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ALICE POV After a long, hot shower, I swiftly slipped into the midi black dress Val brought me, towel-dried and braided my wet hair, and applied a bit of eye makeup—just a touch of mascara. I also applied a ton of foundation on the hickey, successfully covering it up. All in all, I looked decent, not too formal but not like I just rolled out of bed either—a normal middle ground to blend in. I joined the others in the kitchen, Val and Max greeted me with encouraging smiles, while Alex eyed me questioningly. What could be the problem now? I held his gaze, not lowering it or yielding, and with confident steps, I headed towards the door. "So? Shouldn’t we go?" I asked. "Did you change your mind, and I can stay here with Val?" "Why did you use so much makeup?" His annoyance and bitterness filled the room. So was it on purpose? Did he f**k*ng leave that huge hickey on purpose? That’s the kind of creepy sh*t Marco was used to do. Hell, no way I was going to let it happen again. "That's none of your damn business," I deadpanned, causing Max to burst into a loud laugh and Val to lower her gaze, hiding a grin. I saw a glint of darkness in his amber eyes while he clenched his jaw, pinning me against the back of the entrance door, caging me with his strong biceps. "You're not going to run away, little bunny. Keep it in that pretty head of yours," he whispered in my ear. His hot, minty breath made me shiver from head to toe. I swallowed hard, trying to maintain composure even though my knees were now weak and on the verge of buckling. That hot god licked my earlobe, tingles erupted directly reaching my core and abruptly move away “keep going now, little bunny”. Speechless. Alex was the only one capable of rendering me speechless with barely any interaction. Just the anticipation of his gentle yet possessive touch was enough to turn me into jelly. How was I supposed to survive the date? Can werewolves cast spells too? Could I be under another s****l spell? Or perhaps still under a horny one? I made a mental note to gather more information about werewolves from Val when no one else could eavesdrop. "Ali, I grabbed a couple of outfits from your wardrobe, pajamas, and everything you'll need. Now, let's follow them; the Alpha shouldn't wait any longer. We could get into trouble," Val whispered, pulling me out of the trance I had slipped into. I nodded, linking arms with her, and silently followed the two overconfident guys. Alex quickly took the wheel of the black SUV, Max in the passenger seat, and Val and I in the back seat. Occasionally, Val squeezed my hand, reassuring me. The car ride was quiet, too quiet. The three werewolves exchanged glances every now and then, as if having a secret conversation. I often caught Alex's gaze in the rearview mirror, fixated on me. Awkwardness filled the air for almost an hour as we drove alongside a lush, dense forest of pine, spruce, and oak, past a vast lake, and through a few small villages. Through the window, the dense forest unfolded like an ancient tapestry, the towering trees casting shifting shadows that danced across the forest floor in rhythmic patterns. I couldn't wait to get out of the car and breathe in the fresh air. Alex's aftershave intoxicated my senses, enveloping me in a warm embrace, as if I weren't already affected enough by his chiselled physique and cocky attitude. "Sweetheart, we're almost there. We are just entering the gates of the Blackwood Pack, just need to remember a couple of things," Max said gently, breaking the long silence as we passed through silver gates adorned with black wolf statues on either side. "Never go anywhere without one of us. The pack members haven't been informed that a human will be in our territory, so they might react strangely. Secondly, when you meet the Alpha and Luna, greet them and bow a little. It's customary." "How will I know who they are?" I asked anxiously, not wanting to step into more trouble than I already had. "Well, Alex and Luna have the same eyes, and Alex is the spitting image of his father, so it won't be too difficult, sweetheart," Max reassured me. My jaw dropped. Was I going to meet his parents with his hickey on me? No, I couldn't be. I must have missed something, misunderstood something, definitely. "Sorry, I didn't understand correctly. You said I'm going to meet Alex's parents? Why?" I whined. "Because they hold the highest rank in our pack. Basically, the Alpha is our governor, and Luna is much more than a normal first lady. Believe me, when she's angry, she's scarier than the scariest," Max continued, raising and lowering his eyebrows. Was he trying to scare me