is going to be back and forth with his parents. Dec is going to train wherever it is Ray trained. He doesn't want to tell us. And if I don't make one for all of them they're going to make a big deal out of it the way they did the stupid songs. I also made one for Delilah," "What are they for?" Mom asks. "They're not, you know, s*x robots are they?" "s*x robots?" Delilah laughs as she comes over to me with a red folder in her hands. "No, they're helper A.I.s. You do know Delilah doesn't know how to cook or clean, right? Neither do Carson and Ahsan," the s*x thing might not be a bad idea. I can program them for scheduled lab work. Look at that Ashley actually gave me an idea and Carson's essence is really strong inside of me right now. I wonder what he's doing. "I believe that," my dad laughs. Delilah tosses the folder on the desk in front of me. "Oh, my god. Are you serious?" I blurt out as soon as I open it up. Ponies. She wants horses or one horse in particular but we can't just get one. She'll be lonely. "Ruth and Belly fixed up the barn. James said it would be a great distraction for us and it can be something we can both work on together," she smiles. "Yes, dude. All you had to do was say the words and I would have jumped on this a long time ago," I go through the rates and management stats she put together. "You really did put a lot of thought into this," "What are you two doing?" Dad asks and takes a seat next to her across from my desk. She scrunches her nose and scoots away from him. He glares at her but doesn't say anything. "We have an opportunity here," I say shutting the folder so he doesn't see. Delilah looks over at me and nods getting into business mode with me. "Del and I were kind of stripped of real parental guidance because you both suck," "But, for whatever reason. The universe has granted us this weird segway to bring us together every once in a while. While I was icing B.B.'s pretty new facial, thanks for that, Dad," she pretends to tip her head in his direction. Mom grins but Dad is still glaring at her. "We were talking about how we're being assholes to you guys. I mean here we are years after Dad's death. Months after Mom's death. Something some of our favorite people can't get. So, after a very disturbing talk with Dumb Helsing. We decided to let you in on this," "Dumb Helsing," I laugh. I'm using that. "I'm listening," Dad nods. "Is it illegal?" Mom asks. The three of us laugh. "No," she shakes her head and takes the first page from the folder, and rips it out. She holds it up to show them the picture of the Blue Roan Gypsy she wants. Her name is Sundae Morning. "Unholy s**t," Dad takes the paper from her. "She's gorgeous," "A horse?" Mom asks disappointed, taking the piece of paper from him. "That's not any horse, Darling. That's a gypsy. Benny King's horse Gelato always took first place against Liquorish. I f*****g hated her. Benny was a stupid b***h. You know she showed up hung over as f**k to one of the most important riding competitions of the year? You were there," "I hated Liquorish," Mom rolls her eyes. "And Benny was cool as ice," "Who's Liquorish?" Delilah asks. "Dad's black Mustang," I answer. "We're talking about horses, Dad," she rolls her eyes. "This is the whole homo thing again," Victor laughs from the couch. Dad is staring at her probably wondering where he went wrong. "Liquorish was a horse. Mustangs are horses. Really fast ones. Dad was an equestrian until he went on tour. What do you think all the trophies in his study are for?" I ask her. "I don't know. Band?" she shrugs. "What the f**k? I was never in band. I'm not a f*****g nerd," Dad glares at her. "Why do you think mom made us take horse riding lessons?" I ask. "Mom made us do all kinds of weird s**t. While you and Stacy were doing ballet Mom had me and Lucien doing opera," "Riding lessons were Dante's idea. I hate animals. Opera was all Lily," Mom shakes her head. "Which reminds me. Why the f**k is there a cat in here?" "It's Carson's cat," the three of us say. Dad looks over at her and tries to hide how much he's enjoying this. "His name is Timothy," I add. At the sound of his name, he meows somewhere in the house. "Family room. He was hanging out with Lucien before he left," Dad says. "I think it's a good idea," "I don't. She didn't even know what a Mustang was," Mom shakes her head. "They're both going to be excited to get the thing and then once they're bored their demon servants are going to have to take turns giving it attention. I've never seen either of them pay attention to this