I'm A Princess

2925 Words
Highly Suspect- Midnight Demon Club B.B. "Holy s**t. No, I didn't know that. I get it though," she shrugs. She's taking this well all things considered. I just kind of briefly explained what we are and why. Well, to the best of my abilities. "How were you brought up?" Mom asks her. "Well, my mom is kind of a hitwoman. She moves around a lot. I grew up in Old Town with my dad. He's cool for an old Greek guy," she shrugs. "He's seen all my recitals. Taught me how to fight and shoot. We hang out a lot," "Oh, my god. She's just like her," Mom laughs like it's the most adorable thing in the world. "You need this one," "Mom," I warn her. "Fine," she crosses her arms over her chest and sits back. "My dad is not going to like this. He's a little bit old school. The how dare you speak without me letting you type of s**t," Diana tells me. I hope he can adapt quickly because I'm not going to let some guy step all over me. I don't even let the guys do it and they've got real power over me. Okay, maybe I let them a little but I love these assholes. It's part of their appeal. "Is your middle name Prince?" Mom asks her. "Yes, how did you know that?" "Bunny was big on Wonderwoman," she laughs. Diana and I both flinch at the weird nickname. Scratching that off Lucien's cute pet names. "Hmm," Diana hums and turns her attention back to me. "So, what are you going to tell him?" "I'm going to show him my collection of antique vases," I hold up my phone to show her. "Oh, you're good at this. The old man loves this s**t. Start with this one," she hands the phone back. "He's been looking for it a while," "Thanks. Does he know you're different?" "Yeah, he and my mom have a weird share contract," she shrugs. "On a scale from one to ten, how high are you?" Ro asks her. "Twenty," she giggles. "Hola hermosa." he leans on the center console to look at me. I smile at him and cup his cheek before giving him a peck. "Hey," I greet him. He turns his head to look at Ahsan and gives him a nod. "Sup, b***h," he greets him. "f**k off," San grins and pushes his face back. Ro lets him. My teeth clamp down on my lower lip and I fight the burning sensation in my chest. The night they told me, Remy and Eve fought when Eve tried to bite Ro. I had to step in between them and Eve bit me with intent to kill. The entire right side of my body was numb for hours. I sat on the floor alone all night unable to move. Unable to tell them that I wasn't okay with this and when I was finally able to get up, I got the hell out of there. "Holy s**t," Mom whispers from the back. "Dante's jealousy never felt like that," "It's her jealousy times the six of ours," Ro whispers. Ahsan takes a deep breath and lets it out shaken by the anger coming off me. He can't even look at me. Diana giggles but doesn't comment on it. I can't help it. It's just happening and what's worse is that now I'm thinking about Shane and Rose in that closet. The way they looked at one another and I didn't f*****g know. My ears are burning. My throat is dry and it feels like Eve is wrapped around my neck tightly. "I think we should talk about this, B," Ro is the one that breaks the silence. "I'm fine," I say calmly and the windshield shatters. I inhale and the glass all around me turns to dust. Ahsan hits the brakes and finally looks at me. My phone starts ringing. He answers by pressing the button on the steering wheel. "What's up, Lu?" he answers for me. "Why the f**k is she raging right now?" he growls. "Mom is in the car with me," I lie. She huffs and I look back at her apologetically. The last thing any one of us needs right now is for Lucien to get involved. This way he just lets it go. It's a low blow to us calling a truce but I hope she understands. "Are you okay?" he asks. "We're fine," I say flatly. "Why are you in the outskirts of the eastside?" he asks. "We'll call you back, baby. I'm okay," I can't tell him why I'm out here. No one or they'll ruin the surprise. "Okay, I'm headed home. Car wants us to have dinner tonight. Be back before seven," he lets out a sigh of relief. "We'll be back before that," I say and hang up. "Bro, what happened to the glass?" Diana whispers. "That was cool as f**k. Can you reverse it?" "No," I shake my head. "Cover your mouth and nose. You don't want to breathe it in when we start moving," "Okay," she giggles and pulls her t-shirt over her face. The rest of us do the same as Ahsan leaves the borders of the eastside to head deep into the forest. We end up on a dirt road. It takes about four minutes before we reach what looks like a f*****g mini castle. "This is your house?" Mom laughs. "What the f**k?" "It's my dad's house," Diana smiles. As soon as Ahsan comes to a stop, a huge group of guys rushes out from all around us aiming really big guns at us. This definitely helps my pity party. I rather get shot than have to acknowledge that I'm possessive as s**t or that maybe this possessive stuff comes from them and it's the first time I have to deal with it. I doubt it though. I can