or reassure me? "Don't worry too much about it. You'll be fine," Alex interjected, intertwining our fingers. Sure. Fine. Much better. Damn. Sighing, I leaned back against the seat. Italy and the family restaurant seemed like the best option more and more. Once I wanted to take control of my future, this is how it ended up. I'm ending up in the den of wolves. Worse, in the den of werewolves. And the scariest of them all is Alex's mother. Perfect. Kill me! I sighed. "You know, I'll be fine, locked up in a spare room. I won't even need food or water. I'll be fine. I don't need to interact with anyone. I'll be safe and sound by myself, never encountering anyone," I whined. "Sorry, little bunny, that's not happening. You can't starve yourself. Plus, we have a deal, remember?" Alex said with that cocky smirk again. "And you need to meet Mom. She's a hybrid witch. She'll help us figure out what happened last night better." I paled. Not again. I don't want to think about it anymore. "I'm not going to relive everything again." "We have to figure out what that white aura was that enveloped everything. Nothing more, nothing less, little bunny. I'm not letting anybody hurt you. I swear to you, Mom doesn't bite," Alex assured me "At least, not at first sight," Max added with a mischievous grin. Oh, God. I'm dead. As the SUV came to a halt in front of the colossal mansion, I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and apprehension wash over me. The structure loomed imposingly, its solid stone and wood façade hinting at the mysteries held within. Yet, despite its formidable exterior, there was an unmistakable sense of warmth emanating from the building, as if it were extending a comforting embrace. The majestic turrets and elegant spires lent the packhouse an air of regal splendour, while the inviting windows seemed to invite me to peer into its secrets. Its architecture was a fusion of old-world grandeur and contemporary comfort, a testament to the passage of time and the enduring traditions of the pack. As I approached the packhouse, I felt a swell of emotion in my chest, captivated by its magnificence and allure. Each stone and beam seemed to whisper tales of bygone eras, waiting to be unravelled. I was both spellbound and drawn to this place, sensing that I had stumbled upon something extraordinary, something that resonated with my soul. Or so I hoped. A stunning woman with long honey-blonde hair cascading in soft, glossy waves down her back, high cheekbones, and piercing amber eyes greeted us as she emerged from the grand mahogany door, the entrance to the mansion. I wasn't prepared to meet his mother. She turned a questioning gaze to her son, and after what felt like an eternity, she spoke. "Hi, Alice. I'm Angela. It's nice to meet you, darling. Hi Val, your mom is waiting for you in the kitchen" Val bowed and greeted her Luna disappearing around the corner and, remembering Max's words, I offered a light bow, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment as I hoped she wouldn't notice the hickey. "Good evening, Luna. It's a pleasure to meet you too. Thank you very much for your hospitality." "No need to thank us, dear. Alex's friends are always welcome in this house," Luna Angela added before turning her gaze to her son and Max. "Your father is waiting in his office for both of you. Go ahead; I'll take care of this little human here in the meantime." Oh, shoot. That's it. She's going to kill me. The gentle voice and appearance were just a façade, and Luna Angela was going to rip my throat out in the blink of an eye. Alex kissed the top of my head before obeying his mother's orders, adding a little something to condemn me to death. Or maybe not. A glint crossed Luna's eyes, and she gently curled her lips, grabbing my hand. "Alice, would you like to have a coffee in the garden while the men talk?" "Sure, Luna. I would gladly have a coffee with you," I replied courteously, secretly praying that it wouldn't be the usual watery brew that was anything but coffee. As we turned the corner, we stepped onto the back patio, which opened onto a lush garden. Vibrant flowers bloomed amidst verdant foliage, and ancient trees stood tall against the sky. The distant lake sparkled in the sunset light, imparting a sense of tranquillity and peace. We took a seat, and Val brought us two espressos. Finally, I could have a real coffee. A huge smile crossed my lips as the right smell filled my nostrils and the perfect aroma exploded in my mouth, pure bliss. After a week without coffee, I was on cloud nine, feeling like maybe things were finally taking a turn for the better.
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