Needed Answers

1661 Words
Mae -POV Daniel just stared at me with calm eyes. “I’m here to check on you,” he said calmly. Narrowing my eyes, I didn’t believe a word he said. “Don’t give me that suspicious look,” Daniel added, pushing past me and entering my room. “Get out, Daniel,” I hissed. Nancy came to stand by my side, looking confused. Daniel took a seat on the couch, his eyes locking onto mine. “I’m sure you’re not here on Oscar’s orders to keep an eye on me,” I said. “If you want, you can return to me,” Daniel said. I scoffed. “You and I are done and history, Daniel,” I growled. Daniel gave me a blank stare, and I noticed Nancy eyeing him with interest, probably considering him for her next fling. Nancy always had an eye for a wolf in heat. “If you come to me,” Daniel said, “you won’t die.” He stood up, moving close enough that I could feel his breath on my neck and his hand gently caressing my cheek. “I don’t want to be with you, Daniel,” I snapped, putting some distance between us—a dark smirk formed on his lips, sending shivers down my spine. I had never seen him like this before. He stepped closer, meeting my gaze. “Fine, if you say so. You’ll face death soon if you stay alone,” he whispered in my ear. “Your parents' enemies are hunting from tonight.” “Wait, how did the news spread?” I asked. “Does it matter how? It would be best if you weren’t here. It’s not safe,” he purred. “I can help you find a hiding place after you meet your cousin Faye.” I blinked in shock. How the hell did he know my thoughts? And on top of that, we weren’t even mates. “Don’t trouble yourself overthinking, Mae,” he whispered, taking my hand and slipping a small piece of paper into it. He kissed my cheek, sending a delicious shiver down my spine. What the hell was going on? Daniel was acting out of character. He had been quiet and submissive when I lost my virginity to him, but my love for Oscar had never stopped, even after I found my mate and rejected him. Now, here he was, acting mysterious and looking different. He looked strong, almost like an Alpha. Where Oscar was Hercules-built, Daniel had a similarly impressive build. Today, I noticed his sharp jaw, blonde hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes. He looked handsome. “Are you guys going to kiss or what?” Nancy’s voice broke the haze. Daniel distanced himself from me and left in haste. Nancy gave me a teasing smile. “Why the hell are you always around such handsome hunks?” she said in a jealous tone. I rolled my eyes. “Nancy, you better go to this address and figure out if it’s safe,” I added, memorizing the location from the note. Nancy nodded and left, and I set off to meet Faye. A question lingered: how did Daniel know about my meeting with Faye? It could be a risk. I put on a black hoodie and black jeans, tied my hair back, and drank the energy drink Nancy had left for me. I tried to use my magic for teleportation, but it was weak, just like me. Damn, I needed to sprint to Faye Manor. As I ran, I sensed an energy shift. Some people hated my parents, and they had sent assassins to kill me. Alpha Rogue Tristan, who had kept me alive to help Faye had murdered my parents. My luck had run out. I felt the assassins chasing me, ready to end my life. I had wanted to die a few hours ago, but now there were unanswered questions I needed to resolve before I could fight. My weak legs gave out, and I stumbled and ran into the forest. “You b***h, die,” an assassin hissed, shifting from human to wolf form, baring his teeth and charging at me. I dodged, but another assassin, who hadn’t turned, used magic arrows to kill me. I dodged again. I can’t die yet. Panting weakly, I saw another assassin emerge from hiding, and his dagger nicked the side of my neck. I hissed, too late to dodge, and I started to bleed. Damn. I was outnumbered. It felt like I was seeing my death unfold before my eyes again, but this time without the roaring curses of the Pack. Three assassins with deadly eyes and menacing smiles approached me. I tried to use my wolf power, but it wasn’t responding. I tried to run, but the bleeding from my neck made me dizzy. I pushed myself to stand, refusing to fall without a fight. A twig snapped, and I saw a grey