easily blame them on my first attempt at love. It makes more sense. "Hey, it's just me," Diana shouts and throws the door open. The door falls to the floor. "I didn't do that," "I know it was me," I say and slide out through the open window. I go around and pick it up so I can put it back and lock the door so it doesn't fall again. The others get out the same way I did. With the movement, the side door falls out and I laugh. I unlock it and shove it into the back when Mom jumps out. I need to learn how to keep that to myself. An older man walks out of the huge, wooden, double doors dressed in an all-black Hugo Boss three-piece suit similar to the one that Carson got Lucien for his Valedictorian speech. He looks like he hasn't smiled in years but when his eyes land on Diana his grumpy demeanor completely changes and he smiles holding his heavily jeweled hand out for her. "Daddy," she skips over to him. "Who are your friends, princess?" he asks, embracing her tenderly when she hugs him. "This is my friend. B.B. and I might be wrong but those are her boyfriends?" she asks looking back at me. I nod. She doesn't say anything about my mother. "Rodrigo," the man greets Ro. Ro just greets him with a nod. I go over to the back of my Jeep and take the gift box I had James prepare for me. "I take it you're not here on behalf of your Godfather?" "Not today, amigo," "Don Calliste, I'd like to formally introduce myself," I step forward. "My name is Belladonna Blackstone," "Dante and Ashley's daughter," he nods. "Come on then," he waves me forward. "I'll have tea for you and your associates prepared. Camomille, two sugar cubes?" "Yes, sir," I bow. "Charming. Just like your mother," he smiles and turns around. He flicks his wrist and the men that greeted us disperse. "Anyone else getting a glimpse into Carson's future?" Ro whispers and I smile because he's not wrong. This is, I used to be nuts and now I'm a stay-at-home dad boss-level, s**t. An excited little squeak bursts out of me as I follow behind this intimidating human man. "I'd say more Vic. Carson is gonna get trained to be a boy scout," the two of them laugh. His home is as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside. The cream and gold marble tiles are shiny enough for me to see my pink panties in the reflection. I stand properly keeping my legs closed so no one else sees it but Ro is already smiling. I hit him with the back of my hand making him laugh. The inside of this house is fancy in a different way than mine is. Where mine is dedicated to the history, tradition, and future generations this house is brand new. There are recent pictures of Don Callstile on the walls with his children and his wife. My mom makes herself at home and wanders off. I'd like this place if the theme wasn't white and gold. I like our dark colors and wood framing. Then again, I feel like this house is designed to bring in light. We don't do that at the Haunted Mansion. We try to keep the light to a minimum. It could damage lots of things inside and we can't afford to replace any of it. "Is that for me?" he ask when we enter his study. "Oh, yes, sir. I heard you have a collection of ancient Ming vases," I offer him the box. A smile pulls at the edges of his lips and he waves me over to him. We stop at the glass display behind his desk. I step up behind him as he points at a silver-framed picture. There among the expensive trinkets is a photograph of my parents. Lucien's parents and Carson's parents. My jaw tightens enough for my teeth to hurt. "Your father and Carter were-" He pauses and smiles fondly. "Short tempered if you will. But Ashley," he opens the display and takes the picture out. "She wasn't a very big fan of conflict. She gave me this frame along with the six others. They were hand-crafted by a man known as Salvaje Villanueva. Do you know who that is?" "My grandfather," I nod. "It was one of the many gifts I received from your parents," he grins. "What is it you need from me, Miss Blackstone?" "I'm sure you know I've recently started to rebuild the city," "Yes, those Devils of yours are very efficient," he nods. "They're also both their father's sons," I smile when he laughs. "You are the best antique dealer in the world and I like antiques. That's what I want to talk to you about," "But not what the Devils of Hellbourne will want," he smirks. "Well, Carson likes to spend his money so maybe," I shrug. He laughs and hands me the picture before gesturing to the seat on the other side of his glass desk. I hate everything about this study. My Dad's is way more kick ass and he has my grandfather's head mounted on the wall. Don Calliste lost a few boss points with me. The bright white walls and the shiny glass surfaces. No thanks. Even the white leather moon chairs kind of annoy me but also. I want one just so I can put it in the middle of the library and spin around in it. Don Calliste sets the black gift box on his mirrored glass desk. It would be terrifying to do non-desk-related things with Carson on this. What