868 Words

ALICE POV I rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. Sitting on the floor, between sobs, the events of the last 24 hours swirled in my mind. First that damned wizard, then Alex who, with a kiss – well, a bit more than a kiss – turned my world upside down again, annihilating my certainties, only to revert to being the damn jerk he truly is. Why can't I have normal relationships with the opposite s*x? I sighed, frustratingly running my hands over my face, desperately trying to wipe away the tears streaming from my eyes. There's a knock at the door. "Ali, please, I'm sorry, open the door." The nerve of that guy! Can't I even go to the bathroom alone now? "Alex, fottiti!" I yelled back. "Bunny, are you cursing at me? I got the unfriendly tone, but not the meaning." He

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