wolf. I knew it belonged to Oscar. But what was his wolf doing here? The assassins looked scared, and before they could attack, the grey wolf moved with superhuman speed, killing the assassins. Oscar’s wolf was strong, but it seemed even stronger now. Fear gripped me as the grey wolf with green eyes stared at me, then disappeared. I slumped against the bark of a tree, breathing hard. “Cousin,” I saw Faye standing with a frown. I was close to Faye Manor, but knew I had to meet her discreetly. Why was Oscar here? “It seems you can’t resist the questions in your head,” Faye taunted. She helped me up, though I hated to accept her support. She walked me to the territory of the Red Night Pack, where she was Luna. I saw the guards frowning at me but respecting Faye. There was no malice in Faye’s face; she was calm as she guided me to the infirmary, putting on gloves and bringing out the medical kit. “Why?” I whispered. Faye gave me a quizzical look. “What do you mean, why?” she asked, tending to the deep nick on my neck, making it hard for me to speak. “Don’t play games with me, Faye,” I hissed through clenched teeth as the pain surged when she applied disinfectant to my wounds. I bit my lip to stifle a cry. Faye didn’t answer, despite my attempts to intimidate her. She used to respond defiantly, but now she only showed sympathy, which I hated. Was she looking down on me? I wanted to lash out at her, but a sharp pain rose as Faye used magic roughly to close my wounds. I glared at her, and she returned a hateful gaze, confirming her disdain. “Answer me,” I managed. “Why am I still breathing?” “Listen to me, Mae. What I’m about to tell you will shake you to your core,” Faye said. “Faye,” a voice interrupted, making me hate the wait even more. Alpha Atlas came into view, giving me a deathly glare. He despised me and wanted to end my life, but my sister was stopping him. Why were there so many secrets driving me crazy? “What is it, love?” Faye asked with a warm smile. Jealousy tugged at me; she had found her love. All I ever wanted was love, something I never got from my parents. They only told me what to do if I wanted to stay in their lavish life. “Oscar is drunk and sleeping in the guest house,” Atlas hissed, annoyed. He hated Oscar out of jealousy. Faye sighed. “He needs time to get over what happened,” Faye said, looking at me and then back at Atlas, who stared at me with hate. “Oscar doesn’t need time; he needs to f**k some chick. Well, he was successful tonight,” Atlas said with a smirk. The pain in my neck was nothing compared to the ache in my chest. “Atlas,” Faye reprimanded him. He didn’t look guilty for saying the harsh truth I already knew. “Faye, she knows it herself,” Atlas growled. “Babe, I’ll meet you soon. I need to speak with Mae alone,” Faye said. Atlas nodded, giving me a deathly glare before leaving. I looked at her curiously. Faye smirked. “How time changes,” Faye mocked. I knew she was remembering how I used to mistreat her when she needed money, how she used to look at me with hope, and how I used to torture her. I knew what was coming, but I braced myself for pain as Faye stood and used her magic. Instead, there was no impact. Faye gave me a knowing smirk, enjoying the moment of my fear. “I’m sorry... Faye,” I said in a weak voice. I needed answers and felt guilty for my sins. Faye’s expression changed for a fraction of a second; she hadn’t expected me to say those words. “Tell me why you saved me.” “Dear cousin, sister,” Faye sighed. “We’re not cousins, as you know,” she said. I nodded. “You’re not a Cooper either, Mae. Your parents adopted you, just like mine.” I gulped at the news, shocked that the parents I had obeyed all my life weren’t mine. “Why did you save me?” I asked. “I found something from my dead traitor Hybrid Secretary,” Faye said. “It seems you were under someone else’s manipulation spell, forced to act.” I blinked in surprise. “What the hell are you talking about?” I snapped. Faye showed me the reports. I was born in an orphanage, and the reports revealed that I had been manipulated by spell magic because I, too, could control people’s minds. I stood still, processing the information.
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