cat," "Okay, first of all. How dare you?" I scoff. "You don't pay attention to a cat. The cat pays attention to you. If you go around bothering him, you get the claws and the teeth, and then he's not going to want to snuggle in the middle of the night. I learned that the hard way. "Second, he's not our cat but I still bathe him and I brush him and clean out his litter every other day. His favorite litter boxes are the ones upstairs because it's quieter up there. I just got him chipped and he's wearing a tracking collar with a mini camera. Carson and I watch him do rich cat s**t when we can't sleep. "Lastly. Mom. Delilah is showing interest in something that doesn't involve murder, maiming, and drugs. Those have been her main personality traits since she turned thirteen. If she wants a horse even if it only keeps her distracted for a few months, I say we give her a f*****g horse. I love animals and that's a pony. I've been asking for a pony since I was four," "That's a very valid and solid argument," Dad nods. "You're not helping," she puts her hand on her hips. "Ashley, we're not going to be here often. We've got a couple of weeks tops before we have to bounce. If you tell Del no, she's not going to do it. But if you tell B.B. no, she's going to do it as soon as we're out the front door," "Then what the f**k is the point of asking us?" she sneers. "Parental guidance," I repeat. "Even if you cut either of us off, we'd still be able to afford it on our own. It would feel a lot more satisfying knowing that you guys are backing us up," "Yeah," Delilah agrees. "I vote no, but it's three against one, so. Yeah," she shrugs. "Ah!" Delilah screams and puts her hand over her chest. "Oh, my god is this what it feels like to be you?" she points at me. "No wonder you kick and scream. This feels amazing," "This was so cute," Stacy sniffles from my nook. "The robot's right leg is hanging," "s**t," I jump up. "I forgot to tighten the knee bolts," "What are you going to name it?" Mom asks. "Her name is Sundae Morning," Delilah says excitedly. "You can change the name, right?" "Why would you change the name?" I ask, reaching for the portable power drill Carson borrowed from my lab the other day. "That's the coolest name for her," "Sundae Morning?" Mom repeats. "Yeah, you know like the No Doubt song but Sundae like ice cream," Delilah explains. "Your mom doesn't know who that is," Dad snorts. "The connection is completely wasted on her," "How did you two fall in love?" Delilah blurts out. "The only thing you have in common is that you're both terrible people," "You know, I didn't want to take the first watch, but today is turning out to be a pretty good day," Victor says. "I wasn't expecting that, Amor," "We always have fun days together. Why would today be any different?" I ask rewiring the leg. "Right leg activation complete," Zero One announces. "Blood analysis corrupted. Would you like me to start again?" "Yes, please," I stand up. He starts moving around again. "Your sister and I never get along. I'm not very fond of your parents and Stacy is here," Vic answers. "It's like having a girl version of Lucien fawning over your every move. At the very least, Lucien gets something out of it. Stacy is just f*****g weird," "I'm sitting right here," Stacy smacks him on his chest. "I am so glad someone said it," Delilah laughs. "You should include her in one of your Satanic orgies," "No, thank you," Stacy shakes her head. "I'm sorry. What?" Mom asks. "What are you doing?" "Sacrificial s*x orgies with the crows to empower the devils. You know so they can channel our energy so we can take over the world," I answer, completely joking. Sort of because that's actually how it works now that we're all connected minus the take over the world part. Dad bursts into laughter when he turns around to look at her expression. "Oh, that's definitely going on s**t my girlfriend says," Delilah grabs her iPad and starts to write it down. "Kitten," he chokes out. "She's joking," "Eww, please don't call her kitten in front of us," I complain. "You don't see me calling San daddy in front of anyone," "B.B.!" Dad growls. "Aww man," Victor continues to laugh. "Dec is going to have so much fun tomorrow. He needs to get away from his weird ass dad for a bit. We should have let him die," "Victor," Delilah and Stacy laugh. "What you guys can all be assholes but we draw the line at wishing my friend's dad death cause he's a piece of s**t?" he huffs. "There's a double standard in there somewhere,"
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