if it broke? Also, prints must be a b***h to get off of this. I would literally go crazy trying to keep clean. Out of sight, out of mind is still a very promising motto for me. "This is gorgeous," he says and I look up trying to stop thinking about how dumb a glass desk is. He's holding a white and blue vase like it's the greatest thing in the world. I took that out of the basement where my father had trapped the demonic spirit of my grandmother that nearly killed me a few months ago. I figured he'd enjoy it more than the old damp basement does. It's just wasting down there. "I also have the locations of these," I place my phone on the glass surface and push it to him. He looks up at me and sets the vase back into the box. He snaps his fingers and two guys dressed in slacks and white button-ups come to take the vase away. Okay, that's cool. I love that. I give him half the boss points he lost back. "You want something expensive," he nods. "I do and I need it before June 20th," "I see," he nods. I reach over and flip through the pictures until I get to the black violin. He fidgets in his seat. "Lily De Laughrey's Violin," "Yes, It'll be Lucien's birthday and graduation present and it's very important for me to have it before then so that I can restore it," and learn to play his song the same way she did for him. I take the card James handed me last night and place it next to my phone before I take a seat. "That is my offer and the location of the violin," "If you know where it is, why don't you get it yourself?" he asks. "I'd like to see your skills before I conduct any kind of business with you. I know my father and Mr. Kennedy did business a certain way and that you were a friend but you see, you're not my friend. I'm not allowed to have male friends without my Devil's approval and as I said before. My business and his won't be the same. Surely, you understand," "I now see you are also your father's daughter," he grins. "Very well, give me two weeks. I accept," "You haven't seen my offer," "I'm sure it's a good one. Let me ask you something, Miss Blackstone. Who do you work for?" he asks. The guys laugh from behind me. "I've never worked a day in my life, sir. I'm a princess. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise," I sit back properly. "I seriously doubt that," he scoffs. A woman dressed in a skimpy maids outfit sets a teacup in front of me and another in front of him. "Try it, your highness," he gestures to the cup. I keep my eyes on him not liking his tone or the fact that he thinks he can make fun of me. I raise it properly to my lips and take a sip before setting it back down. "Is it to your expectations?" I lean forward without taking my eyes off him and spit the tea back into the cup. His grin fades. The guys curse from behind me. "That's not very ladylike, is it?" "I don't like to be mocked, sir," I sneer. "The water was burned for starters. If I wanted store-bought camomile I'd go to the Dunkin Donuts by my house and I can assure you, I'd never step foot there," I stand up snatching my phone off the table. I fold it and put it in my skirt's pocket. "You have two weeks. I'd hate if a stone found its way through your pretty glass house, Don Calliste. Lots of priceless breakables here," "Forgive me," he stands up. I hand him the silver frame with the picture of my family and him back. "Don't ever bring Ashley up again. She's dead and gone. I hope you understand," I growl at him. "Of course," he bows his head. I feel the cool feeling of Eve's presence around me and I smile. "Have a good night, Don Calliste. It was an honor meeting you. I've heard really good stories," "Likewise, Miss Blackstone. I'll walk you out," he walks us out to the front where my Jeep is hanging on by a thread. My mom is sitting in the back. I turn to face him as the guys walk up ahead. I hold my hand out. He looks from my hand to my face and then takes it. He kisses the top of my hand and bows his head. I want to laugh but proving a point is so much more fun. "We're not going to have this problem again, right?" I ask him. "No, of course not," he shakes his head. "Great, I look forward to our business together. If the guys come by, I'd like for this to stay between us." "Very well. I look forward to doing business again," he nods tightly. Ro picks me up and helps me through the window before getting into the back. "Coffee at your Cafe?" Diana calls after me. "Monday, after school?" I nod. "You got it," she giggles. I gasp when his burning humility floods through me. Ahsan grips the steering wheel feeling it as well. "f**k, he was pissed," Ro laughs. "Wow, that felt so good," "What was that?" Ahsan asks. "That, children, is called Humility," Mom says. "That man was just reminded who the Blackstones are. That was one of Dante's favorite snacks. Loved turning all the big bosses into his bitches. The bigger their god complex, the more it fed the stone. Didn't think you had that in you," she laughs. "Princess,"
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